Her Kiss Fifteen Times Venomous as the Rattlesnake

When The Past And Present Meet


I opened my eyes the next morning to meet with a pair of beautiful green ones and smiled. "Morning baby."

"Morn-y mum." I wrapped my arm around Adrianna and pulled her closer to me.

"Where's daddy at?" I asked, yawning.

"Breakfist." I nodded and rubbed my eyes.

"Ya wanna go downstairs and sneak up on him?" She nodded and her eyes brightened up.

"Yaa! Scare Daa-e!" She giggled.

"Alright." I laughed standing up and picking her up out of bed, carrying her downstairs with me. He was downstairs in the kitchen cooking bacon and eggs and whatnot, turned toward the stove and had no idea we were behind him.

"Morning babe." I spoke right in his ear. He jumped and nearly dropped the spatula he had been holding. I laughed as he turned toward us.

"Don't do that again!" He warned. I laughed. I'd always had a knack for scaring Zacky.

"Awe, I'm sorry." I leaned forward and kissed him lightly.

"No, no." Adrianna put her hand between our faces. "No kiss, ooo." I laughed.

"Sorry sweetie." I apologized bouncing her slightly. "So what are we doing today?" I asked Zacky as he sat plates down on the table and I set Adrianna in her highchair.

"I'm not sure. But I'm thinking maybe I should be getting a job soon like most normal fathers." I turned around once I had her situated and walked towards Zacky.

"Babe, when have you ever been normal?" I smirked.

"Shut up." He smirked back. "But seriously, money runs out sometime, and though I may have a lot now, sooner or later, especially with her," He looked over at Adrianna who was eating delightfully, "It's gonna run out." I bit my lip in thought.

"I suppose you're right. Does that mean we have to give you up through the day?" I pouted. He wrapped his arms around me.

"We'll see. I haven't even went 'job hunting' yet." He laughed then. "Boy it feels weird saying that. I've never had to say it in my life!" I nodded.

"You'll get used to it." I kissed his cheek. "Now let's eat."


"Bird?" I shook my head.

"No, see that's a squirrel. That," I pointed to a bird in the sky, "Is a bird." Adrianna smiled.

"Bird!" I laughed and kissed her cheek. "Me play, mum."

"Alright." I set her down on the ground and watched as she ran off toward the playground with all the other small children once again.

Zacky was at work. He got hired at a a designer job. He gets to help make the layouts for designs of clothes which he's loving because it's totally his own style. He's doing good, too.

I sighed and sat back watching my little girl run across the bridge with another little boy. That brought visions to my head. Someday she's gonna be grown and have some boy that wants to take her out.

I sighed, yet again, as thoughts of the future surrounded my mind.

"You look stressed." I looked up to see a woman standing in front of me.

"Oh, oh no, I'm fine. Really." I smiled. She took the opportunity to sit next to me on the bench.

"You're sure?" I sighed.

"Just thinking, I suppose." She nodded. I pointed out Adrianna on the playground. "That's my little girl. That's my Adrianna. I saw her running around with a younger boy and it made me start thinking that someday, she's gonna grow up and these boys are gonna want to take her out. She won't need me anymore."

The lady smiled at me. "I wouldn't know anything about having a kid, I don't have any. But I believe I know how you feel. I got really close to my little sister, she used to look up to me a lot when we still lived at home. Then she hit a certain age out of the blue where she started dating and she didn't need my advice anymore, she could do everything on her own!" She threw her hands in the air and laughed lightly.

"Yeah," I nodded. "Exactly what I'm worried about."

"She is a lot better now, though. She's eighteen, and though she's still young, she's wiser than she was at thirteen." She smiled at me and I returned it.

"So what's your name?" I attempted further conversation.

"Sami, yours?" She asked.

"Helena, or Leny for short." She got silent for a minute before speaking again.

"I need to be going, but can I get your number so maybe we can talk again sometime?" I smiled and nodded. She handed me her cellphone and I dialed my number into her address book.

"There you go." I smiled.

"Thanks. I'll talk to you later." She waved as she left.

I sighed and ran my hands over my face before standing and walking over to Adrianna.

"Hey boo, you ready to go?" She looked up at me and away from the boy she was talking to.

"Go now?" I nodded.


"Mum-e tired?" I nodded. She held her finger up to me for me to hold on a minute while she talked to the boy. "I gotta go. Mum-e tired."

"I'll see you tomorrow?" The boy asked. She smiled at him.

"Maybe. C'mon mum-e, let's go." She took my extended hand, waiting for her. Once I had it, I swung her up into my arms before kissing her cheek.

2:09 AM

My generation is zero.
I never made it as a working class hero.
21st century breakdown.
I once was lost but never was found-

"Hello?" I answered my ringing cell phone groggily.

"Hello Helena." I sat up rubbing my eyes trying to piece my mind together.

"Who is this?"

"What you can't tell?" And then it hit me. Like a ton of bricks. It was an immediate reaction to close my phone and drop it to the floor.

How did he find me? How did he figure out my number? There's no way. I'm not listed.

I sighed trying to get my brains together.

"Baby, you okay?" I looked over at Zacky who was now awake and looking at me worriedly.

"Um, Zack, we've got sort of a problem on our hands." I said in a slightly shaky voice.

"What? What is it?" He sat up scooting closer and wrapping his arms around me.

"I just got a phone call." He raised his brow in confusion.

"Was that your ring tone I heard? I thought I was dreaming." I sighed, one track mind.

"No Zacky, you weren't dreaming, now listen to me." He looked back to me again. "Okay now um, I'm not really sure how to tell you this, but-"

"What? Just tell me Helena." I sighed and ran my hands over my face once again.

"Matt just called here."

5 Hours Previously
Matt's Hotel Room

"Hey babe, where ya been?" Johnny asked.

"Oh I was at the park for awhile." Sami replied, sitting down on his lap.

"You went to the park?" Matt asked. She nodded.

"Don't pick at my girl. She can go to the park if she wants." Johnny said to Matt. "So, did ya have fun?" He asked her. She nodded.

"I actually even met a woman, I got her number. I think we might end up being friends." I smiled.

"Babe, if she lives here in Italy, and we're just touring and we'll be going back to America, how do you think that's gonna happen?" She frowned then.

"I never thought about that. But we can still talk!" He laughed and shook his head.

"So who is this chic?" Matt asked.

"Oo, yeah and is she single?" Brian cut in and Breanna smacked him upside the head. Everyone laughed.

"I doubt she's single, she's got a kid. And her name is Leny." She stated simply. All mouths went ajar at this slight confession.

Sami was never told about Leny. They all figured that the present didn't need to know about the past. Looks like they ran right into each other.

"Give that cell phone." Matt demanded.

Present Time

"Matt?" I nodded.

"How did he-?" I shook my head.

"I don't know. I don't know, that's what I'm trying to figure out!" I sighed frustrated.

"Calm down babe, we'll figure this out. And we'll take care of this. We'll change cellphones again if we have to, we'll do anything, but we will fix this." I sighed contently as I leaned back in my husband's arms.

I trusted him with my life.

So I trusted him with this, as well.
♠ ♠ ♠
Wow. Did ya see that one coming? Probably some of you. But not all of you. 0.o

Can you believe he found her again? So what do you think will happen?

I'll be back soon!!

Vengeance Princess~