Sequel: Unknown Calling

Calling Carter.

The calm.


We eventually went to sleep, all piled together in the lounge. We were sleeping on the couch cushions, which we had just dumped on the floor. The guys were on the outside, and Kala and I slept beside one another.

Or, at least, Kala slept. I woke after having a really strange dream.

Caidan was walking with me, holding my hand. He actually looked nice when he wasn’t trying to kill me or my family. We were walking up View Hill, and the sun was just beginning to set. The sky was literally blood red, all of it. Suddenly there was no sun, no clouds, just that blood red, everywhere. We came to the top of the hill and there were four tombstones there, and the first one had Carter’s name on it. The second Kala’s. The third; my mother, and the fourth, Layny. The ground opened and Caidan suddenly shoved me to my knees, forcing me to look at the coffins of those I loved.

I woke up trying not to scream.

I got out of bed, noticing that the rain had stopped again. Did I want to know the time? I looked anyway. 1.45am, said the glowing face on the microwave. God, I was not a morning person.





Something was hitting the door. Like small stones being thrown at the sturdy wood.

My arm was throbbing again, but before I went to see what it was, I went and got something from my school bag.

Warily, I opened the front door and stepped outside. It was cold and wet, but I walked forward anyway, until I saw a silhouette.

I stood alone, shivering, on the track, not far from the house. Caidan had gotten me out of bed, and I was wearing only a singlet and trackpants. I had the knife pressed to the back of my thigh, where he wouldn’t be able to see it.

“Come with me, Silah.” He called into the cold night air. His white blond hair glowed unhealthily.

“Fuck off.” I retorted angrily.

He walked a little closer, and I rearranged my grip. I was going to kill this bastard once and for all, let the cops sort it out later.

“This is your only chance, Silah, maybe you should think about coming quietly.” He grinned at me, face twisted into a sick leer. I shook my head, knowing what he was capable of now.

“Silah is mine, Caidan. She’ll never go to you,” Carter said from behind me. I felt the satisfaction he put into his words. I knew I would ask him about that later. His, hmmm? I hid a smile.

Caidan looked from Carter back to me. “You are gonna regret this!” He spat angrily. Looking around him, he slipped back into the night’s shadows.

“Fucker.” Carter growled.

I nodded in agreement, feeling really tired all of a sudden. I didn’t let go of the knife, though. “Carter, he’s planning something,” I muttered. All I wanted to do now was go back to sleep. I wanted to forget my dream. I sighed. I couldn’t keep just pushing all of this away. It was gonna snap back and bite me in the ass soon.

We went back inside, careful not to wake Kala and Adam. I stood by the kitchen bench, leaning against the breakfast bar.

“Carter,” I said tiredly, “we need to go after him, before he comes after us again.” I held one hand to my head. It was hurting yet again. This time I actually went after the drugs myself.

Carter came and wrapped his arms around me. “We will,” he assured me.

I nodded. “We have to keep Kala safe,” I said thoughtfully, “but how come he wanted me to go with him?” I wondered aloud. I saw Carter’s face change. “What?” i asked. My tone of voice said ‘tell me or I’ll make you tell me’.

“Si..” He started. I crossed my arms.

“Yeah?” I asked.

“I don’t think he wants Kala anymore,” Carter explained quietly. Angrily.

I blinked. “That’s just stupid,” I blurted. I was about to say something else when I decided not to, and instead kissed Carter.

I loved doing that.

“Oh yeah,” I said softly, “I’m yours, am I?” I said with a small smile.

Carter nodded, completely serious. “You are.” He agreed.

“Says who?”

There was a quiet moment.

“Says someone who ... has to have you or I’ll be depressed.” Carter attempted to look cute, with puppy dog eyes and pouty lips. He failed, but it was hilarious. I laughed quietly, then looked at him with a grin.

“Depressed?” I asked.

“Not just depressed,” Carter amended, “Lonely, sad, and… all that crap.” He laughed, then turned serious all of a sudden. “No, seriously, Si. I don’t want to be without you another day of my life.”

What does a girl say to that?

“Better kill Caidan, then.” I muttered. Bugger, I kept saying these things out loud. I hadn’t actually meant to let Carter know I wanted to kill Caidan. Bet he wanted to as well, though.

“Sounds good.” Carter said.
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You guys are gonna be so omg at the next chapter XD