Status: Hiatus. I have no idea when I'll be writing for this again. Sorry.


So when weakness turns my ego up

After almost twenty minutes of silence, Phoenix couldn't take it anymore. He got up from the kitchen table and stormed into the living room where Chet and Trixxi were sitting on the couch.

"Hey, Bea, how are you?" Ever since Phoenix learned that Trixxi's real name was Beatrix, he refused to call her anything else but Bea. And to Phoenix's amusement, Polly had started to address her as that as well.

Trixxi smiled, "I'm doing pretty good, how 'bout you?"

Grinning at Chet's glare Phoenix replied, "Good. Great really." And he couldn't help himself by asking, "How's Polly doing?"

"She's great," Trixxi answered smiling even wider.

"Good. I miss her," he mumbled.

"Phoenix you just saw her today," Chet said trying to tell Phoenix to back off with giving him a look and he knew it wasn't really working.

"I know, but I didn't get to see her today for that long 'cause she had to take a shift some girl at work didn't show up for. I was kinda used to how it's been lately, and today was different. It just feels weird." He shrugged biting his lip.

"Well, I'm sure she feels the same way," Trixxi said smiling at him.

Phoenix grinned. "Really?"

Laughing, Trixxi replied. "Yes, really."

"Then should I call her?" he asked getting excited.

"Yeah, you go do that." Trixxi said making sure her voice sounded hyper like she was talking to a baby.

Phoenix jumped up from the chair he was sitting in, smiling from ear to ear. "Okay! I'm going to go to your room Chet and call her!"

Chet rolled his eyes, "Okay, man. You do that."

But Phoenix was already at the top of stairs yelling random things.

Trixxi laughed. "Is it sad to say that Polly acts the same exact way?"

Chet looked over at her. "Does she?"

Nodding Trixxi replied with, "Yes. She comes home all excited and tells me how cute he is and how he does this, and how he likes that. And how they have so many things in common but like not at the same time so it's not boring or anything. And she goes on and on and on."

Chet smiled. "Yeah he's the same way. I feel like I've learned so many things about Polly just because Phoenix won't shut up about her."

"Yeah, I feel the same way about Phoenix," she murmured looking down at her clasped hands. "I'm sorry that I haven't been really talking to you that much."

"It's okay," he paused looking up at her. "Phoenix told me that you've been having so much to deal with lately with work and everything else."

Trixxi started playing with the hem of her shirt not being able to look up at Chet as she told him this. "Yeah, well that and," she took a deep breath, "my mom is sick, she's been sick for about seven years now. So I was basically living with my brother Trent for a lot of my life. And well the doctors were telling me that she isn't getting better. She's not really getting worse, but there hasn't been much improvement either.

"So, anyway, I've been dealing with that, and James annoying me a lot lately." Trixxi could tell that Chet wanted to say something but she glance up at him and he didn't say anything which she was glad for and continued on. "But yeah, I have some free time this weekend if you want to hang out?" she asked sounding shy, and before he could answer she quickly added, "Polly told me that Phoenix told her that you were worried that I was mad at you or that I didn't want to hang out with you. So I thought I'd come by and tell you what was going on."

Chet wanted to ask Trixxi about her mom but felt like if she wanted to tell him more she would when she felt comfortable with it, and on her own time. So he thought he should let it be for now. "I'm glad you came," he smiled.

She smiled back at him, "Good."

"I was a little worried that I did something wrong at the party or something, but all that aside, I would love to hang out with you sometime this weekend."

Grinning bashfully she whispered, "Good."

"Good," he murmured back.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm so sorry that I have another crappy short chapter for you guys. But I thought you deserved something for being such awesome readers. I hope there was at least somethings that you liked about this chapter. I have some more ideas so the next chapter shouldn't be that far away. I just didn't want to write out all the ideas that have and post them 'cause then I'd be stuck again, if that makes sense.

Anyway, let me know what you think?

Much love,