Can't Have You

When Everything Falls Apart

Joe had been an utter pain in my ass this last week. After our little hook up in the bunks, when we where half naked and I pushed him off, his attempts to get me alone and talk to me were turning more aggressive.

Joe had cornered me twice, and even once threw me in the bathroom with him. But my powers were working so I just waved myself up to Mount Olympus. I didn’t want to talk to Joe and it was the only way I didn’t have to.

I knew Joe was upset over me because the whole time I was on Mount Olympus, I just watched him or slept. Joe was stunning and had such a kind heart, but it was so hard finding him the perfect girl. One: because we weren’t really looking and two: because part of me wanted to be that girl.

I decided today I was going to stop all the madness though and do my job. Joe Jonas was going to fall in love today whether he likes it or not. No one had ever taken so long. Well at least of what I could remember. Usually, no one could see me. I just tossed some arrows and my work was done.

As I finished pinning my now messy dark hair up, I pulled on some jeans and some button up shirt that belonged to Joe. I didn’t care that it was huge on me; it was comfy. All I did was roll the sleeves up to my elbows. I actually looked like I belonged in Hollywood with Reece Witherspoon, Vanessa Hudgens, Paris Hilton, and many others.

I walked out of the bus bathroom and to Joe’s bunk, making sure I didn’t wake anyone up in the process. I pulled back the curtain and saw just a mess of dark hair buried in a pillow. Joe was snuggled up to his pillow holding onto it and after a couple of seconds or so, he would let out a light snore.

“Joe,” I whispered in his ear softly but all he did was move a little “Joseph.”

I whispered Joe's name in his ear softly a couple more times, since I was trying not to wake anyone else up. Finally, I pressed my lips against his ear and shouted his name right into his ear. To my surprise, he shot up dazed and confused, sitting on the edge of his bed.

“What the fuck?” Joe asked scratching his head.

“Get up and get dressed.” I said firmly and started to get up but Joe grabbed my hand and then crawled out of the bunk. Joe looked a little confused still by everything happening so fast, and he was probably in shock that I was willing to stand this close to him. “Hurry up.”

With that I moved away from Joe and walked out of the room, leaving him there in just his boxers.


I walked through Central Park with Joe on my heels. We hadn’t spoken a word the whole way. Through the cab ride here, Joe fell asleep a couple times, but spent most of the time texting god only knows who. I saw a bench that was placed in the middle of the park, which was shaded by a big tree and decided that would be the place we would 'Love Watch' as I called it.

I sat down on the bench and Joe slid down next to me. And although there was still half a bench he could sit on, he was pressed against me. I looked over at him and found him looking at me as well through half open eyelids.

“What am I here for, Elle?” Joe asked sighing “I thought you were avoiding me."

“I am avoiding you,” I said bluntly and Joe moaned “You're here because this is my job. I know you’re hurt because of Camilla. I get it. But it doesn’t mean you can fall for me because I’m the first person to give you some affection besides her. I’m fucking Cupid for god’s sake, Joe! If you tried to tell anyone that, they would think you're crazy as well as me!”

“I don’t care, Elle!” Joe yelled turning to look at me. “ I love you!”

“No, you don’t!” I yelled back “It’s lust, Joe! That’s all it is! That desire of yours will fade eventually. The only reason you're lusting after me is because you can't have me! I know, Joe. Trust me! Every male goes though it!"

As I kept rambling on about men and their want and need for things they can’t have, Joe cut me off “This isn’t just some desire or form of lust! I am in love with you, Elle. Stop fighting me and just give in. Screw the rules and just be with me. I don’t want anyone, but you” Joe said and I chewed on my bottom lip “This can work.”

“No, it can’t!” I sighed “I can’t just run away with you because I feel like it. I’m Cupid, and I’m here to help you find love and when I do, I move on to the next person. I can’t give in to some silly teenage boy crush that will fade in a month.”

“What do you want from me today?” Joe asked running his hand through the thick dark mop on his head.

“Just pick someone here and go out with them tonight.” I smiled a little realizing Joe was giving in.

“I don’t want to do this, Elle!” Joe whined “But I will for you.”

“Joe,” I started, but then stopped trying to get the words to form “I just need to find you the perfect match.”

“Elle, you’re my perfect match,” Joe said looking up at me “You are the reason I can’t sleep at night. I hate falling asleep because I’m afraid when I wake up in the morning, you wont be there, and I wont remember anything. Someone once said something about falling in love and a dream or something. Elle, this is better than a dream. You’re better then any dream I could think up at night.”

I wanted to melt. Actually at that point, I'm pretty sure every part of me wanted to melt like a popsickle on the 4th of July. I wanted to give into him so bad, but I knew it was against the rules. Plus, we had broke a lot of rules already with the kiss, and I was about to break them again.

