Always Something There to Remind Me

Chapter Ten

“What the fuck is going on here Sid?” Carissa hissed.

“Nothing,” Sid replied.

“Nothing? Really? Then how come I come home to surprise MY fiancé only to find him in bed with another woman?”

“Yes, nothing,” Sid repeated. “Keep your voice down before you wake everyone up.”

“Then you had better explain why there is another woman in your bed.”

“Relax, we didn’t do anything,” Sid tried to assure her. “She forgot her keys at the arena so she had no way to get back into her house, so they just stayed here.”

“You still didn’t answer me. Why is she in your bed? You have a guest room.”

“My parents and Taylor are here, they’re sleeping in the guest room. And it’s rude to make a guest sleep on the floor, especially when I have a king-sized bed.”

“Wait,” Carissa said, catching sight of me. “Nicole?” she seethed. All of her shouting woke Aiden up.

“Um, I’m going to go downstairs and get him some food,” I said, grabbing Aiden and forcing myself not to run.

“Morning,” Nathalie greeted us when we came downstairs. “Here, I already made some breakfast,” she said, handing us a plate and shooting me a sympathetic glance. Minutes later, Taylor came bounding down the stairs.

“How bad is it?” I asked her.

“As I walked out I heard irresponsible, foolish, thoughtless, and my favorite, gold digger,” Taylor said. “Like she has room to talk.”

“I’m really sorry guys,” I tried to apologize.

“Don’t worry about,” Nathalie said as Mario walked in the room. “You have nothing to be sorry for.”

“Yeah,” Taylor said. “You didn’t give birth to that…thing upstairs.”

“I’m leaving for the rink,” Mario said chuckling. “I’ll see you later hun,” he continued, giving Nathalie a kiss and reaching for his keys.

“Hey Mario, do you think you could possibly take us to the rink with you?” I asked.

“Sure, no problem.”

“Thanks,” I said. “Just let me get Aiden’s seat out of Sid’s car really quick.”

The ride to the arena was silent except for the music coming from the radio. When we got there, I spent ten minutes looking for my keys, eventually finding them in between the couch cushions in the family lounge.

“Are you going to hang around a while?” Mario asked after I found them.

“No, I think I’m just going to get a taxi to take us back home. Thanks for the ride here and for letting us stay over last night.”

“No problem,” Mario said. “You guys are welcome to come over any time,” he offered.


Sid had to leave after practice on Friday to head to Montreal for their last game, so I didn’t talk to him at all, except for when he called to talk to Aiden before the game on Saturday.

Sunday morning I was doing some housecleaning when Sid stopped by.

“Hey,” he said when I opened the door.

“Hey,” I greeted. “Come on in.” He took his hands out of his pockets and walked into my living room, looking around nervously before finally sitting on the couch.

“Sorry, Aiden’s not here. He’s out with the Guerins all day.”

“That’s okay,” Sid said. “I really came here to apologize to you for the other day,” he started.

“Sid, there’s no need. I probably would have freaked out too if I was her.”

“Yeah, but it was still unnecessary. Think about it. She comes home to surprise the love of her life only to find him in bed with another woman, who is obviously not Taylor. You just sleep in shorts, and always end up pulling the covers up around my shoulders, so for all she knew we did have sex.”

“Yeah, I guess,” Sid said, his face turning pink. “I’m still sorry though. I know you heard about what she said about you.”

“Sid, really, it’s fine, don’t worry about it,” I told him. “It’s over and done with and won’t happen again. What did she say about Aiden?”

“She’s pissed. She stormed out muttering obscenities under her breath. I tried calling her, but she didn’t pick up. I was going to stop over there after I came to see you.”

“You better get going then,” I said standing up. “Good luck with that.”

“Thanks,” he said getting up and walking towards the door. “Oh, and Flower’s having a Rangers/Flyers viewing party at his house for the team, and said you’re welcome to come if you’d like. Vero told me to make sure I throw in some puppy dog eyes when I asked you, because she ‘needs more estrogen in the house to help offset all the testosterone and all of the ego that accompanies it’,” he said, rolling his eyes. “And Max wants you to bring Melinda,” he added, smirking.

“Oh God,” I laughed. “If anybody could handle Max though, it would definitely be Melinda.”

“So, you’ll come then?” he eyes, his eyes hopeful.

“I guess, but you better go talk to Carissa beforehand. I’d like to try and avoid another fiasco.”

“Don’t worry, I’m going there right now,” he sighed as he walked back over to give me a hug. “I’ll see you later,” he said, giving me a lingering kiss on the cheek before walking out the door.