Can't Have You

I Told You So


I had been on this damn fucking tour with Joe, the hell child, Jonas for the last two weeks. Tonight was our first award show and my job depended on it. There would be a ton of girls at the awards and I needed to brush up on what these teenagers liked.

I read some of the Twilight book as I looked for a quick summary of it online. To my dismay, I couldn’t find one. Shit! I did find out that the number one song in the top 10 this week was a song called Poker Face, and I actually liked it. I was researching the guest list, looking for who I though would be good for Joe when my bunk curtain was ripped open and Joe his self was standing there.

“What do you want?” I asked as I was looking up what twitter was.

Joe didn’t answer so I turned my head and caught his eyes glued to me. Well, more to what I was wearing. The Jonas’ were supposed to be out until right before the awards and I would meet up with them then so I never bothered to get dressed really. I just had on normal underwear, a tight tank top and a bra. Joe couldn’t look away, so I kicked him and he fell back against the other bunks as I covered myself up.

“What do you want, Joe?” I asked glaring at him.

“I don’t remember. Why don’t you have clothes on?” Joe asked sitting down on Nicks bunk.

“I do have clothes on and I thought you were supposed to be out all day, so I didn’t think it matter what I had on.” I said and looked back at the computer.

“Oh. Anyways, I just wanted to remind you that our bet is tonight and if I don’t fall in love or she doesn’t fall in love with me, I’m going to fire you so fast you’ll think you got whip lash.” Joe said and I noticed he was now sitting in the middle of my bunk.

“Yeah, I know.” I waved him away.

“Good luck, you’re going to need it.” Joe whispered in my ear then the curtain was pulled shut again.

“Whatever.” I muttered then went back to Googling.


I watched as the boys traded clothes back and forth until they were ready. They were like a bunch of girls. Kevin was trying to fix his hair and find shoes that matched, while Nick was trying to find a new shirt. Joe, of course, was looking at himself in the mirror as he ran the flat iron over his hair.

“Elle, come help me?” Joe asked from the bathroom.

“Coming.” I ask and got up with a sigh.

“Can you do the back of my hair?” Joe asked nicely.

“Sure.” I said.

I ran the flat iron over the back of his hair about 50 times before it was perfectly straight then I had him turn and I fixed the front. Joe leaned back against the sink and I took a hold of his bangs as I kept running the flat iron over them. Finally I just dropped them and let them fall in his eyes. I started working on his sides and noticed him sweating so I handed him the flat iron and grabbed a paper towel and wet it. Then wet his face and dried it.

“Better?” I asked.

“Yeah, thanks.” Joe said and his eyes went to the floor.

“No problem.” I said and then went back to his hair.

“Why don’t you straighten your hair?” Joe asked quietly.

“Because that takes time and we don’t have it tonight. Remember, I have to make you fall in love with some poor sucker tonight,” I whispered in his ear and laughed a little “All done.”

I smiled and reached behind him and unplugged his flat iron. Then wrapped it up and threw it under the sink. Joe was being his normal pain in the ass self, so I had to move him out of the way to check myself in the mirror. My hair was falling out so I took it out of the pony tail
I had it in. I gathered all my hair back up and fixed it into a net bun. Joe actually helped and wrapped the pony tail around my hair as I held it.

“Thanks.” I smiled and walked out.

“You’re welcome.” I heard Joe say as he closed the bathroom door.

What the fuck was he doing? I just fixed his hair. Whatever. Boys are weird.


I walked next to Joe as we walked down the red carpet. For some reason, he had pulled me up there with him. I think he was nervous because when he grabbed my palm, his hand was sweaty. Finally I was able to get my hand away from Joe’s and I stepped behind him and his brothers as they did interviews.

“What are you wearing?”

“Who are you?”

“Are you dating one of the Jonas’?”

“Are you Joe’s new girlfriend?”

“Who are you?”

All the paparazzi started screaming and bright lights flashed in my eyes causing me to drop my phone and purse to cover my eyes. All their questions and pictures were freaking me out. I felt my throat close up and I went into a panic. I never paniced, but this was something totally different.

“Here, put these on and drink this.” Big Rob said handing me a bottle of water and sunglasses.

“Thanks.” I said and drank about half the bottle and threw the sunglasses on.

“Hello, you’re supposed to be with me.” Joe said and grabbed my arm. Then handed me my phone as he pulled me down the red carpet.

“Joe, calm down. We have all night.” I whispered in his ear as we stopped to take a picture.

“I just want to get this over with, so I can fire you.” Joe whispered and I felt his hot breath on my ear.

I rolled my eyes and just kept walking down the red carpet; all of a sudden Joe was back next to me. He was really annoying today. As we got into the award show and looked around for someone who would take the annoyance off my hands, I spotted a girl about 5’5 with long brown hair and piercing blue eyes. Danielle Chatman was her name. I knew her because it was one of the pictures Joe was holding up the other night.

I waved an arrow over my head and elbowed Joe so he would look. His mouth dropped open and I threw the arrow at Danielle. Then stepped out of the way. I watched her turn to Joe and their eyes locked, so I threw one at Joe hoping that maybe it would work. It didn’t, but hers worked so I was okay with that.

I leaned against Joe as I watched Danielle make her way up to him.

“I hate to say it, but I told you so. Never say I’m not Cupid. See you in the morning.” I whispered in his ear and smirked.

I let go of Joe and walked down the stairs, leaving him in complete utter shock as Danielle made her way up to him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Joe must be feeling salty about right now.
Danielle is one of my good friends on here. (:

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