Her Kiss Fifteen Times Venomous as the Rattlesnake

Two Years After The Fact


"Zachary Jonathan Baker, do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife. In sickness and in health, to honer and to cherish, for richer or for poorer, to have and to hold from this day forward, until death do you part?" The preacher man looked at Zacky and he smiled down at me.

"I do." I grinned wide.

"And do you, Helena Rose Williams, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband. In sickness and in health, to honor and to cherish, for richer or for poorer, to have and to hold from this day forward, until death do you part?" I couldn't quit smiling.

"I do." He grinned this time.

"Then by the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride!" He wrapped his left arm around me pulling me close to him, then lifted my veil with the other before placing his hand on my face and kissing me softly making the commitment final. Then the few people that were at this wedding stood up, clapping and cheering for us. I wrapped my arms around him and held him tight.

Before long, our little girl, Adrianna Bliss Baker, was making her was up to us the best she could. Before she made it up the second step to the alter, Zacky swooped her up in his arm and kissed her cheek. I laughed and wrapped them both in my arms. It was the perfect moment. The perfect day. And nothing, no one could ruin this for me.

Not ever.


"Val!" Brian shouted, nearly choking on his soda as he did so. She came rushing in.

"What? What happened? Are you okay?" She started patting his back to help him quit coughing. He nodded.

"I'm fine, it's, look!" He pointed to the page in the magazine he'd been reading. Her eyes bugged.

"Give me that!" She snatched it away. "Ex band member of Avenged Sevenfold married!!" She exclaimed looking up at me. "Where's the details on this?" She asked, flipping through the magazine. He shrugged. She sighed and rolled her eyes. "Here! I found it!" She squealed.

"Let me see!" Brian reached for it but she turned pulling it out of his reach and started to read.

"It is confirmed that as of yesterday, August 3rd, Avenged Sevenfold's ex-guitarist is married to his girlfriend of two years!" She shrieked and her eyes grew wider as she read more. "It appears that Zack and Helena Baker also share a child together and have been trying to keep her away from the public eye. More details will be released soon." She sighed tossing it on the counter top.

"Wow." Brian said, "They actually did it. I mean they actually got married." She nodded, biting her lip.

"Do we tell the others?" He looked up at her. She shook her head.

"I dunno. I dunno yet." She sighed and sat down at the table.

"Well they're most likely gonna see it sooner or later." He suggested. She nodded.

"Let's just get this over with." He nodded in agreement.


"Wait a second, what?" Matt cleared. "They got married?" Brian and Val both nodded. "I can't believe this!" He threw his hands in the air.

"I'm sorry Matt." Val said.

"No, it's not your fault don't be sorry. I just, it's not. It's not the reason you guys are both probably thinking right now, okay?" They watched him intently. "I'm over her. I really am. I just can't believe they got married without us ya know?" They nodded.

"I always did picture being the best man at Zack's wedding." Brian mused, Val nudged him out of it.

"Anyway, we're sorry Matt. We need to go tell the others though." He nodded.

"Go on." With that, they turned and left. Matt needed to be alone right now.


"They're married?" They asked in unison, besides Jimmy who was making exclamations of his own. The two just nodded, a repeat of their previous actions.

"I can't believe I wasn't there to see Leny get married!" Jimmy had a fit.

"Yeah, we all missed it Jims." Brian said. He just shook his head.

"That's something I never thought I'd miss."

"Yeah me too." Val added.

The girls were shocked. They didn't really know what to say. They'd kind of turned cold toward Leny since she'd left.

The others tried to remind them that it was for the best, but they're hard headed.


"Daa!" Adrianna banged her fist down on her highchair tray and giggled as Zacky stood in front of her teasing her and whatnot, while I was making lunch.

"Look Adrianna, I'm the cookie monster! I'll eat all your cookies!" He grabbed her cookie and held it loosely in his mouth. She giggled and reached for it.

"Baby you don't know how true that is." I spoke to my daughter, turning from the stove.

"Hey." Zacky pouted, causing the cookie to fall from his mouth. I laughed.

"You dork."

"Wan fly!" Zacky turned back to Adrianna.

"You wanna fly?" She nodded and kicked her legs.

"Oh alright." He started to pick her up out of her high chair.

"Wait!" I called. "I'm not sure it's such a good idea to get her all dizzy before she eats babe, she could throw it all back up."

"Peas mum?" She looked up at me with those big, green eyes and there was no way I could refuse.

"Alright." I sighed. "But don't get her too worked up."

"Will do babe! Er, won't do." Zacky laughed tossing Adrianna up in the air a couple times before actually lifting her and spinning her around. I laughed and shook my head, turning back to the stove. Before I knew it he was zoom, zoom, zooming her into the next room.

A few minutes later Adriannaran toddled in with the phone. "Mum! Fone!" Zacky came up behind her and picked her up into his arms. I took the phone from her hand.


"Hello, is this Helena Williams?"

"No it's not, this is Helena Baker." I smiled at the smirk on Zacky's face. Apparently he could hear the woman's voice through the phone.

"Oh, excuse me, I'm sorry. Well, Helena Baker, right, my name is Agent Juvani, would you be able to drop by my office this afternoon?" I raised a brow.

"Agent? What are you like an investigator or something? Why do you need to speak with me?" She chuckled lightly from the other end.

"No, no. I'm a reporter. I'd like to interview you."

"Interview me?"

"That's right."

"But why?" I was confused. I hadn't seen the magazine that everyone was raving about.

"The wedding to the ex-guitarist of Avenged Sevenfold of course! And we need some good details on your adorable daughter." This made me want to slam the phone down in her ear.

