Sequel: Unknown Calling

Calling Carter.


Caidan fell to the ground with a groan, leaving the knife in my arm. I stared at it in shock for a second, then shook my way out of whoever was holding me and took a firm grip on the handle of the knife, yanking it out and clenching my teeth tightly to stop and noise of pain escaping me.

Kala gasped as she saw the knife. Since Caidan’s body was now out of the way, she could see what he had done. I turned with a lethal, pissed off expression to Caidan’s friends. “Anyone else want to try a stunt like this genius?” I gestured with the knife to the groaning Caidan, motionless on the ground. The blade glimmered red in the grey light. The handle was completely slippery due to the blood from my arm pooling in my hand.

I brought the knife up and shifted closer to the nearest boy to me, and they all scattered, leaving Kala, Caidan and I alone. I realised the bell must have gone a while ago for the end of lunch, which was why no-one had seen us or interrupted. Crap, it was raining, and my bag was outside.

“Silah, oh my god.” Kala said in a very, VERY quiet voice. That was bad; Kala never spoke quietly unless something was wrong.

“Are you okay? What did he say to you? Did he hurt you?” I asked, getting worried at how abnormally pale she had become.

“Yes, not a lot, no, but he hurt YOU!” Kala said. Her eyes glittered, filling with tears. “What’s going on, Silah?” She asked me, sounding like she was about to cry.

I felt my heart break watching her look so sad. “I’m okay, Kala, really. He sucks at stabbing people.” I smiled, even though my arm was a little sore. Well, for being stabbed with a freaking knife by a crazy … however old Caidan was… boy, I felt pretty damn good. He’d missed anything that might have been important, so I wasn’t worried about loosing much blood. For some reason, it made me wonder what blood type I had. Cause I didn’t know. (Duh.)

Carefully stepping on Caidan’s fingers, I hugged Kala as tightly as I could with one arm. I didn’t want to ruin her uniform – blood is a real bitch to get out of clothes, you know that? – and I didn’t want to scare her.

She gave me a fright when she called out, “Carter!” Who skidded around a corner, looking worried as hell and more than a bit pissed off.

“Kala? Silah? What-?” He looked like he had a million questions to ask, but he was interrupted.

Mr Louis followed him around the corner.

“What are you all doing out of class?” He asked indulgently, dangerously, knowing he had caught us up to no good.

My inner smart-ass kicked into high gear. “Oh, not a lot, Mr Lou,” I said sweetly, deliberately shortening his name. I got off Caidan’s fingers subtly so I had a smaller chance of getting in trouble. “Just, you know, trying to find out my blood type.” And I ripped my shirt sleeve open where Caidan had failed so epically at trying to do real damage.

He had cut through part of my bicep, which did hurt, but it wasn’t an artery or anything. I wasn’t too worried but I knew Kala was. Funny thing was, Mr Lou – heh – was more squeamish than a little girl who’s never seen a spider.

God it was funny watching him faint. He landed with a small FA-THUMP. His eyes just rolled back into his head and he crumpled. We stared for a second until I burst into startled, disbelieving laughter and pulled out my phone, trying not to wince as my arm called me a bitch through my nerve endings. This was way too good to miss. My laughter and smile faded when I saw Carter’s face. He was looking at me, then Caidan, and he was more than pissed off. He was bloody livid.

“I’M FINE!” I said loudly, before he even opened his mouth. “Calm down, you’ve saved me from worse, and trust me, he’s paying for it.” I assured him. I smiled a tiny bit when his face softened, and he walked towards us. As he came up beside me I turned back to Kala.

“What did he say, Kala?” I asked gently. Carter turned his intent gaze to his sister, and we waited for her answer.

“He just asked me … if I knew someone, but I didn’t. And he also tried to hit on me,” she said, wrinkling her nose. She grinned at me. “I had no idea how to tell him to piss off, but you did a great job.”

I laughed with relief, glad she wasn’t freaked out so much any more. "Um, can I get a plaster, please?" I asked, realising my arm was bleeding again.
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OKay, this is just a whole lotta love for my readers and commenters:
~Cheekymonkey (even though you don't actually comment on the story part where they have a spiffy page for it, you comment on my profile page. that's cool, but you really should comment on the "comments" page, cause then i get more comments XD. the link is at the top of the page when you are reading the story)
~and everyone else who reads :)

at school, i got REAL bored, and wrote a little extra scene including Carter's friends and the day they meet Silah. Just a whole load of fun and boys being boys. I'm gonna put it as a chapter, but it isn't actually a part of the main plot. It's just fun. Lol, Luc is based on one of the guys i know, and Alice is a real person and will punch me for this. XD