Cause I Love You's Not Enough

Brace Yourself For Love, Sweet Love.

I ended up staying over at Nicole's. Her mom had been called into work because she was a nurse at the hospital, and her stepdad didn't mind if I was there. Nicole and I sat her room and watched crappy reality shows on MTV.

"MTV really needs to go back to actually being a music channel." Nicole said with her face in her hands, she seemed really bored. I nodded my head, because I was busy staring at my cell phone, wanting it to ring, mainly so I could talk to Tre.

He won't call you. A little voice in my head said to me. You're a minor. The voice kept going. He set you up. Now it wouldn't shut up. I grinded my teeth together, not wanting to make a scene in front of Nicole. All of a sudden, Green Day came on the TV, and we both jumped up and I viciously grabbed the remote to turn the volume up. The narrator said they were on a world tour, and that the next few dates had been rescheduled and that they would be staying in Reno, Nevada, my town, for at least 2 extra weeks, due to a band member. Nicole looked at me and rolled her eyes.

"It would be a total coincidence." I told her with a shrug of my shoulders.

"Or it could be because of you." Nicole said. I could tell she didn't like this. I nervously played with the black carpet strands.

"But he hasn't called me at all." I whispered and kept staring down at my broken arm and where Tre had signed the cast. Then, out of nowhere, all the power went off and there was lot of noise outside.

"Were we supposed to get bad weather?" Nicole asked me.

I told her to be quiet and to listen for anything, such as sirens. I was terrified of tornadoes. I heard faint freight train sounds in the distance, and knew that we had to get downstairs, and fast.

"Get to the basement, now!" I yelled. We both grabbed our phones and our jackets and I grabbed her dog by his collar, dragging him. The dog's name is Leo, and I felt terrible for dragging him, but we both loved him and had to save him. To get to the basement, we had to go over baby gates, and through the kitchen. Nicole and I got downstairs, both breatheing heavily. Leo wimpered and I gave him a hug. The house started to shake, and the three of us got in the corner of the basement.


I was chillin' in my hotel room, with Billie's room to my right and Mike's room to my left, when the power went out. I tried to turn everything back on, but nothing happened. Mike and Billie entered my room soon after.

"Hey, your lights are out too." Billie said, stating the obvious.

Suddenly, there were sounds outside, that sounded like a tornado. I looked at my phone and realized that I needed to call Dani, she needed to be safe. I picked up my phone and pressed '2'. I had her on speed dial. She answered the phone after 5 rings, her voice was shaky and I could tell that she was scared.

"Dani! Dani, listen to me. Get in a safe place." I yelled to her. I saw Mike and Billie look at me, then whisper something to eachother.

Dani explained to me that she was staying at her friend Nicole's house and that her, Nicole and her dog were down in the basement, I heard a few crashes that sounded like glass breaking. Her and Nicole screamed, then there was a bark. Thats all I heard before the line went dead, which freaked me out. All the worrying about Dani made me forget about myself. I dragged my two best friends into the bathroom and we all shoved eachother into the bathtub. We sat in silence and sitting there with Billie and Mike reminded me of the 'bathtub' photoshoot we had a few years ago.


My phone lost service, and now I had no way to contact Tre, and that scared me even more. Nicole was hugging Leo, and she was crying, and so was I. I saw the ceiling start to rip off, and I knew that the upstairs ad to be demolished. Things went flying, and I saw a wooden stool come toward me, then everything went black.


Next thing I knew, the moon was shining through the window and the three of us were climbing out of the bathtub. We all looked outside and saw that some parts of Reno had been destroyed. I had to call Dani. I dialed her number, and it wasn't her voice that picked up. It was Nicole. She said that Dani was out cold because she had been hit in the head. I told her to tell Dani to call this number back when she woke up, I also told her that I was Tre Cool.

The next day I woke up to Dani's ringtone going off. I slowly opened my eyes and realized who was calling me and quickly answered before she could hang up.

"Hey!" I said as I propped myself up in my bed still half asleep.

"Hi, Tre. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, just fine. How about you?"

"I don't really remember anything from yesterday. Nicole says that I got hit really hard in the head by a wooden stool?" She said confused.

"Yeah, we had a tornado yesterday, remember?"

" I don't remember that."


We were quiet for a moment, with nothing to say.

"Would you like to meet up here at my hotel room?" I blurted out without thinking. Then hit myself in the head after realizing what I had said.

Dani didn't say anything for a few seconds, I could tell she was thinking. Then I heard the phone hit a table and she walked away. I was confused until I heard her voice faintly in the background.

"Nicole, I'm going out. I'll see you later." Dani said, then I heard her come back to the phone and pick it up.

"Sure, where is it?"

I gave her the directions and which hotel it was and stuff and told her that I would be waiting for her in the main office. She said that she was leaving and that she would be there soon, then we hung up.


I walked to the end of the street and got on a bus and told the lady to go where I was going. I knew that, somehow, this was a mistake and that I should just turn back around, stay with Nicole and tell Tre that something had come up and that I can't make it. But, of course, that thought stayed in the back of my mind. I arrived at the hotel shortly, and as I was walking up to the entrance, I saw Tre through the window standing by a fake tree.

