Attention, Attention.

Shouldn't she just take the chance.

[a/n: NO MORE WRITERS BLOCK. i've taken over again. more updates, mainly on weekends though.<3]

I didn't wait until tomorrow to talk to him. By the time I had reached the car, I had memorized every word I was going to say to him. I fumbled with my keys, before shoving them into the lock on the door. Soon, a clink of metal on metal told me they'd found the ignition.

My car whined at me.

Shit, this isn't good.

Finally, after a few failed attempts, the car finally started up. I let out a sigh of relief, then quickly breathed in, as reality hit me. I was going to talk to Will…why did I get into this. I pressed my foot on the gas. A jolt, the car was moving.

I didn't expect to get to his house that early. I parked a few houses down from his; walked back to it. I took a deep breath as I reached the door. I lifted my fist up, flinching at the sound of my knuckles on wood.

The second his pale face peeped out a crack in the door, a storm of boiling anger bubbled in my stomach. I raised my hand in a fist again, but this time, threw it at his cheek. The sickening crunch of it startled both of us.

"You're an asshole, William Beckett." He looked down at his feet.

"Kell…it really wasn't what you thought it was," he said slowly. His eyes drifted up at the same pace of his words.

"William, that's what everyone says." I was careful to not slip and call him Will or Bill or whatever.

"Kell, you want the truth? Well here it is…" He paused, gathering his wits about him, and opened his mouth. "I told her…that…I told her I didn't like her like that, because she kept hinting she felt that way towards me and I told her who I liked and she got pissed and left." See…he doesn't like me. He breathed out. "The girl I've loved for months is standing a few inches away from me, most likely wishing she weren't." And with that, he went in and closed the door, leaving me shocked and staring at the chipping blue paint. I pelted my fist onto it.

"Bill, open up! Please!" The helplessness in my own voice startled me. Finally, the door opened. I squeezed my eyes shut so I didn’t have to see his face when I told him. "I…I love you too and to prove it I left Mike and I came to-"

But I didn't have to finish. His lips covered any words that could’ve been said. I blinked, making eye contact with him. His eyes smiled. Flecks of gold reflecting from the lights and brown met my own. Shivers were sent down my spine, my toes tingled, and my stomach flipped from the second we made contact.

"I've got to go," I said breathlessly as we pulled away. He bit his lip. "I'll see you Monday." With that, I retreated from his porch, down to my car, and back home.

"Where the fuck were you? I was worried sick!" I rolled my eyes, too happy to listen to Mike. Instead, I threw my arms around him, squealing.
"Kellee! This isn't the time for that!" He shoved me off of him, grabbing my shoulders so I stood still. I grinned at him. He sighed. "Kellee…you aren't high or anything are you?"
"Mike, I'm not on drugs," I said seriously. "I'm just fucking happy, is that so differ-"
"No need to get your panties in a bunch about it!"
"Mike, calm down…please…" I collapsed into his arms. "Mike…" I breathed.
"Mm…" I took a deep breath, thinking about what I was going to say.
"Beckett isn't all that bad, you know…"