Sequel: Unknown Calling

Calling Carter.

Ice cream, anyone?

The door opened, and Mum came in first. She had Silah’s schoolbag over one shoulder and didn’t look too grim, which was good. I wondered if she knew the whole story of what had happened today.

Silah came in after Mum. She was walking slowly, but alone. She was still a little pale but was looking much better, even though she was still in her school uniform; white shirt bloody and one sleeve ripped to shreds and dark green skirt looking black.

In her good hand, she held a large black plastic carton. It looked like… ooh, it was. It was ice cream! My favourite kind, too, by the looks. Chocolate éclair – vanilla ice cream, with chocolate chips and chocolate fudge sauce. Yummy. Silah grinned as both Carter and I ran towards her.

Carter reached her first but I wormed my way in between them and hugged her round the waist as tight as I could, making her laugh. She put one arm around both me and Carter, trying not to move the other one.

“Hello,” I chirped, glad to see her looking so much better. I let her go, taking the ice cream with me like a little ninja.

Silah grinned at me. “That’s for you,” she explained, “as a thankyou for moving my bag out of the rain.” I smiled and said no problem, then gave Mum a look that begged for ice cream. She rolled her eyes and said yes and I got four spoons and bowls out of the cupboard.


Silah looked so much better. I was relieved. As Kala let go of Silah and let me hug her properly, I heard her say, “hey,” really quietly.

“Hey,” I replied, breathing in the smell of her hair. “I was worried about you,” I admitted. I hugged her as tight as I dared. I didn’t want to hurt her. She raised her sore arm slowly and hugged me back properly, and I smiled.

“I had to get stitches and stuff but that was about it and apart from pain medication,” she rolled her eyes, “so they said I just had to rest.”

I nodded. “And you will,” I said firmly. She tried to give me a look that said she didn’t need to but I gave her a look of my own, then added. “You don’t take care of yourself, but I will.”

“Is that a promise?” Silah asked softly, raising her head to look at me.

I smiled. “Yes,” I said. Then, I lowered my head and kissed her.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short, but hopefully good. Haha.