"I'm sorry, but this is our personal life, and we're trying to keep our daughter away from the tabloids as much as possible. Thank you, have a nice day." I hung up with that.

"Wow." Zacky laughed. "You told her." I sighed.

"She wanted me to do an interview so she could snoop around in our personal life." He pulled me close to him.

"It's gonna be alright. The tabloids will soon have another married celebrity couple to rave about and they'll leave us alone." I sighed and wrapped my arms around him.

"I hope so."

"Trust me." He kissed my head. I looked up and realized for the first time that he'd put Adrianna down.

"Where'd Adrian go?" I asked, looking through the doorway.

"She went outside to play." I was very protective over my little girl. Now I may not have wanted to have one before, but now that I do, I love her to death and she's my life, aside from Zacky and I'd do anything for her. So I'm very, very protective over her. Especially with these no good for nothing reporters out trying to get every detail on her they can.

Zacky must've noticed the worried look on my face about her being outside alone.

"Hey, it's okay. She'll be fine. Look, if you want, I'll go outside with her alright?" I nodded.


"Of course, babe." He gave me a quick kiss and was off. I turned back to the stove and once again, attempted to finish the fifteen minute lunch that was taking me an hour.


"This just out that The newly wedded wife of Zack Baker, Helena Baker, has denied any further information about the marriage or daughter. If we have anymore details or updates on this, we'll let you know. Cutting to the evening news with Ryan."

Brian turned off the TV and shook his head but his face held the slightest trace of a smile. He was proud of them for getting married. Of course, he'd rather have been there standing next to Zack as the best man. But he was glad they finally did it.

"Hey baby, what ya doing?" Breanna came in and sat down wrapping her arms around him. He smiled and kissed her.

"Nothing." He smiled and kissed her cheek. "Bre?"


"Would you hate me if I told you that, I'm actually proud of Zack and Leny for what they did?" She pulled away from him a little to look at him.

"Brian, they ran off, Leny just up and left Matt, they left all their life long friends here, got married, and you're proud of them?" He nodded. She made almost a disgusted face.

"Care to explain?" He nodded.

"They've always been my two best friends, I've always wanted the best for the both of them. And I knew that the only way they were each ever gonna have the best, was to have each other. I tried so hard to hook those two up. To make a break through with Leny when she was denying her love for Zacky there at the last and I finally did! And now they're married!

"I mean, they could've ran to a local Justice Of The Peace and eloped for all I care as long as their together! That's just how much I think they're meant to be. And whether we were or were not at that wedding, they did what they thought was best."

She just stared at him for a few minutes.

"I guess I can see you're point in some ways. But I still think they could've at least told us face to face." Brian just sighed and shook his head.

Fighting with Breanna was a losing battle.


"Zacky! Adrianna! Dinner!" I hollered through the house later that evening. When I got no running of feet towards the dinging room in response, I made my way through to the living room. No one there. Hmm.

I continued to walk throughout the house, but still couldn't seem to find them. "Zacky?" I was in the upstairs hallway now, headed toward our bedroom slowly, they had meslightly scared now.

I reached my bedroom doorway and peaked around then jerked my head back in one swift moment. Just being cautious. Then I carefully peaked around once more. I shrieked.

Right about that time, someone had grabbed around the waist from behind.

"Hey, hey! It's alright, it's me." Zacky laughed. I turned around and smacked his arm.

"Don't do that to me! You nearly gave me a heart attack!" He just smirked and pulled me close in his arms kissing my head.

"Daa-e scare mum!" Adrianna's voice exclaimed. I looked down to see her tiny frame standing next to Zacky's leg. I laughed.

"Were did you come from?" I raised my brow at her.

"Rags." She point to the closet where the towels and wash rags were. I looked over at Zacky and smirked.

"I'll have to remember that." He just grinned. "For now, it's dinner time."

"Food!" Adrianna and Zacky both exclaimed at the same time. Both pairs of vibrant green eyes stared into each other. Zacky smirked.

"I've got an amazing child." He stated before grabbing her from my arms and running down the stairs. I shook my head but followed them down.

I came down to the dining room just in time to catch on to a new conversation. "No, mum tinks I coot!" Adrianna exclaimed.

"Okay fine, but she thinks I'm hot." Zacky beamed.

"Hot?" He nodded.


"Ouch?" Zacky thought about it before laughing.

"Yeah hot, ouch. I'm just that hot." I shook my head as I stood silently and watched this conversation.

"I hot?" Zacky shook his head.

"No you're cute, and you better never be hot in a guy's eyes until you're eighty-two, and by then, they won't need to worry about it." He grinned. She looked at him with question in her eyes and I figured it was my cue to walk in. I laughed as I did so.

"Hey baby, don't listen to daddy, he doesn't know what he's talkin' about." I walked over and lightly smacked Zacky upside the head before sitting down.

"Hey!" He pouted. I just grinned.

"Daa-e got bam!" Adrianna said, hitting her highchair tray doing so.

"Yeah, mommy mean." Zacky rubbed his head and glared at me even though it didn't really hurt.

"Mommy is not mean, Daddy's mean for telling you things like that." I stuck out my tongue.

Adrianna giggled at our childish stupidity.

This was normal. Okay wait, no, this was not normal, but it was normal for us.
♠ ♠ ♠
Awwweee, look at that!! They got married!! And isn't Adrianna adorable?! lol...

So, I'm back!! Didn't take me too long I hope?

Don't worry, maybe things will look up for the guys and everyone soon. =))

Be back soon my lovies!

Vengeance Princess~