Her Kiss Fifteen Times Venomous as the Rattlesnake

Let's Have A Little Swim


"Zacky, I want to go back." I stated, 'out of the blue' as we sat on our couch that next day. He turned and looked at me concerned.

"You what?"

"I wanna go back to Huntington." He still looked completely baffled my this sudden change of mind so I decided to explain. "I can't just stay here knowing one of my best friend's are in the hospital." His eyes softened then and he pulled me close to him.

"So you really want to go back?" He asked me after a few moments of silence. I nodded my head against his chest. "Like, for a while, or forever?" I sat back up and looked at placing my hand gently on the side of his face.

"I'm not sure babe. What do you think we should do?" He sighed heavily as he thought about it.

"Well, we did spend a lot of money on this house, I'm finally working a real job, I mean...we did this for us. And to go back now, to stay, it'd be all in vain wouldn't it?" He looked up at me through his beautiful green marbles and I new he was right. I'd come here to be with my husband and daughter. We couldn't just up and leave our life here. For good.

"So we'll go back temporarily." He nodded in agreement. "But I'm not coming back until she wakes, Zacky." His eyes held a pained look. He was worried. Brian had spoken further to Zack about what had happened and mentioned that their was a great chance that she may not live. But he didn't want to discourage me so he never spoke his negative thoughts aloud. He simply nodded once again, wrapping me tighter in his arms.

"We'll stay as long as you'd like. As long as it's not forever." He kissed my cheek making me smile.

"Promise me something Zacky." I turned my head to rest on his shoulder.

"What's that?"

"No matter what, you'll never leave me." He lifted my head towards his gently and placed the softest kiss on my lips.

"Never." He murmured before kissing me again.

"Mum!" I turned to see my daughter standing at the foot of the stairs.

"Hey baby." I smiled at her.

"Me wan play out-tide." I looked over at Zacky and he smiled and nodded.

"Come on munchkin." I walked over and picked her up into my arms taking her out back with Zacky in tow.

"Thwim!!" She exclaimed, looking at the swimming pool. I laughed lightly.

"Alright, we can swim. Zacky, can you go get the floaties while we go change?" He nodded grinning. I walked back inside with Adrianna in my arms and made my way up the stairs with her. She gasped as we entered my room.

"Vamps!" She pointed to the poster on my wall. I laughed.

"Yeah, vampires." I grinned at the Vampire Academy poster. I absolutely loved the book series. I loved it so much I demanded Zacky that he get me a poster of the second book cover, preferably, and have it all done up and hung on our wall. I took one last glance at the poster before sitting Adrianna on the bed and walking to the closet.

After much debate, I'd what Adrianna and I would wear. After changing, I'd gathered her up in my arms again and walked back out to the pool to see Zacky in his swimming trunks tossing Adrianna's floaties into the pool. I set Adrianna down and walked up behind him wrapping my arms around him.

"Don't fall in." I whispered. He jumped slightly causing me to giggle. I pulled him back away from the pull and turned him to face me. "That was very nice of you Mr. Vengeance, now might I ask you, where's my float?" He raised his brow at me before a look of realization hit him.

"I'm sorry baby, I'll go get it." I laughed and leaned my head on his chest.

"No don't worry about it. I'm good." I smiled.

"No really babe, you need to relax. Let me run and get it. I'll only be a minute." He ran off and into the house again.

"But Zacky!" I called after him, but he'd already disappeared. I turned around just in time to see Adrianna running full force for the water ahead of her. "Adrianna no!" I hollered and came running up behind her swooping her into my arms before her foot went over the edge. I breathed a heavy sigh of relief.

"Don't do that! Are you trying to give mommy a heart attack?" I exclaimed. She looked up at me through big, worried, sorrowful eyes.

"What happened?" Zacky asked as he returned, my float in hand.

"She was about to run into the pool on her own." Zacky walked over and took Adrianna from me and held her in his arms.

