Sequel: Unknown Calling

Calling Carter.

Tales of the past

“Stay away from him.” Carter growled, glaring at me. I blinked, shocked at his aggression. The two of us were sitting on the top of View Hill, waiting for Kala. We were well away from the edge, and I had just mentioned that I wanted to do something about Caidan and how he was bothering Kala.

“But-” I argued, leaning back slightly.

“No, Silah.” He interrupted. “You do not need to-”

“Carter!” Kala exclaimed. She was just coming up the Hill now, Layny in tow. They had just had a rather long discussion concerning … something. “I hope you aren’t being rude again! Don’t you realise Silah could be your friend if you’re nice enough to her?” She demanded.

Carter stared at her, then looked at me. He muttered something, then looked at her. “You should understand,” he said, clearly frustrated.

“I do, Carter. That’s why I said it.” Kala said softly.

Layny cleared her throat. “Kala, honey…” She trailed off, and Kala began to speak.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah, i know this one is short. But it is my second update tonight. And, I just had to leave a cliffhanger. :) thank you to all my lovely readers XD virtual candy and leprechauns to you all. Unless you prefer unicorns.