Though He May Have Gorgeous Eyes, Don't Fall for Him Until You Know What Lies Behind

"I said hi, what more do you want?"

Frank's POV

I glanced around the familar lunchgrounds, looking for someone I knew. Someone who could come and save me from this lonliness, but.. there was no one. I fiddled around with my ham sandwich, my stomach begging me not to eat it. This was a normal day for me, to sit at this table eating my lunch.. alone. I was never popular, I always kept to myself. Once you got to know me, I was actually an awesome guy, hell, I even played guitar sometimes. No one knew that side of me, I was about to leave, until I laid eyes on him.
He was the guy who other guys strived to be.
He was the guy who was wanted by every chick in Laundell High. Preppy or not.
He was the guy who was lead volcals in a local band.
He was the guy who I wanted.
He was the guy who my sister wanted.

He was Gerard Way, so beautiful, and delicate.

Wait, why do I feel this way? I'm staring at a guy.. a guy! I'm a guy, I should be staring at girls, this school was filled with pretty girls, I just didn't see interest in any of them. I didn't want to get to know them. I wanted to get to know him.. Am I, that dreaded word that I can't bring myself to think or say! Was I.. Gay?

He looked up at me, with a blank look. I looked back down at my sandwich my mom had packed me for lunch that day. I'm so miserable here at school, Why can't I be like him? Why can't I be ..with him?

A few kids walked by, snickering, pointing at me, then laughing their little evil heads off. The bell finally rung, I packed everything back into my lunchbag and left it on the table, sighing then picking up my books.
I had History next class, and the wonderful, delicate Gerard was in that class too. Today our teacher, Mrs. Melburn, would assign us partners. A part of me hoped I'd get assigned with Gerard, and a part of me hoped I didn't get assigned with him.
Why is everything so confusing?! I don't even know if I'm straight anymore.. I'm thinking more about guys lately then I am girls. This so couldn't be right, Do all guys think about their own sex like I do? If not, WHY ME?!

I went to my next class and took my normal seat in the back of the classroom, Gerard on the other side of the room. Mrs. Melburn walked into class, "Okay! Today class, We're assigning partners for our project!" She said pulling out her attendence sheet.
She assigned a few partners, in which that time I had drifted back into my thought room.
"Mr. Iero! Can't you pay attention for two seconds?" Mrs. Melburn raised her voice.
I muttered a sorry and she continued, "You'll be partners with," She stopped "Ah, yes. Gerard Way"

Again, WHY ME?!

"Now students, please move into desks beside each other. The topics are on the board, pick one, research it, and you must present it to the class in two weeks." Mrs. Melburn said, then took her seat.

Gerard's POV

"Mr. Iero!" Mrs. Melburn snapped, "Can't you pay attention for two seconds?"
Frank muttered a sorry and looked down at his desk. What's with this kid? Why is he always so.. depressed? I mean, I know he doesn't have many friends, actually, no friends at all. But c'mon! Smile once and a while.
"You'll be partners with.. Ah, yes Gerard Way."

Great! Time to bring this kid to life!
I looked over at him, the expression on his face was of complete shock. Am I that horrible? .. Nah. I decided to make the first move, I stood up and slyly made my way to the desk beside his.

"Well, hello" I said.
He looked up, nodding a little.
"Well, you're going to have to talk if we're going to be partners, Loosen up!" I said and punched his arm playfully.
He put on a fake smile, "Hi.."
"What do you wanna do this stupid project on?"
Frank shrugged, looking out the window.

"C'mon Frank, talk." I ordered.
He looked back at me, "I said hi, what more do you want?"
"A how're you, maybe?" I asked.
"how're you?" He asked.
"Fine, thanks." I said smiling.
Frank finally smiled.
"Hah! Look, a smile. Amazing, I can really work wonders. Anyway, I want you to meet the guys after school, then we can go back to your place and start working on this shit, how's that sounds?"
"Meet the guys?" He asked.
"Uhm, yeh. My friends, possee, gang.. whatever."
"Okay.." He said slowly. "Are you just doing this because we're partnered up?" He asked suddenly.
Lie Gerard!
"No way, I had been meaning to talk to you.. slipped my mind." I muttered staring at his piercings.
He nodded, not beliving a single word I just said. I'm such a fuckup, I might be getting close to a potential friend and I lie!? Great, just great. Note to self: Never listen to that little voice, ever again.

Then that dreadful bell, I actually wanted to stay and talk to Frank more. "Right.. So, we meet up with the guys and then to your place." I said getting up out of my seat.
"Why my house?" He asked.
"Just becau- .. I'll tell you later." And with that I was out the door and to my next class.

Frank's (Normal) POV
Did he just ask me to hang out with the guys? And is he really coming over to my house? And! Why did he lie? I totally know he was only doing this because we were partnered up.. Oh well, at least I'm getting close to him. It's odd how things can turn around just like that.

I left History with a cheesy smile on my face, I walked like that all the way to my next class, P.E.

A/N: I have the rest wrote but i wont post more until there is 8 comments
thanks 4 reading
