Can't Have You

This Wasn't Good

I sighed in frustration as I walked around the globe. I had just spent the last hour working to get Chris Brown and Rihanna back together. I swear if Paris Hilton ruined my work one more time, I was going to make sure that bitch lived a lonely life. I fell back into the purple chair in a sigh of relief and closed my eyes. Tomorrow I would take my first break in 70 years. Since I died at the age of 19, I guess I wasn’t meant to so they sent me up here to be Cupid. I loved the job, but boy was it stressful.

“Elle!” The Goddess of Love’s voice bombed through the room and I jumped up and waved the chair away.

“Yes, Sofia?” I asked putting my hands behind my back.

“I know you're almost on your break, but I need you do one more job.” Sofia said as she waved her hand and a folder appeared.

“Sofia, I’m leaving for tomorrow! Can’t it wait?” I begged.

“No, you're Cupid! Just do the job, Elle, and I promise I’ll give you two weeks off.” Sofia said and then disappeared.

I sighed in frustration as I picked up the dangling file out of the air and opened it. Joseph Adam Jonas. I ran my hand through the folder until I found his picture and pulled it out. I stared at the photo. He reminded me of a god. His hair was dark and perfectly angled, and he had the most amazing eyes while his goofy smile made him even cuter. This Joe had to be one of the best looking people that had I had ever seen, and I was amazed by him.

I threw the picture off into air and started to brush through his file until I got to dating. I looked through the girls he dated: Taylor Swift, JoJo, Chelsea Staub, Amelia Warner, Amanda Joy (AJ), Amelia Jennings, Mandy Vanduyne, Brenda Song and Demi Lovato. My god, did this boy have a record! I thought as I sat there, still looking through his folder. I looked at his status: Given up on love. I sighed in frustration. Why, after so many failed relationships, did boys just give up?

I flipped through his folder a little more and saw pictures of his brothers. He was in a famous band called the Jonas Brothers.

Finally I got bored with his folder and sent it away. I waved my hand over the globe until it picked up Joe Jonas. I clicked view and saw him lying in a bed, fast asleep and I knew now would be the perfect time to go. I sighed and waved myself down, but I didn’t land graceful like always. I fell to the floor with a loud thump. I gave a little scream in pain and then stood up and brushed myself off as I looked around to see if anyone was up, but they were all sleep. Thank god.

I opened each of the bunks on this unfamiliar moving bus, looking for my mission. But all I found were boys that looked like him until I opened the very last bunk on the bottom. I saw him lying on his back snuggled up in the covers.

I sat on the edge of his bed quietly and just stared at him, trying to think of the perfect girl for him. I figured he would want tall, blonde, and skinny. After reading his folder, I knew he went for that type.

As I sat their looking at him, I don’t know what came over me. I reached out to touch him, knowing that he couldn’t see me, it didn’t matter. As I touched his check softly his eyes flew open and he sat up, hitting his head on the rood of the bunk, causing him to hiss in pain. His waking up scared the crap out of me so much,it knocked me out of the bed and onto the floor with a hard thump. I looked back and found his eyes glued to me with his mouth hanging open.

“Who are you?” Joe asked while still rubbing his head.

I looked around confused and got off the floor while I checked the bunks for someone that was up. I felt a jerk and I was pressed against a door roughly, someone holding my hands against the door. I looked up to see Joe staring at me with confusion and my mouth dropped open. He was touching me and he could see me. This wasn’t good.

“You can see me?” I asked in amazement.

“Yeah, I’m not blind," he replied dryly "Who are you?”

“Oh my god! In 70 years no one has seen me except 3 people! And now, you. I wonder if anyone else can see me?” I asked to myself and pushed Joe away.

“Are you crazy? You're not 70! I’m calling Big Rob.” Joe said and pulled out his phone.

I walked back to him slowly as he dialed some number and pressed it to his ear. But I grabbed the phone from him. I hit the end button and then threw it on the floor and crushed it with my heels. As I looked down at the broken phone, I felt another rough shove against a wall and someone pressed against me. But from the smell I knew it was Joe without looking up.

“I’m going to ask you one more time. Who the hell are you and how did you get in here?” Joe asked and I saw anger flicker in his eyes.

“I’m Cupid…” I said shaking a little.
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New Story.
It's a little twisted.
Now she is really Cupid the god of love and blah blah.
but tell me what you think cause its a little out their.
