You Are Everything I Am.


"Guten Nacht, Georg." I whispered before going into my room.

I collapsed on my bed, staring up at my ceiling. My thoughts were racing. I really like Gustav, but what about Curtis?
I'm not even in Germany for a week and I'm already forgetting my friends. Why did Jade like, not like me? What were Strify and Kiro talking about?
I couldn't get through this. Too much drama, and my best friends were back home in England.

I put on my robe and cracked open the door slightly. I looked around the hallway, all lights were out, except for the flashes of lightning coming in from the window.
I tiptoed down the hallway, careful not to make a sound- Not like it mattered, between the thunder and the patter of the rain against the window, I was like a mouse.

I opened the liquor cabinet and grabbed a Mike's Lemonade and went back to my room. Alcohol cures a depressed mind, so says Oli.

Oh the lovely things Oli has taught me.

I entered my room to hear my cell phone vibrating against my sheets. Who is calling me this late at night?


"Hallo?" I answered, taking a swig of the drink.

"Hey Kari! Forget about us yet?" He laughed. I gulped, Well, almost.

"Oh course not!" I answered, "How are things going in England?"

"Well Oli started drinking again," He started

"When did he stop?" I teased

There was a pause. "True." He laughed. I smiled, it was nice to hear him laughing again. " But yeah, Oli and Amy are together now,"

"Was?!" I exclaimed, "I leave London, and all my friends are hooking up?!"

"Everyone but me," He said.

Awkward silence. Damn it.

"So how's Deutschland?"

"It's alright. A few people I met are pretty cool, but I really miss you guys," I sighed.

"We miss you too, parties are no fun without you," He said, "But we can always see you on breaks,"

"Well thats true," I yawned

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, just drama,"

"You sound tired, I'll talk to you soon?"

"Ja, Guten nacht,"


And then the line went.

I went over to the window and threw whatever was left of the alcohol out the window, then hid the bottle in the bottom of my dresser.

No one will ever know.

-The Next Day-

How I don't wanna be here right now, I thought as I walked down the halls. Having Curtis call last night was nice, but drinking hard lemonade gave me a major headache. I really wish I didnt have to leave my friends back in England. I grabbed my books and walked to Mr. Daum's class.

"Gute Morgen, Kari." He greeted as I entered the room. Jade was sitting in the back of the room with Romeo, Yu, and Shin. I sat near the middle of the room, and waved back to the guys. The smiled and nodded in my direction, while Jade had just seemed to glare. I turned around just as Mr. Daum started class.

"Okay class, we will be starting a project today and will be working with partners."

Romeo raised his hand, "Do we get to pick our partners?"

Mr Daum shook his head, "Nein, I already have the partners picked,"

The project was to design a poster giving facts about five different kinds of drugs and the negative side effects of them. Just my luck, the day I come into school hungover, we get an assignment to not do drugs. Just great.

"Now for partners," Mr. Daum said, after explaining. I cringed, hoping I'd have Shin or Yu or Romeo for a partner.

"Romeo and Yu," He stated. In the back of the room, Romeo and Yu slapped high-fives. I turned around and giggled.

"Shin and Josey,"


He seemed to have gone on forever, when he finally said my name.

"Kari and," He paused, "Jade."

I never have turned my head so fast in my life. We looked at each other in shock. She stood up angrily, "Was!?"

Romeo shook his head and face-palmed. He muttered something under his breath in German.

I turned around and sulked in my seat. This is gonna be one long week.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, originally this was gonna be a filler, but I decided I'd add something important to the plot as well.

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