Sequel: Unknown Calling

Calling Carter.


My question was soon answered. Caidan had great fucking timing.

Just as Carter came into view, the hand cuffs broke and I was able to put Kala’s arms into a less painful position. Relief made my arms weak and I tried to put her down as gently as possible. She didn’t move when I lay her down, and I didn’t have time to check if she was breathing.

Caidan dropped down from a tree branch.

“I told you to come alone, Silah.”

“Fuck you, Caidan!” I yelled. I rose, glaring at him, and pointing at Kala. “Why did you do it?!”

Caidan’s cruel smile widened. “Because she’s mine. I can do what I want to her, and that’s what I wanted to do.” He stepped closer to me. My arm started shaking, and I wasn’t sure if it was because of rage or just because I’d been holding it there for a while. I didn’t back away from him; I wanted him in range so I could bloody well deck him. “And you, Silah, you’re something I’ve wanted for a long time.”

“You can’t have me.” I told him flatly.

His eyes narrowed. “I thought you’d have that opinion. She’s going to die, you know, if she hasn’t already,” he told me with sadistic pleasure, eyes flicking to Kala.

“So are you,” I breathed.

Carter was watching us, torn between trying to help his sister and defending me. I decided for him.

“Get Kala out of here, Carter, what are you waiting for?” I demanded. I pointed at Caidan. “You want me, come get me. Or maybe you want a chance to gloat first. I’ve heard that psychos love to do that.”

I stepped towards him and to the side, between him and my fallen friend. I was trying not to look at Kala or her brother. Carter had shot me a look as he walked into the clearing, and I knew he was angry with me. I know it was stupid to try and be a hero but Kala was important to me. She was important to Carter, too; he was just too stubborn and too male to admit that I could help. I think there’s an element of deja-vu to that.


Oh god, she wasn’t moving. She was covered in dried blood and her arms were almost certainly broken. Silah had tried to be gentle as she moved Kala but she was so injured it would have hurt her anyway. The cuffs were still tight around her wrists, the chain broken between them. How had Silah broken it? I didn’t have time to glance at her. I needed to get my baby sister somewhere where it was safe. Home. Home sounded good.

Without a second thought I closed my eyes for a split second, praying that I wasn’t about to do more damage. I knelt and carefully arranged Kala in my arms, trying to make her as comfortable as possible. Then, I stood, backing from Silah and Caidan in the direction of home. Silah had her back to me, keeping Caidan away, but he saw me leaving. He didn’t say anything, and relieved, I ran out of the clearing.


“Well well, I guess it’s just us now, eh?” Caidan whispered, walking towards me. I was suddenly overwhelmed with a huge rush of fear. My only thought was, oh god, what is he going to do to me? He drew something out of his back pocket, still coming towards me. I backed away warily.

He grinned, and tipped the object so I could see what it was. One of Carter’s drawings unrolled, half revealed. It was one I had never seen before.

“Did you want to know my story, Silah?” Caidan asked.

“Sure,” I muttered dryly.

“She’s my sister. I’m sure you know she’s adopted,” I nodded, “well her little bitch mother isn’t very strong. She never killed my father. I’m his revenge.”

“The end?” I asked. “I thought you were better than that.”

He was almost close enough to touch me now. Shit, how had he gotten so close? His fingers brushed my cheek and I flinched violently. “The story has only just started, Silah, for you at least.” Suddenly his long fingers shut in a vicelike grip on my wrist. I struggled, but he was surprisingly strong. I couldn’t break free and the thought made my pulse race.

My vain attempts to break free enraged Caidan. “Stop it!” He yelled, finally shoving me backwards with such force that I fell flat on my back. Winded, trying to get my breath back, I tried to sit up but he was looming above me. “See what you made me do?” He asked sadly, “I hadn’t planned on hurting you yet,” he actually sounded disappointed.
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I'm sorry this has taken so long. I have regained my plot, so hopefully i can get another chapter up before i go on camp.