Attention, Attention.

Well I feel that this is an explosion.

[A/N: Sorry for not updating, and for the lack of length to this chapter. Expect regular updates [if you comment and read, that is] since I just saw The Academy Is. And met Bill - my main inspiration.]


I stared awkwardly at him. He stared back.
"Well, um…I hear you're in a band, with Mike, right?" I asked. I mentally slapped myself. Way to go, captain obvious.
Another awkward silence.
"I'd like to hear you guys sometime," I said. This was even awkward than I had thought it to be. I swear you could feel the tension.
"What's the matter Beckettface?" I asked, the tension easing up a bit and I walked closer to him.
"Nothing…" His voice trailed off.
"I heard what you said last night," I blurted out. He stared at me, biting his lip. He was cute.
"Beckett?" He glanced up. "I love you, too." I walked the final steps to him, and wrapped my arms around his waist. He hesitated, but soon he had returned the gesture. It felt so amazing to be back in his arms.


The rest of the day went by uneventfully. I felt like a filthy whore, if it counts anything. My long time boyfriend and I had just broken up, and the day after I was making out with his best friend. Well, technically not making out. Maybe a few kisses, at most. That night I probably ran up Kylie's water bill a whole lot. I sat in the shower, letting straight hot water beat down on my back until it ran cold. She'd forgive me…I was moving in with her, so I had to pay half the rent, bills, and so on.

And so, I was laying on the couch at about 1 am when about a million and one memories rushed to my head.

William and I kissing at the park the day he asked me out.
Playing [and sucking at playing] William's guitar after a Remember Maine gig.
William and I holding hands under the table at Thanksgiving.
Fighting with William afterwards.
William cheating on me.
Packing up the apartment while he was at work, and leaving.

The list goes on. Too many minuses ran through my mind. I tried blocking them out. But I figured they were right; William and I weren't meant to be. It was just…just a crush back in high school. Right?

These thoughts plagued me for the rest of the night as Iattempted to went to sleep.


The next day, I woke up on the floor. I assumed I had slipped or something. But, no. As I glanced up towards it, a hand was protruding into my vision. I sat up sleepily, glancing down at the figure. Oh, no. William Beckett, again. I sighed. I must've woken him up, because one of his eyes squinted at me, blinking as it adjusted to the bright light. He smiled at me, and I returned it feebly. He cocked his head as much as he could from his position.
"You okay?" he murmured. I nodded. "Positive?"
"Yeah, I'm fine," I said. He took my hand and pulled me onto the couch next to him, burying his face into my hair. I sighed, staring up at the ceiling as he nuzzled into my neck. It was so wrong, but it felt so right.

And all I could think of was how amazing he smelled.