Can't Have You

Pushing Me Away


I was on my Mac, doing some research on Joe and Camilla. Since my powers were suspended. After me and Joe’s kiss, my powers had suddenly stopped working, which lead me to believe Sofia had been watching from my globe. She probably ran and told Zeus about the kiss. Sofia was such a bitch.

I stayed as far away from Joe as I could, partly because I felt bad for the Camilla deal. But also because I wanted my powers back. Joe had tried to corner me, but each time I ran.

“Elle?” Speak of the devil, Joe was calling me.

I tried not to make any movements and prayed my powers were back, but to my dismay they weren’t.

“Elle,” Joe repeated and I heard the curtain being pulled back “I can see you, Elle.”

“What do you want?” I sighed, opening my eyes.

“To talk to you,” Joe said sitting on my bed “About what happened the other night at the party.”

“What about it?” I asked sighing.

“Did it mean something…” Joe started but I cut him off.

“Let me stop you there. It meant nothing to me,” I said and watched his eyes have a hint of sadness in them “It was because of Robert and Camilla. You were hurt by them, and that’s the only reason I did it.”

“Oh, okay,” Joe scratched the back of his neck. “So what are you doing?”

“Research,” On you. I wanted to add.

“Sweet. On what?” Joe asked trying to look at the computer, but I closed it in panic.

“Potatoes,” I smiled and wanted to smack myself after I said that.

“Potatoes?” Joe asked with a smirk. “Why not just admit you were looking me up?”

“I wasn’t.” I said in my defense.

“Yes, you were,” Joe leaned closer. “Admit it.”

“No.” I snapped.

“Admit it.” Joe kept leaning closer.


“Admit it!”


“Admit it.” Joe whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my back.

“No, Joseph.” I said and pushed him away.

“Fine,” Joe laughed. “But you so were.”

“Whatever Jonas,” I rolled my eyes at him.

“Oh, so were going with last names now umm… what’s your real last name?” Joe asked quietly.

“Summers. Just like it was in the interview.” I said looking at Joe.

“I meant to ask you, how much of that was true?” Joe asked, our eyes locking on one anothers. “Tell me about you, Elle.”

“My name is Elle Ann Summers. I lived in New York City. I had four sisters instead of brothers. I was popular and graduated top of my class. I had a boyfriend who I was going to meet the day I died, and he was going to ask me to marry him.” I was about to continue on, but Joe stopped me.

“How’d you die?” Joe asked and moved up in my bunk next to me.

I didn’t bother to push him away because I figured there was nothing I could do that wouldn’t stop him from moving back next to me. So I left him alone.

“I don’t want to talk about that, Joe.” I said quietly and moved down to lie on my back.

“I’m sorry. I got too personal.” Joe said and moved down next to me.

“It’s fine.” I said quietly and closed my eyes.

We laid next to each other in silence for a while and it was if no one dared move them because then the magic silence would be over. I honestly thought Joe had fallen asleep so it was awkward when I opened my eyes and found him just lying there, studying me.

“What are you looking at?” I whispered.

“Just you,” Joe whispered back.

“What are you thinking about?” I asked but kept my voice at a whisper.

“You,” Joe smiled. “I have a question.”

Tell him to go! My head screamed at me, but I couldn’t utter those words. I didn’t want him to go. I knew it was wrong having him here, but I didn’t want him to go anywhere. Something about Joseph Adam Jonas drove me crazy, but I liked it. A lot.

“What?” I asked putting my head on my arms and turning my body to face Joe.

“What would you do if tomorrow was your last day?” Joe asked.

“I already had my last day.” I pointed out.

“Work with me, woman,” Joe laughed and I giggled at him. “Seriously, if tomorrow was your second last day, what would you do?”

“Go to prom. There was this one boy who could see me just like you can. He always told me he would take me to prom, but we never made it.” I sighed.

“Why?” Joe asked and brushed some hair out of my face.

“We fell in love.” I said bluntly.

“What happened when you fell in love?” Joe asked and I could tell there would be many questions following.

“I got my second warning and he lost all memory of me. I was never allowed to see him.” I said quietly.

“Second? Was there another?” Joe asked.

“Yes, this one was more just a lover. I remember him perfectly. He was an artist and I would sit there all day as he would paint beautiful pictures of me. But when we got too close and he fell in love with me, I received my first warning. Then, when I had gone back down to visit him, he had no recollection of who I was, or the girl in the paintings. He burned them.” I told him, biting my lip.

“I promise I will never forget you, Elle.” Joe whispered, slipping his hand into my own.

“You don’t have a choice, Joe. Once I make you fall in love with your perfect girl, I’m done,” I said quietly. “They’ll wipe your memory of me and everything that had to do with me. I won’t even be a memory.”

“Elle,” Joe started but I couldn’t let him finish.

“What would you do on your last day?” I asked, looking him in the eyes.

“I would spend 23 hours of it at Disneyland with my family, riding all the rides and having the time of my life.” Joe laughed.

“What would you do with the last hour?” I asked curiously.

“Are you sure you want to know?” Joe asked seriously and leaned closer.

“Yes.” I whispered.

“I would spend the last hour on some beach with you in my arms and my lips never leaving yours.” Joe whispered.

I felt Joe’s hot breath on my lips and I started to melt. I couldn’t believe that he just said he would spend an hour of his last day with me and, on top of that, kissing me the whole time. If I was normal, I would find that totally hot, but I’m not and I have to be professional. This means I can’t let him fall in love with me like he is doing.

“Joe,” I started but he cut me off before I could start.

“Elle, just shut up.” Joe said.

“This is wrong.” I whispered.

“I don’t care. I want you.” Joe smiled.

I was about to tell him to leave because this was so wrong, but his lips hit mine and every train of thought left my head. I felt his soft lips move against mine waiting for a reply, but I didn’t give one.

Joe was pulling back and as soon as his lips left mine, I missed the taste of him. I slipped my hand on his neck and brought his lips back down to meet mine. This time it was like before at the party, hot and filled with passion and desire. We both knew it was wrong, but that’s what made it right.

I felt Joe’s hand start to slide under my shirt pulling it up as his hands went farther. I wanted to stop him, but his touch was too intoxicating for me to even think sanely. As Joe tugged the shirt off, our lips broke apart, and reunited the second the shirt hit the floor.

Joe pulled away and started pulling his shirt over head while I stared at his perfect body. I knew most girls would kill to be lying here, half naked with Joe Jonas, but I couldn’t give in. I pressed my hands to his chest as he came back down to kiss me, pushing him away roughly.

“Enough.” I said firmly.

“Elle,” Joe started, but I wasn’t letting him pull me back in.

“No.” I moved out from under him as I grabbed my shirt off the floor. “You can’t fall in love with me. I’m not your soul mate, I’m cupid. Don’t fall in love with me and I mean it!”

“Well too fucking late!” Joe yelled as I walked out of the bunk area.

I needed to get Joe to fall in love with someone other than me fast. If not, I was headed for hell. If Sofia had seen everything that just went on I would surely be destined for hell, possibly losing all the work I have done over the last 70 years.

But the worst part of it all was that I was scared to lose Joe Jonas.
♠ ♠ ♠
Such a long time since my last update and I am so sorry.
This chapter kind of sucks to - I promise the next one will be better.

But in other news I have some new storys you guys should check out. (:
Behind Enemy Lines
Seduction Leads To Destruction
Because I'm Worth It

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