When We Fight.

One of one.

No Ones POV

Gerard walked up the pathway to his house. He just wanted to relax. He didn't want to be bothered. He was so stressed, and tired. His neck was killing him. He had to draw a load of stuff today for his comic book. There was a huge meeting. The deadline was in a few days, and he had to write a lot. Gerard was there pretty much all day. He was so tired, and worn out. He opened the door, and sighed.

“Lindsey, I'm home,” he called out.

His wife, Lindsey, came down the stairs of their house. He smiled at her, and opened his arms. His wife skipped merrily into his open arms. He kissed her softly, and smiled. She was so adorable. Her hair was put up into a messy ponytail, and she had her glasses on. He kept his arms wrapped around her waist, and stared into her big brown eyes.

“How did you do?” She asked him.

He shrugged, and smiled.

“I did alright. I finished it,” he sighed.

She pouted her lip, and ran a hand through his hair.

“You alright, baby?” She asked, concerned.

He nodded, and sighed again.

“Yeah, just worn out.”

She placed a small kiss on his lips, and put her head on his shoulder. He placed his head on hers, and sighed again. Gerard closed his eyes, he was tired. He just wanted to go lay down, but he didn't want to move. He liked having Lindsey in his arms. He loved holding her, and just being with her. He absolutely loved his wife. She pulled away, and Gerard frowned.

“Are you hungry, baby?” She asked.

He pursed his lips, and shrugged his shoulders. She ran her fingers through his hair again, and kissed him.

“I'm not really that hungry...I'm more tired, if anything,” he told her.

She smiled softly at him, and wrapped her arms around his neck. He brought her in and kissed her passionately. She sighed contently into their kiss. Gerard pulled away first, and walked away from Lindsey. She stared at his back, and frowned.

Did she do something wrong? She shrugged it off, and followed him. He went into the living room, and sat on the couch. She was thinking something else was wrong with him. He looked depressed, or something. She went over to him, and started to massage his shoulders. He tried to shrug her off, but she stayed there. She bent over, and wrapped her arms around his neck. She started to kiss his cheek repetitively.

“C'mon, babe. I'm tired, and stressed,” he sighed.

Lindsey was only trying to cheer Gerard up. She didn't want him to be stressed, or worn out. He looks like he has the weight of the world sitting on his shoulders. She started kissing the side of his face, and giggling.

“Mmmmm! Nooo!” She smiled.

She continued to kiss Gerard's face, and neck. Gerard loved his wife, he really, really did, but he just wanted to be left alone. He was in an irritable mood, and he'd be afraid of yelling at her, and upsetting her. She started to nuzzle her head into his neck. He tried to push her away, and looked at her.

“Lindsey, just don't! Stop, please?” He asked her, annoyed.

She frowned a bit, but kissed him softly on the lips.

“Come on, Gee! I just wanna show you how much I loooove you,” she smiled.

He sighed, and rolled his eyes. He was getting really irritated, and he didn't want to.

“Just don't, okay? I'm in such an irritable mood, and I don't want to take it out on you,” he told her.

She kissed him a few times, and stared into his eyes. She ran her hand through his hair, and down the side of his face.

“Let me take you out of that mood, then,” she whispered to him.

She sat behind Gerard, and wrapped her legs around his waist. She started to massage his shoulders again, and kiss his neck. Gerard was enjoying this, but he just wasn't in the mood. He just sighed, and started to get irritated a little bit more. He didn't really understand why he was getting so irritated. Was he really that tired to where he just wanted to snap at everyone?

“Mmm! Gee, baby! Come on,” she whined.

“Lindsey! Stop,” he sighed.

She smiled, and started to kiss his cheek more. He was seriously about to snap. Lindsey wouldn't leave him alone. He always leaves her alone when she wants to be left alone. Why can't she let him be? Any other time he wants to be with her, but at the moment he was just so tired, he just wants some time to himself.

“Come on! Let me give you some lovin'!” She pushed.

He pretty much ripped her arms off his shoulders, and stood up. He glared at her, and she looked up at him scared.

“Fucking stop! I don't want to!” He hissed.

“G-Gee...?” She asked, taken aback.

Tears started to fill her eyes.

“Lindsey, I fucking told you to leave me alone! Why didn't you listen?!” He yelled at her.

She stared into his anger filled eyes, and he stared into her tear-filled ones.

“I...I was j-just...Never mind,” she sighed.

Her bottom lip trembled, and tears started to pour out of her eyes. Gerard immediately felt like shit. Lindsey was only trying to make him feel better. She was his wife. That's what a wife is supposed to do. Make her husband feel better.

Lindsey didn't think she was doing anything wrong, and she knew she wasn't. Gerard obviously had a tiring, stressful day, and she wanted to make him feel better. She was kissing him, and hugging him, and rubbing his shoulders. As her sorry-looking husband looked at her, she stood up.

“I'm sorry, baby. I'm just really stressed, and you weren't leaving me alone when I was asking you to, so I took it out on you,” he whispered.

She nodded, sniffed, and walked away from him. She walked into the kitchen, and he could hear her crying. He hated seeing his wife cry. It made him feel terrible. Especially if he was the one that made her cry. He loved her more than anything else in this world. She was his whole life.

She started to make dinner, and he entered the kitchen quietly. The only sounds that could be heard was her crying, and the scraping of pans. He watched her, and felt really horrible. He made her cry. What an amazing husband he is, eh? Only a fucking asshole would do that. And you know what? He was a fucking asshole! He really was. He needed to apologize to her. He couldn't just let her stand there and cry.

He walked over there quietly, and wrapped his arms around her waist. He started kissing her neck, and humming Superstar. He always sang it to her when she was sad. She sniffled, and wiped her eyes.

“Baby, I'm so sorry...Please don't cry anymore,” he whispered to her.

She didn't say, or do anything. Gerard started to kiss her neck, and shoulder softly. She sighed, and looked at him.

“Gee, stop..” She said.

He frowned. She was acting the way he was acting with her. He started kissing her cheek softly, and sensually.

“No, baby. Stop crying...I hate seeing you cry. Smile for me?” He asked softly.

She sniffled again, and shook her head. Gerard frowned. He knew he hurt her. He felt so fucking bad.

“No, I'm not smiling. You upset me really bad,” she told him.

If she wasn't going to smile, he was going to have to make her smile. He turned her around in his arms, and pressed their noses together. He shook his head softly, and smiled. She melted in his arms, and giggled. She couldn't help herself. He always knew how to make her smile again.

“There it is,” Gerard said.

“There what is?” She asked.

He smiled, and kissed her full on the lips. She smiled again, and stared into his eyes. Gerard wiped the stained tears off her cheek, and stared back into his eyes.

“Your beautiful smile,” he whispered.

She sighed, and smiled again. Gerard smiled, and kissed her.

"I'm so sorry I snapped at you, angel...I love you so much," he whispered.

"It's okay, Gerard. I should have left you alone. You told me to, and I didn't."

Gerard put his finger against her lips softly, and shook his head. She had no reason to be sorry.

"You did nothing wrong. You were just being caring, and I yelled at you. You don't have to be sorry," he said to her.

She smiled, and threw her arms around his neck. He pressed their lips together, and they kissed passionately. They hated fighting. However, when ever they fought, they always ended up back to the way they were before they fought.

Together, and in love. And that's how it's always going to be.
♠ ♠ ♠
End. :]