Always Something There to Remind Me

Chapter Six

The next morning I took Aiden to the movie theater to see Monsters vs. Aliens and then we went bowling. Afterwards, we decided to go the Mall at Robinson. An hour and a half later, we had gotten him some shirts, jeans, tennis shoes, and a new computer game. We were walking around Dick’s Sporting Goods trying to find him a new jacket when he spotted the display of Penguins jerseys.

“Mom! Mom! Look! They have Penguin jerseys here! Can I get one? Please, please, please? With sugar on top?” Aiden pleaded, once again turning on the puppy dog face.

“When did you get to be such a hockey fan?”

“Melinda, duh,” he said. “We watch the Habs all the time when I’m at her house. But now we’re in Penguin town. So can I? Pretty please?”

“I guess,” I said sighing. I really needed to learn how to say no to him. I watched as he ran over and grabbed one before running back to me. “Is it the right size?” I asked, holding it up to him. I glimpsed at the name on the back. Crosby. Figures. Aiden saw me looking at the name.

“He’s my new favorite player,” he smiled. Oh, if only he knew. I paid for his jersey and coat and then we headed home for a late lunch. After I fed Aiden spaghetti, we sat on the couch watching some cartoons. Not even ten minutes into SpongeBob SquarePants, he fell asleep. As I was walking out of his room after putting him in his bed, Colby called me.

“Hey Colby,” I greeted.

“Hey, what are you doing later?”

“Nothing, just hanging out at home. Why?

“Well, Sid called.”


“I think he’s going to stop over there later, so I just wanted to give you a heads up. That way you have time to get all sexy for him,” Colby said, trying to hold back a laugh.

“Colby, how many times do I have to tell you I do not want him?” I asked, exasperated. “Wait, so he know that you know? Did he get mad at you?” I asked as someone knocked on my door.

“No, in fact, he didn’t seem mad at all….just sort of mellow, I guess. Which is a good thing, right?” he asked as I opened the door to reveal Sidney.

“Um, I’m gonna have to call you back later,” I said.

“Oh, he’s there isn’t he? Good luck!”

“Bye,” I said, hanging up. I stood in the doorway, looking at Sidney, waiting for him to talk.

“Hey,” he said.


“Can we talk?”

“Sure, go ahead, I’ll watch Aiden,” Melinda answered for me as she pushed me out the door. Sid and I sat down on the front porch swing.

“I’m sorry about how I left yesterday,” he started. “I was just in shock, and I didn’t want to say something I would regret.”

“No, it’s okay. I didn’t exactly plan for you to find out that way.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I…I’m not sure,” I stammered. “You were headed off to Pittsburgh to save hockey. It wouldn’t have looked very good for you if word got out that you impregnated some girl in your hometown right before you left. And…I didn’t want you to make promises you couldn’t keep.”

“What do you mean?”

“I guess I didn’t want him to grow up like I did. You and him barely speaking to each other, and when you did, it was to apologize because you forgot to pick him up for something. I didn’t want to see the look on his face when you let him down.”

“Nic, I would never have done that. I thought you knew me better than that. You never even gave me a chance.”

“I know. I was selfish too. I didn’t want you to take him away from me.”

“Why would I have done that?”

“Because I was a struggling college student and you’re a millionaire hockey player. Gee, I wonder who a judge would have chosen,” I replied, rolling my eyes at him.

“Hey,” he said, wrapping his arm around my shoulders and pulling me into him. “I would NEVER have done that. Quite the opposite, actually. I would’ve flown you here to live with me. I was crushed when you never called.”

“Yeah, I’m sure that would’ve gone over real well with Mario.” We sat there rocking for a while.

“So, tell me about him,” Sid said smiling. “All I know is his name is Aiden and he is one handsome kid.”

“Well, his full name is Aiden Patrick Velasquez. He’ll be four on April 30th—”

“That’s later this month. We’ll have to plan a party,” Sid interrupted, excited, which caused me to laugh.

“His favorite story is Where the Wild Things Are. He refuses to go to bed unless you read it to him. His favorite food is spaghetti. He LOVES SpongeBob SquarePants, even more than your love for Friends. He’s very inquisitive, he loves learning new things. Oh, and you’ll be proud to know, apparently he’s also a huge fan of yours. I had to buy him your jersey today because ‘we live in Penguin town now’ so the Hab one he wanted wouldn’t have fit in,” I said, laughing.

“Does he play?”

“No. He wants to, but I can’t afford it.”

“Good, then later this week I can take him to get some gear and I can teach him myself,” Sid said . excitedly. “Oh, and before I forget,” he continued. “My parents are coming to town this weekend, and I want you and Aiden to come to dinner with us so that they can meet him.”

“Um, you can take Aiden, but I think I’ll pass.”


“I’m sorry, and please don’t take this the wrong way, but I really do not need nor feel like dealing with Carissa.”

“She won’t be back in town until next week, and I don’t plan on telling her about Aiden until then. Besides, I’m just meeting him, so if you came with us to dinner he would probably feel more comfortable. Please.”

“I’ll think about,” I said as Melinda poked her head out the door.

“Hey Nic, Aiden’s awake, and he’s looking for you,” she said.

“Okay, we’ll be in in a sec,” I answered.

“So, have you told him I’m his dad yet?” Sid asked.

“No, but since you’re here we can do it right now,” I said, getting up and walking into the house with Sid on my heels.
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