Sequel: Unknown Calling

Calling Carter.


“Gawsh, Carter, I wanted to tell her that.” Luc called loudly from the open door. Daniel laughed quietly behind him.

I laughed. “Shush, Luc, like you’ve never said it to Alice.” He went pink, and we all laughed again. Carter’s grip had tightened as soon as Luc had ruined our moment.

“I love you too, Carter.” I announced with a small smile. I loved the way his eyes lit up and he smiled when I said that. I decided to say it more often.

Suddenly, all of it was interrupted.

My phone went off.

I froze.


Silah, come play with me.
If you go out in the woods today…
You better go in disguise…

Do you know that children’s rhyme?

You are most definitely in for a surprise.

See you soon, my lovely.

See you soon, motherfucker, I thought.

“He says she’s in the woods somewhere…” I said angrily. I looked up at the guys. “Let’s go seek them out.”

Carter decided we should split up. Adam was staying home with Layny to be ready when we came back. Daniel and Luc were going to search one area, Carter and I the other. We split up and started to search. It was around midday, so the sun was high, and there were shadows everywhere. If I hadn’t already known where to find her, I would be feeling absolutely hopeless.

My phone buzzed when Carter and I were on the top of View Hill.

Come alone, sweetheart. This time, you had better listen to me.

Or Kala will be worse for wear.

Quickly now.

My stomach tightened painfully at the thought of him hurting Kala. I prayed that she wasn’t hurt, but I knew what he was capable of. I think I was only just hanging on to the thought that she was still alive.

How was I supposed to go alone? Carter hadn’t let me out of his sight. I would have to be sneaky. I knew it was stupid going alone but now I was so desperate to get Kala back I would do nearly anything. Carter would stop me if he knew. He would try to propose a better plan and then it wouldn’t work.

How was I going to distract Carter?

“Kala?” I suddenly turned, as if I had heard her calling me. “Kala?” I called louder, more desperately. I started running in a random direction, hoping Carter thought I was hearing her calling me and follow. He did.

I tried to run faster, increase our distance, but Carter ran faster than me. Spotting a sharp turn I could fake, I darted around it and doubled back, making my way to my tree. As I sprinted through the clearing I deliberately dropped my phone on the path so I wouldn’t lose it, but also wouldn’t be distracted. I tried to ignore Carter’s confused shouts as he realised I was gone.

I forced myself to slow to a walk as I neared the base of my tree.

But I couldn’t stop the horrified scream I let loose at what I saw at its trunk.
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Oh noes! What's there? What's gonna happen? Is Kala DEAD?! Will Carter realise he's been tricked? Will Silah get out safely? Will Caidan get what's coming to him?

How evil am i.


Dont kill me...