Her Kiss Fifteen Times Venomous as the Rattlesnake

Getting Reacquainted


I cleared my throat as three of us now stood before Zacky. He looked up from his cellphone only noticing Adrianna and I at first. "Oh, hey. I was just about to call your cell. I thought you got lost." He smirked.

I wondered for a second why he wasn't seeing Matt. When I turned and looked, Matt wasn't there. "Oh come on now I know I'm not hallucinating."

"What?" He looked at me confused. I sighed.

"Hold her." I set Adrianna on his lap. "I'll be right back." I marched right back over to the stalls, but didn't see him there. So I wandered around to the back and saw him standing behind the small building, leaned up against it, smoking a cigarette. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

'"Matt, don't be such a chicken. And since when did you pick up on smoking?" I asked, taking the small stub of a cigarette from his hand and tossing it elsewhere.

"I am not a chicken." He said turning towards me. I rolled my eyes yet again.

"Then get your rear end back over there with me now, and you didn't answer my question." He raised his eyebrow at me. "Since when did you start smoking?" He shrugged.

"I dunno. This really important part of my life took off, I need away to calm my nerves in the beginning and got addicted to it." I looked away crossing my arms.

"Are you gonna come back over here with me or what?" I asked, avoiding the subject. He sighed.

"Sure. Why not?" Did I hear sarcasm in his tone?

"Zacky.." I called, once we were both standing in front of him again. He looked up and his eyes immediately grew wide. I thought for sure he'd let Adrianna fall right off his lap. "Matt's here." He nodded.

"I-I see that." Zacky stumbled over his words slightly.

"Hey Zack." Matt spoke smoothly.

"Hey." Now I can see why things are awkward. They weren't even on the best of terms before we left. Imagine now.

"Matt, sit down." I pulled out one of the chairs for him. He acted unsure at first, but eventually took the seat.

"Daa-e me get cake?" He looked down at Adrianna and smiled.

"Yes baby you'll get cake in a little bit." She grinned wide as he told her this and reached out for another chicken nugget. Matt watched in amusement as she dipped in her sweet and sour sauce and went to take a bite, but missed getting it on her face. She had a fit.

"Mum!! Diry! Diry!" She cried. I quickly rushed to her side to help her, grabbing napkins along the way.

"Awe, here baby, it's okay. Shh." I wiped up her chin and mouth and got all the stickiness away. "There, see? All clean!" I cheered. She smiled.

"All cean!" She clapped her hands together. Zacky chuckled lightly at his daughter.

"So uh, how have you been Matt?" Zacky asked, trying to make conversation.

"I've been doing okay." He shrugged.

"And the guys? The girls?" I asked.

"Their pretty good. Johnny's got himself a new woman." He looked right at me while saying this with a certain look in his eye.

"Really? Who is she?" Zacky asked.

"Name's Sami." I choked on the drink of soda I had been taking.

"Hey babe, ya okay?" Zacky looked slightly worried. Matt looked like he knew something. I looked up at him.

"That's how you got my number." He nodded. "I'm sorry I hung up on you." He shrugged.

"Wan mum!" Adrianna called, reaching her arms out.

"Alright, here." Zacky handed her to me and I adjusted her in my lap.

"So where's everyone else?" I asked.

"Running around." He laughed a little. "Ya wanna see 'em?" He looked hopeful. "It'd really mean a lot to 'em." I bit my lip pondering this in my head then looked over to Zacky. He nodded.

"Alright. Let's go." I said. Before long we were all standing. Zacky was gathering the rest of Adrianna's chicken nuggets and Matt was helping me throw trash away.

"Where go?" Adrianna asked in the car. We were currently following Matt to his hotel room.

"We're going to see some friends babe."

"Fwiends?" I nodded from the passenger seat. Normally she'd know these people as her aunts and uncles, but I wasn't sure if I was ready for that yet.

We pulled up to a hotel before long and followed Matt into the lobby. A short while later, we were entering what I'm guessing was his hotel room.

"Hey everybody, I've got a surprise." Matt smiled as he walked in first.

"Ooo, ice cream?" I heard Jimmy asked. I wanted to run in the room and attack him.

"No not ice cream." Matt chuckled. "Something much better." He gestured for us to come in and we did.

All went silent as we walked in the room and the expressions on their faces were unreadable. "Surprithe!" Adrianna shouted.

"Leny?" Jimmy spoke first. I nodded and gave a small smile. It took him no time to make it over to me and envelope me in a huge hug. "You have no idea how much I missed you."

"Likewise Slim Jim." I laughed, holding him tightly with my free arm.

"And this! This is the little senorita?" I nodded.

"She's adorable!" He gushed. I laughed.

"Here take her." I offered which he gladly excepted.

"Hey," Matt turned to me. "You didn't offer me to hold her."

"We were in an awkward position. You just beat up my ex boyfriend." I reasoned.

"He what?" Zacky questioned.

"I'll explain later." I sighed.

"You got that right, babe." He wrapped his arms around me. Next thing I know, Brian was standing right in front of us.

"Now that's what I've always wanted to see!" He exclaimed. I laughed and shook my head.

"We missed you too Bri." Zacky and I both laughed.

"I did miss you, I was supposed to be the best man at the wedding!" He exclaimed.

"Sorry." I pouted my lip.

