Her Kiss Fifteen Times Venomous as the Rattlesnake

Too Much Excitement For One Birthday


It's been a month since Matt called, and he hasn't tried since. A little odd I thought, but dropped it. Zacky and I got our cell phone numbers changed the next week. We knew there could've been a possible chance that maybe he'd lost the number by then, but we weren't taking any chances.

"Okay, so it's your special day my love, you can have anything you want. Anything." I smiled down at Adrianna in her stroller as we walked through the huge mall.

"Me wan toys!" Zacky and I both laughed.

"Then toys is what you shall have!" I strolled her on towards the toy isle.

"Now, time for daddy to quiz his baby." I raised my brow at him.

"You're gonna do what?" I asked.

"I'm gonna see if she knows her music." He stated like it was so obvious. I rolled my eyes, smirking.

"Okay, now despite what your mother thinks, what's the best band in the whole world?" He smirked down at his child. I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Mith-fit." She said. He laughed, I rolled my eyes.

"Great job! High five." He reached his hand down to her and she smacked his palm with hers.

"Okay, now who's got the most amazing vocals? Despite what your mother thinks.." He smirked yet again.

"B-Joe!" She shouted. Zacky gasped.

"How dare you Adrianna, just because mommy may think so, we don't! It's Aaron Fuller, say it-" Adrianna interrupted him.

"No! It's B-Joe!" She exclaimed pointing to someone standing my a wrack of sunglasses with a woman and a young child of his own. I had to do a double take. Sure enough, it was Billie Joe Armstrong, my long time ex boyfriend.

Zacky immediately glared. "What's he doing here?" I rolled my eyes.

"Zacky don't start. It's a free country."

"We're not in America!"

"Oh well! He hasn't done anything to you, he didn't even do anything wrong to me! I broke up with him incase you've forgotten?" I nearly shouted.

"Mum-e mad? Daa-e make mum-e mad?" I sighed and closed my eyes for a moment trying to calm down.

"No baby, mommy's not mad. I'm sorry for shouting." I smiled down at her.

"We go see B-Joe?" She looked up at me through her big green orbs. I couldn't deny those eyes, I just couldn't.

I looked over at Zacky and made puppy dog eyes of my own. He, on the other hand, held a stern look on his face. "Zacky look, I know you don't like him, and I'm not even sure why, but the guy probably won't even remember me. And he's got a woman with him himself and a child. Plus, I'm married to you." I reminded him. He sighed.

"Come on please? For Adrianna?" I pouted a little more.

"You guys are lucky I love you." He caved. We slowly strolled over to where he was standing.

"Um, excuse me, I didn't mean to bother you, but my daughter's a fan of yours and she wanted to meet you." He stood up straight and turned toward me.

"No problem." He smiled, leaning down so that he was level with Adrianna. I sighed with relief that he didn't seem to remember who I was. "Hey there. What's your name?"

"Adrianna." He smiled.

"That's a real pretty name. See my wife up there?" He pointed to the woman who smiled down at Adrianna. "Her name is Adrienne." Her eyes brightened. Billie laughed slightly. "I call her Adie for short. Do you have a nickname?" She nodded.

"Adrian." He chuckled.

"That's nice." The smile never once left Adrianna's face. "She's cute." He said, smirking up at us. I nodded.

"That she is."

"My birday!" Adrianna exclaimed.

"Really now?" She nodded.

"Would you like me to give you something?" She nodded, curious. He stood up and turned to Adrienne for a minute before she went rummaging through her purse. She pulled out a CD which Billie Joe signed before kneeling back down in front of Adrianna.

"Here ya go." He handed it to her. "I signed it for you too. Date and all, that way when you're older, you can look back on it and show your friends you met me at..." Adrianna held up three fingers. He laughed. "Three years old." I smiled, he really was a sweet guy.

"Do you guys want a picture together? I've got my digital." I spoke. Zacky's grip around me tightened. I gave him a reassuring glance before pulling my camera out of my purse. "Alright, ready? And...There." I smiled after the flash went off.

I showed the picture to the both of them before putting the camera back in my bag. Billie and I caught each other's stare for a moment.

"We should probably be going now." Zacky said.

"Yeah us too." Adrienne added.

"Right, come on Adrianna." I grabbed her stroller.

"Bye B-Joe!" He laughed and winked at her.

"By Adie." She giggled.


