Sequel: Unknown Calling

Calling Carter.

Let's play a game: Caidan says

In the woods, I paced, furiously. She had no idea. No fucking idea what she was doing, how much I would have to punish her for this. Didn’t she know? Couldn’t she see? She was mine. Mine!

I took a deep, shuddering breath. I wanted my knife back. I wanted her to realise that that Carter guy was not man enough for her. That I was. I would be everything she needed, even if I had to take away everything she had to become that. That was easy. All I had to do was get rid of the boy, the other girl, and that infuriating older woman. She was irritating me. I couldn’t do anything with her around.

I rubbed my fingers against the inside of my wrist subconsciously. As soon as It was dark and everyone was asleep or gone, I would visit her again. The thunderstorm would keep them all on their toes, but that didn’t trouble me. I just hated getting wet.

I looked with distaste out at the infernal view that they all seemed to enjoy so much. What was so great about it? The sky was grey and filled with clouds. The trees stretched around and looked like they were trying to eat me. If it hadn’t been raining so recently I would have gotten my lighter and some petrol and burned the whole goddamned place down; see how much they enjoy it then.
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Just a little insight into our lovely little villain's mind. He only wants to destroy the forest because everyone else loves it so much. He's a sick little bastard with some serious issues, namely:
1) He thinks women are property
2)He thinks one/both of the girls is actually his
3)He wants to get Carter out of the way... permanently....