"I'm just glad ya did it!" He pulled me into his arms away from Zacky's who made a grunt in protest.

"Leny!!" I looked up to see Val had just walked in the room.

"Val!" I ran over and pulled her into a hug that could've possibly killed her had it lasted any longer.

"Oh my Lord, I missed you so much! You have no idea!" She exclaimed.

"I missed you too! It's been so long! Look at your hair! You dyed it oh my gosh!" I exclaimed. She laughed.

"Yeah do you like it?"

"Yeah black fits you." I smiled.

"Women." Brian said, shaking his head. I turned and shot a playful glare at him.

"Michelle!" I shrieked and ran up to hug her. I was greeted warmly by her.

"Hey!! I can't believe you've been hiding out in Italy all this time. I should've known! Zacky!" She said, throwing her hands in the air. Zacky and I both laughed.

"Yeah and that man can eat some serious Italian food let me tell ya." I laughed.

"I'll bet! Awe! Is that the baby? I wanna hold her!" She took her away from Jimmy.

"Hey! I was holding her!" I laughed and shook my head.

"My daughter's not a shiny new toy to be passed around people!" I told them.

"Exactly, so leave us be Jimmy." Michelle said, taking Adrianna to sit on the couch.

"What's your name Sweetie Pie?" She asked her.


"That's a beautiful name!" She exclaimed. Adrian grinned wide.

"Leny." I turned around to see Breanna standing there.

"Hi Breanna." I smiled at her.

"Hi." She stated flatly.

"O-kay." I looked over to Brian who made his way over to Breanna and whispered something in her ear.

I felt a pair of arms wrap themselves around me and I recognized them as Zacky's. "It's okay baby. Matt said some of the girls had turned a little cold over the last couple of years. They'll loosen up." I sighed and nodded.

"Where's Johnny?" I asked.

"Sleeping." Matt spoke. I grinned.

"Yay. Where?" He pointed to a small sectioned off room and I headed that way. I found my dearest Johnny sleeping peacefully snuggled under the covers.

"Awee, how cute. Too bad!" I walked over and laid down next to him scooting real close. "Johnny, Johnny Christ."


"Wake up dude." I taunted.

"Why?" He mumbled.

"We're in Albany, New York!!" I shouted.

"We are not we're in Italy." His eyes opened then and he took focus on me. "Leny?" He sat up. I grinned and nodded.

"Oh my goodness, they found you!" He wrapped his arms around me. I hugged him tightly.

"You knew Matt would end up finding me sooner or later. And I couldn't stay away from my little guy forever." I smirked. He stuck his tongue out at me. "I love your mohawk Johnny! It fits you!" I exclaimed.

"Thanks." He laughed reaching his hands up to it. "Where's Zack? The baby?"

"Out there." I nodded towards the living area of the hotel room. He nodded.

"Well lets go!" he grabbed my hand and ran out the room, dragging me along with him.

"Guys! Leny's back!" everyone stared at him.

"Yeah! We know!" Jimmy exclaimed.

"Shut up." Johnny grumbled walking over to Michelle and Adrianna.

"Is this her?" I nodded. "She's so cute!" He cooed.

"Hey, back off mohawk boy!" Leana slapped him away.

"Hey! I wanna see her!" He pouted.

"Michelle, let Johnny see Adrianna." Zacky said, exasperated. I laughed and walked over to him resting my head on his chest.

"Well, most of them missed us." Then a thought occurred to me. "Where's Leana guys?" they all looked at each other before looking growing silent. I noticed something about Val. She started acting weird all of a sudden.

"Leny come here." Matt took me outside the hotel room. "Leana was in a bad car accident. She's-"

"Dead?!" I exclaimed. "Oh my gosh, I can't believe I wasn't here for her, I-"

"No, Leny listen to me. She's not dead. She's in a coma. And she had been, for over a year. The doc's are giving up hope." He had a sad expression on his face as did I. I felt tears finding there way to my eyes.

"Shh, it's okay Leny, come here." He pulled me into his arms as I tried to stop the tears. "She'll be okay. I promise. She will." I sighed and pulled away.

"We should go back in." He nodded. I found Zacky as soon as we entered the room.

"Have you been crying? Baby what's wrong? What happened?" He looked concerned. He wiped at my eyes which were slowly forming tears again.

"Leana's in a coma and has been for over a year." His face changed to a look of sympathy and he wrapped me close in his arms.

"Mum-e cwy?" Adrianna asked.

"Shh, come here Adrianna, mommy doesn't feel well right now." Val said, picking her up and taking her elsewhere.

"Mum-e sad!" She called.

"Daddy will take care of mommy don't you worry." I heard her consoling my daughter.

"You okay baby?" I nodded. He kissed me lightly. "I'm sorry Leny, I shouldn't have taken you away from there." I rested my forehead against his and sighed.

"It's not your fault, Zacky." I closed my eyes. "It's not your fault."
♠ ♠ ♠
Wow? That was unexpected even for me. That just popped up into my mind. Leana being in a coma I mean. But it's gonna fit in perfectly with the plan I had in mind. Yay! Zacky's sweet. I just wanna kiss him! lol...By the way, I know Tihana's not mentioned in this chapter of reacquaintance, but she will be in most likely the next chapter.

I'll be back soon loves!

Vengeance Princess~