"Hey." He said with a hug. I hugged him back. Tre let go and then said to follow him upstairs to his room. I looked at him like he had a giant mole on his face right in the middle.

"No, no. Look, I said that wrong, I'm-"

"Fine," I said cutting him off, "you're fine." I laughed. His face sort of went red and he led me upstairs. He opened the door to rom '409' and we went in.

"Wow. This is pretty fancy for a hotel." I said, taking off my jacket.

Tre did the honors of taking my jacket off the rest of the way and hanging it on the coat rack next to him. I went over and sat on the edge of the bed, since there were no chairs to sit in, and I figured that it would be excusable if there were no chairs. Tre stayed by the door and didn't move an inch closer to me.

"Tre?" I asked. His eyes made contact with mine, "whats going on?"

"No, it's nothing." He said and shook his head. I looked at him suspisiously and then looked away to the window.

"Wow, thats a great view." I said and got up to stand in front of the window.

" is." Tre said. I turned around and he was staring at me. I walked over to him and stood real close to him and made him nervous.

"You've been acting really strange, Tre." I told him. His hands started to reach for my waist and I grabbed them and held them against the wall, which caused me to get even closer to him to where our noses were barely touching, just another inch or two and our lips would touch...

"I have?" He asked.

"Yes, you have."

"I don't think I have, what are you talking about?" I rolled my eyes and let go of him and grabbed my jacket.

"Goodbye Tre." I said. He stopped me once my hand touched the knob.

"Wait," He said holding out his hand, "don't go."

I let go of the knob and crossed my arms.

"You're right. I'm sorry, It's just..."

"It's just what?"

"You're going to think I'm insane."

"You already are." I said laughing.

I laughed too, "well...even more insane."

"Hit me. What is it?"

"I...I like you, Dani. You're beautiful, funny, and just everything I've always wanted."

"I don't think you're insane for thinking that."

"No, I meant because I'm're 17."


"I'm also just scared of losing another one. After being-"

"Divorced twice, I know," I said and then sat my stuff on the table, "but I'm not like that."

I held his face in my hands, and his were behind his back.

"Look at me." I whispered, and he did as I said.

"I like you too. I have for the past 5 years, thats not changing." He smiled at me, and I smiled back.

"You don't need to keep your hands behind your back." I told him laughing. He brought them out and he hugged me with his arms around my waist.

The next few hours flew by, and it was starting to get dark. My parents still havn't called me, whatever. I'm not a wanted child, so it didn't matter anyway. I'm usually never home, but Tre didn't know that.

"I'm sorry, I should be getting home. It's dark." I said getting up.

"Please don't go." Tre begged.

I shook my head, "I'm sorry. I have to. Call me tomorrow." And I was out. I felt bad for leaving Tre, but I couldn't stay the night with him, alone, no matter how much I wanted to.


I ran out into the hallway and ran down it to go to the window that faced the front of the building to make sure Dani made it somewhere safe. I was looking for her, then saw her stand at a bus stop that was just outside the entrance, then sit down on the bench. I was expecting a bus to come any minute, but I ended up watching her for 15 mintues, and there was still no bus, it was cold outside, raining, and she was trying to get warm with the small jacket that she had. I was angry at whoever was supposed to hit that stop, and I ran downstairs and outside into the pouring rain.

"Dani!" I called out. I could barely see through the rain, but I saw her turn around. She got up and ran over to me. I held her in my arms.

"It' cold out here T-Tr-T-Tre." She said as her teeth chattered together.

"Come inside, I don't want you getting sick." I said and pulled her in the building. She was soaking wet, and everytime she took a step, the water in her shoes would squish and all the employees looked at us.

"I'm sorry, but she can't stay here." A worker said after he came up to me.

"I'm sorry, but I don't care. She's cold, wet, and I'm not letting her stay out there." I said and I walked past them. I saw Dani smile out of the corner of my eye and I brought her back upstairs. We were almost in my room when Billie and Mike came out and started questioning me.

"I'll be listening tonight, Mr. Cool." Mike said and walking back in to his room.

"Shut up." I said.

"Don't deny anything." Billie said, and I gave him the middle finger. He scowled at me and went back in his room. Dani and I went inside and I closed the door behind her. I saw her getting water on the floor and squeezing all of it out of her hair, she was still shaking.

"Do you need to wear my clothes?" I asked. She nodded, barely able to move.

I picked out my purple and green plaid shorts, my black boxers, and my pink polo and tossed it to her. She smiled at me and I let her change in the bathroom. She came back out with all of her wet clothes in her hands.

"Where should I put these?" She asked.

"I'll hang them up." I told her, holding out my hand. I took her clothes and hung them up in my closet. I hung up her pants, shirt and her undershirt over the heater so they would dry faster. I turned around and she was laying on the bed with the blanket over her and with it all the way up to her face. I nervously laid down next to her and wrapped my arms around her.

"I'm really cold, so thats why I'm not pushing you away." She said looking up at me. I smlied at her.

"Well hopefully you'll be cold everytime you're over here." I said. She rolled her eyes and went to sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm sorry to EmeraldReaper13, and her friend for not updating sooner.
I hope you like this one.
Like I said, it was cheezy. x )

xoxo- Adie.