"Zacky, for Heaven's sake, you're just jealous." I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. We were now sitting at an outside table at Steak And Shake.

"I am most certainly not jealous. He was about to recognize you." I sighed.

"Whatever Zacky, I've gotta use the restroom, I'll be right back." I stopped next to Adrianna. "You wanna come with mommy? You need to go to the bathroom?" She nodded and reached her arms out to me. I picked her up and headed towards the outdoor restrooms.

It didn't take us long in the restroom before we were headed back to our table, but before we could even make it a couple steps away from the door, I felt someone grab my free arm and spin me around to face them.

I stood there, shocked and speechless for a minute.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, my voice wavering the slightest.

"I came to retrieve what was rightfully mine." I jerked my arm from his grip.

"You lost your chance with me like three years ago, buddy." I gripped onto Adrianna tighter and started to march away. He grabbed my arm again nearly causing me to drop my daughter. I spun around and glared daggers at him.

"Get away from me, stay away from, don't ever touch me again or I'll call the police for harassment." He started to slowly reach his hand towards my face.

"Come on Helena you know you missed me." He smirked.

"In your dreams."

"Hey! I thought I took care of you once, didn't think I'd have to do it twice." A voice behind me spoke. I froze yet again.

It couldn't be...

"Well hello there Mathew, great to see you again after all this time. I thought we were gonna be buds, but you, I found out you stole my girl away from me!" Jake, yes Jake, accused.

Matt laughed. I didn't steal her away from you, I saved her from you, Moron. And then she got with Billie Joe. Get your facts straight. We didn't get together until after that." He was standing right behind me now. I was paralyzed. My baby had her face buried in my neck due to the fear of the situation.

Where the heck is Zack?

"Either way, I came to get my girl back." Matt laughed. "She's not your girl! She's married!" I swallowed the lump in my throat. How did he know that?

"What to you?" Jake snorted. "I highly doubt she'd even go through with something like that." It didn't take long for Matt's fist to find it's way to Jake's jaw. That was obviously a sensitive subject for Matt. I didn't go through with our engagement, I ran off to be with Zacky and married him.

"Don't go stickin' your nose where it don't belong. Odds are, it might get broken." He spat in Jake's face before turning toward Adrianna and I for the first time. I gazed up at him through confused eyes.

He's changed some but not much.

"Are you alright?" He asked. I simply nodded and swallowed yet again.

"Mum-e no fight." Adrianna whined and squirmed in my arms. This snapped me out of my daze and brought my attention back to her for the first time in awhile.

"Awe, it's okay baby. I'm sorry. Mommy's sorry baby, look at me." She cautiously pulled her face from my neck and her bright green eyes met with my blue ones. "I'm sorry, boo. Mommy didn't mean to scare you." She wrapped her arms around my neck hugging me.

"That's your baby?" I nodded, my gaze meeting Matt's again. Adrianna raised her head from my shoulder long enough for her beautiful green eyes to lock with Matt's golden eyes. "She's gorgeous." I smiled.

"Thanks." I sighed then and kissed her head. He frowned.

"What's wrong?" I played with one of her curls swaying back and forth with her before speaking.

"Today's her birthday and it got ruined." He gave me a sympathetic look.

"Hey, I'm sure she understands. Right?" He bent down slightly so he could see Adrianna. "You know that wasn't mommy's fault right hon?" Adrianna nodded and I couldn't help but smile.

"What are you doing here anyway?" He sighed standing up straight again.

"We're on tour here in Italy. And as stalkerish as it may seem, I wasn't even looking to run into you." He smirked. I grinned. "Where's Zack?"

"Back at our table. Which reminds me, he's gonna think we got kidnapped if we don't get back there." He nodded with a certain sort of sadness in his eyes. I grabbed his hand with my free hand. "Come on." I smiled softly. "I'm sure he'll be glad to see you."

"I think he hates me." I raised my brow at him.

"I think you should hate him." He laughed lightly. "Come on, it'll be fine. I promise." With that we walked towards Zack and I's table.

I only prayed Zacky wouldn't have a fit or a heart attack.

Whichever might happen first.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okee-dokes! The results of Zacky's heart attack/fit will be in the next chapter!

How do you think he's gonna react? Can you believe she's running into all her ex's in one day? Phew, talk about bad luck...lol...I can only think of one ex I'd like to run into and that's cause I still love that man. <3

I'll be back real soon my sweet readers!!

Until then, rock out!!

Vengeance Princess~