Though He May Have Gorgeous Eyes, Don't Fall for Him Until You Know What Lies Behind

"You have to tell her,"

I sat on the floor with my knees up to my chest, and my head in my arms. I could feel everyone's eyes on me, but I couldn't look up.

"Where are you moving to?" Mikey asked.

I sob silently as Gerard started yelling at Mikey, "He's not going anywhere! Leave him alone!"

Mikey sighed heavily, "Fuckin' jackass," He muttered before leaving the living room.

"Well, can't you somehow talk to your mom about it?" Ray asked.

It took all I had to pull my head from my arms, but I managed.

"I can't," I whispered, wiping away stray teardrops.

I felt Gerard's hands clutch my shoulders, "You have to tell her," He whispered.

His words made the hair on the back of my neck stand straight. How do you just come out and tell your mother that you're infact gay?

I guess you tell her how you told your friends. . .

I found myself being pulled to my house by Gerard and Ray, Mikey and Bob trailing along behind us.

"She's gonna hate me. She's gonna hate me." I repeated, the whole way to my house.

Gerard pushed me up my front steps, "Do you want to stay here?" He asked, his eyes burning into me.

I nodded, "Then you have to tell her."

I whimpered as I unlocked the frontdoor, and walked in silently, Gerard following behind me. I found my mom and Chasta in the living room, I felt like I was going to hurl, I spun around quickly, afraid, embarassed, and nauseated. Gerard put his hands on my arms and spun me back around.

"M-Mom," I said softly. She turned around from the television, "Frank, dear.." She whispered.

"Listen Mom," I said pulling Gerard over infront of the couch, "I have to tell you someth-, I have a good reason why we can't move."

She looked at Gerard and I, "I'm listening."

I cleared my throat, "I'mgayandI'mkindainarelationshipwithGerardandIlovehimsowecan'tleave."

My mother starred at Gerard and I, "What?" She asked.

I sighed, "I'm gay," I paused pushing Gerard infront of me, "And I love this guy, So we can't leave."

I looked over at Chasta, who was grinning.

My mother glanced at her watch, "Frank, honey, Why don't you stay with Gerard and Mikey tonight. W-We'll talk about this tomorrow after school."

I sighed as my mother turned the television off, the lamps, and walked past Gerard and I without even looking at us.

okay last update I didn't get alot of comments,
This is the second to last chapter!
come on! I know I have alot of people that love to read this story!
I have 65 comments now so hurry make it to 100!
I love u guys and the next chapter wont be up untill i have at least 80 comments!
so GO GO GO comment! spam what ever just GOOOO!