"You don't to that to Mommy, okay Adrian? Next time wait for help, alright?" She nodded wrapping her arms around his neck. Zacky smiled. "There see, all better. Now let's play!" I laughed and shook my head.

"You're such a kid." He laughed along with me.

"It's in my nature." I nodded.

"Thank you babe, you didn't have to go back in just to get it for me." I said, picking my float up off the ground. He smiled.

"I wanted to." I smiled and kissed his cheek before turning to Adrianna.

"You ready to swim?" She nodded reaching her arms up to me.

"Alright." I grabbed her up and carefully walked down the steps of the pool placing her in her own floatie once we were in the water.

"Cold mum!" She exclaimed.

"Awe, it's okay baby, it'll warm up, just give it time." I hadn't even noticed Zacky get in the water, but out of nowhere, he came up out of the water and had Adrianna sitting on his shoulders.

"Ahh! Daa-ee!" She laughed. I laughed along and shook my head.

"Where did you come from?" I asked, making my way over to him.

"Technically?" I smacked his arm.

"No, you know what I mean." He smirked.

"I slipped in right after you so you wouldn't see me." I nodded.

"Of course."

"Wan piggy ride!" Adrian exclaimed. Zacky laughed.

"Alright. Mommy, please put baby on my back so I can give her a piggy back ride." I laughed and shook my head picking her up from Zacky's shoulder's and helping her gets situated on his back before he took off swimming. I then situated myself on my float and relaxed watching them.

"You better be careful!" I shouted to the other end of the pool.

"Don't worry so much!" He shouted back. I laughed. I heard my cell phone ringing from the patio.

"Great." I muttered to myself. I managed to slip out of the pool and over to the patio to answer my phone on just as it was going through the last round of my ring tone. "Hello?"

"Hey, it's uh, it's Matt." I couldn't help but smile at the hint of nervousness in his voice.

"Hey, what's up?" I wasn't sure exactly why he was nervous. I guess he was still leery about calling even though we'd reassured him it was fine.

"Uh, not too much. Hanging with the guys. And the girls." He laughed slightly. "You?"

"Zacky, Adrianna, and I are having a pool party." I smirked.

"The three of you? A pool party?"

"Shut up." He laughed.

"Sorry, gotta joke."

"If you had 'em."

"Oh! Burn!" I heard Brian's voice in the back.

"Am I on speaker?"

"No you just have a big mouth." He laughed yet again.

"Oh! Burn again!"

"Tell him to shut up." I laughed.

"She said shut up Brian."

"So anyways, you guys should come hang with us."

"Seriously?" He sounded shocked.

"Yes." I was grinning at his shock and nervousness.

"Cool. Um, where at?" I gave him the address an hung up before long. I turned around to see Zacky leaning on the edge of the pool with Adrianna on his back still.

"Who was that?"

"Matt, they're all coming over. Is that okay?" He shrugged.

"Sure. The more the merrier right?" He laughed. I sighed with relief as I nodded.


"Now get back over her."

"Come thwim mum!" Adrianna exclaimed. I laughed and made my way back over to the pool. I couldn't wait until the everyone got here. We hadn't all hung out in so long, it was starting to kill me. I think this would do us all a lot of good. And this would give us all the opportunity to discuss our brief return to Huntington. My thoughts were interrupted by a huge splash of water. It was then I realized I wasn't splashed with water, Zacky had tipped me over out of my float.

"You just wait Baker, I'll get you." I playfully glared at him.

"Don't worry Baker, you already have." He smirked.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys!! Sorry it took so long to get this one out. I feared this would happen. See, every time I start a sequel, I lose all inspiration after the first few chapters. And that's what happened. But I fought it!!. See, over spring break, which is over now =`((, I read the Vampire Academy Series, and it was AMAZING!! I absolutely loved it and it inspired me to update.

So, hope you liked it. I know it wasn't much but it was necessary because it leads up to the next chapter.

Be back soon!!

Vengeance Princess~