As Joe‘s hand went to my cheek and he stroked it softly with his thumb, I looked down at his lips. They were so warm, so inviting, and most of all, so irresistable. Before I knew it we were both learning in with our heads titled to the side just a little. After what seemed like hours, Joe’s lips finally hit mine and it was flawless.

I felt Joe’s tongue lick the bottom of my lip, but I didn’t grant him entrance. I was scared if I did, I would stop thinking about how wrong ths was, and I knew it as well as him. He just doesn't choose to listen to me. I needed to stop this for both of us, since we were already in so deep with each other. Why add more attraction?

As I tried to pull back, Joe put his hand on the back of my head, entangled his hands in my hair and pulled me closer. I put my hands to his chest and tried to pull away from him. Joe didn’t take the hint though. He just added more force, and making it harder for me to want to pull away. Finally, I pushed him back roughly, causing our lips to break apart and him to fall backwards onto the pavement of the park.

“No!” I yelled and smacked Joe who still hadn’t moved off the ground.

“Elle,” Joe started and looked at me.

“Joe,” I whined out of frustration “Just fucking pick someone you like or you think is attractive and it can’t be me!”

“Fine, I’ll do it.” Joe sighed and rested his head on my lap. I was hesitant at first to move him, but he looked so sweet and child like with his head on my lap. I couldn’t bare it. I touched some of his messy, curly hair and started to run my fingers through it while we sat there, trying to pick the right girl for a date tonight.


I watched Joe straighten his wild mess of hair as he got ready for his date. We had seen thousands of girls walking in Central Park today, but none interested Joe. Not until this girl named Shay came along. Shay was about 21, with long dark hair, and brown eyes. She looked somewhat like me which I think is why Joe picked her. I mean, there were millions of girls in Central Park today and Joe didn't look at one of them!

“Help?” Joe asked frustrated and I took the flat iron “Thanks.”

I just nodded as I started straightening the back of his hair. As I did it though, I realized how good he smelt. It was like a mix of axe, shampoo, and soap. I moved back a little, trying not to get too intoxicated by how good he smelled, as I ran the last piece of his hair through the flat iron. I turned it off.

“Try not to be so miserable on your date, would you?” I smiled and fixed his shirt.

“The only reason why I won’t be miserable, is if you come and it's just us.” Joe said and turned around to face me.

“Well, it’s not going to happen, Joe. Move on and cut your loses,” I snapped “Now go finish getting ready.”

I watched Joe go put on his shoes, and he grab his car keys and wallet and shoved them in his back pockets. As I walked with him out to his car, Joe turned and looked at me. I knew what he was going to say and honestly, I was so sick of it.

“Elle, I love you,” Joe said and he was starting to sound like a broken record “But since you don’t want me fighting and aggravating you, I won’t anymore. I’ll let you go.”

My mouth fell open in shock when Joe said he’d let me go. He didn’t even wait for a reply. He just opened the door to his car and got in.

I stood there in shock, as I watched the car pull out and onto the road. Just leaving me standing there in the middle of the street.


I heard the sound of sweet music being played and I woke up in my room on Mount Olympus. I looked around the room and saw a fairy playing with the harp. I just ignored her and looked at my globe. I had been watching Joe from my globe all night, but I was suddenly tired and drifted off to sleep.

My globe was still on the restaurant and I saw it was black now and everyone was gone. I checked the stupid little phone the Jonas’s gave me and saw it was 11pm on the dot.

I figured Joe’s date was over by now and he would be back at the bus by now. So I waved myself down to the bus and, of course, I landed on my ass. I had been doing a lot of that lately. As I got up, I caught a glimpse of my self in the mirror. I looked a mess. I started fixing my hair, and unbuttoned the top two buttons of the shirt I had on. I was showing major cleavage, but I still looked classy.

I pushed open the door quietly to the bunk area, and as I did so, I heard a soft moan coming from Joe’s bunk. I knew he didn’t have fun on his date. Well, at least what I watched from it. But I know he wouldn’t have brought her home, so it meant he was doing one thing in his bunk and it was a solo project.

I bit my lip trying not to laugh as I grabbed onto the curtain so I could catch him in the act. Then I heard a familiar girl’s voice whispering something to Joe and the sound of smacking lips started to echo throughout the bus. Out of frustration, I ripped open the bunk curtain to find Joe with his shirt unbuttoned and falling off him with some blonde in a red dress tangled up in each other. They didn’t seem to notice me though, so I snapped my fingers in their faces. As they pulled back from each other I looked at the blonde.

My mouth fell open in shock, it was Sofia.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well I'm writing it again.
You can thank Ali for help on starting this chapter.

What does everyone thing of Sofia showing up?
How do you think Sofia got Joe so love sick?

Comment & Subcribe.
I want comments guys I worked hard on this. lol
