Can't Have You

Prove It


Joe slipped his hands off my wrist and held onto his stomach as he laughed. I watched him fall back against the wall laughing. I walked over to help him, but he waved his hand no.

“Are you high or something, lady?” Joe asked still laughing.

“No. Why would I be high?” I asked, confused as I looked down at my feet. But they were still on the ground.

“No, not your feet. Like, did you smoke something?” Joe asked putting his hands on my face and I felt my eye lids being pulled easy “You seem ok.”

“I wasn’t lying! I am Cupid!” I said leaning back on the wall.

“Oh-kay, I’ll bite. If your Cupid, why aren’t you a big baby or a hot blonde?” Joe asked raising an eyebrow.

“Who says Cupid has to be a baby or a blonde?” I questioned.

“No one, I guess,” Joe put his hand behind his head “So really, who are you?”

“Oh my god! Are you retarded? I’m Cupid.” I said putting my hands on his face and looking him in the eyes.

“Prove it.” Joe whispered as someone in the bunk moved.

“How?” I whispered back.

“Well if you’re 'Cupid', tell me everything you know about me.” Joe whispered moving closer.

“You’re part of a band called the Jonas Brothers. Your middle name is Adam. Your favorite color is blue. Your favorite drink is orange Gatorade. Your favorite sport is golf. Will Ferrell is your favorite actor. You like the High School Musical movies. You wish you were born in the 80’s. You love to work out and run….”I whispered but he put his hand over my mouth before I could finish.

“You can find that on any fansite.” Joe whispered back.

“I know where your birthmark is.” I smirked.

“Where?” Joe raised an eyebrow.

I stepped closer to him and slid my hand under the back of his shirt and my hand when up his back. He jerked a little from my sudden touch and I tried not to laugh. After I got to his mid back I stopped and poked the spot with my nail as I watched his face.

“Anyone could know I have that if they watched me take off a shirt.” Joe said pulling my hand out from under his shirt.

“Okay, what do you want to know then?” I asked sighing.

“Nothing that I’m sure you couldn’t find off a fansite. Prove it to me. Don’t you carry arrows around?” Joe asked as he sat down on his bunk.

“Yes, but I don’t carry them around.” I said laughing.

“Well, what can you do then?” Joe asked leaning back on his arms.

“Make anyone you want fall in love with you.” I said.

“No three wishes?” Joe asked smirking.

“I’m not a Genie.” I laughed again.

“Well, how do I know you're real and not just some fan?” Joe asked.

“You don’t, but how about I show you?” I smirked.

“Okay, I’m up for anything.” Joe crossed his arms and stood up.

“Just stay really still.” I whispered moving closer and waved my hand and a little arrow appeared and I stabbed it into his back.

We looked at each other while I waited for him to fall madly in love with me, but it wasn’t working. What the fuck was with this boy? Is he special or something?

“How do you feel?” I asked.

“I don’t feel anything. Maybe your little arrows are broke.” Joe said smirking.

“Whatever. This isn’t the last you’ll see of me and I can promise that.” I smiled then waved myself out of the room.

As I landed back in my room I flipped on the globe and pulled up the Jonas Brothers' assistant. It was a woman in her 40’s and her name was Jamie Peterson so I waved Jamie’s file and started to look. Status: Looking for love.

From what I read she actually hated being the Jonas Brother’s assistant so I worked my magic and decided to make her fall in love. I mean, what could make a person quit a job they hated more than falling in love?


One Week Later

As I watched the Jonas’ pick through hundreds of girls to be their new assistant, I took mental notes of what they liked about each girl so when I went I would be the perfect assistant.

The boys were being super picky about the girl they wanted so I would have to hit this out of the park.

I heard a sigh and looked at the globe to see them getting ready to leave. I waved myself down and realized I was still in a white dress. It didn’t look very professional so I waved my hand over my clothes. I appeared wearing hot pink flats, a grey sweater, and some dark straight jeans. I pulled my hair out of the bun it was in and shook my curls out before stepping into the room.

“I’m sorry, am I late?” I asked already knowing I was.

“I’m sorry. miss. We're not doing…” The Jonas’ mom, Denise, started to say to me, but their dad, Paul, cut her off.

“Come on, Denise. We can give the girl a chance,” Paul smiled at me. “Maybe she’ll be better then the others.” I heard him whisper.

“Boys!” Denise shouted.

I watched as Kevin and Nick appeared out of a room behind the one we were in. I just smiled at them as I waited for the other Jonas to come out.

I had watched Joe closely over the last week and he had thought it was just a weird dream he had. I was here to remind him that it wasn’t. Plus I needed to be close and since they could see me, much to my dismay, I couldn’t walk around in public shooting arrows without having to explain myself.

I turned my attention back to the room and watched it like a hawk until I saw the familiar brown hair walking through the door. He talking to a little boy that I knew right away was the littlest Jonas, Frankie.

I stared at Joe until he looked up and as soon as he did, his mouth dropped open and he stopped dead in his tracks. I just smiled and took my seat in the chair across from the Jonas'.

“So, what’s your name dear?” Denise asked.

“Elle. Elle Summers.” I said smiling while crossed my legs.

“Aww. that’s such a pretty name! I always said if I had a daughter I would name her Elle.” Denise said smiling.

“So Elle where are you from?” Paul asked.

“Upstate New York.” I replied.

“Do you have any brothers?” Frankie asked, sitting at Joe’s feet.

“Yes, four actually.” I lied.

“What was your job before this?” Joe choked out.

“Matchmaking.” I said with a smirk.

“Like making people fall in love?” Kevin asked.

“Yes, exactly that.” I smiled and looked over at a stunned Joe.
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Ok Elle's arrows don't work on Joe but she's making girls fall in love with him so they don't need to work on him. lol.
but he still doesn't believe she is Cupid.
lol and I wan to thank you 19 subcribes!
You guys rock I can't believe I got that off one Chapter so thank you!
and thank you to the commenters.
But I love you guys.

Keep Subcribing & Commenting.


P.S. Should I rewrite this chapter?