Though He May Have Gorgeous Eyes, Don't Fall for Him Until You Know What Lies Behind

"Promise me,"

I sat in a corner of my empty room with a picture of Gerard and I clutched in between my fingers. I glanced from cardboard box to cardboard box. My mother had talked to me the day after I told her I was gay, she had forbad me to see Gerard until the day we were set to leave, and yeah, today is the day we're leaving. I could only say goodbye to Gerard, no physical contact, no hugs, no kissing, absolutely nothing. I hated my mother, I hated her because she's moving me away from the person that I love most, she's moving me away from the one place I actually fit in.

I heard footsteps stomp up the stairs and stop infront of my door, "If you want to say goodbye to your friends. You better get the rest of you boxes and get your ass down here," My mothers stern voice came from the other side of the door.

I was sad, and actually mad, no doubt about it. I had thought of the many possible ways I could get away from her.. run away, fake my own death, or just wait until I turned 18. Which isn't too far away, but still. Two months without Gerard, and I don't even know If I'll be able to see him then. No tellin' with my mother, she'll probably lock me in my room until I'm 20. I pulled myself up from the floor and grabbed the last boxes from my room and walked slowly down the steps. Our whole house was bare, nothing but cobwebs and white spaces on the walls from where the desk, tv, and things were sat. I followed my sister out to the Heavy Mover truck as they were loading the last boxes into the large truck. I stuck the last two boxes in the backseat of my mom's car, which were filled with pictures of Gerard and I and letters we had wrote to each other, I had saved them all. Because I knew that some day, some how, my life would be torn apart, and I'd be taken away from Gerard. My mother started the engine and drove the familar route to Gerard's house. My stomach churned with each mile, I knew I'd break down when I saw my friends, and I was dreading it.

My mother stopped infront of my house, "Now, Frankie. I've decided I'm not coming in with you. Say goodbye to your friends, get phonenumbers, whatever. Just hurry up."

I nodded slowly and opened the backseat door, pulling myself from the seat. I walked quickly to the front porch, and into his house, without even knocking. Gerard, Mikey, Ray and Bob were all in the living room. I knocked on the wall softly, Gerard turned around. When I saw his red face and bloodshot eyes, I broke down. Gerard quickly moved from his place sitting on the couch and wrapped his arms around me as I collasped into his chest.

"Shh.." Gerard cooed softly.

Once I had said all my goodbyes, Gerard and I stood face to face.

"I'll be back for you," I whispered as my eyes started watering.

"I'll be waiting," he said.

"Promise me," I paused taking a deep breath, "Promise me you won't find anyone else," I paused again as I wiped tears off of Gerard's cheek with my thumb, "Wait for me." I said, swallowing back tears.

Gerard smiled softly and nodded, pulling me into a soft loving kiss. He then opened the front door and walked me to my mothers car. I got in and shut the back door, looking at my only one through the window which was covered in fingerprints. 'I love you,' he finally mouthed. I chocked on tears and I smiled, 'I love you too,' I mouthed back.

My mother started the engine and put the car into drive, I watched as Gerard's figure grew smaller and smaller as we drove down the rode. His figure finally faded as we turned the curb.

"I have nothing to live for," I whispered softly as I turned back around in my seat, "nothing.."

awe :( last chapter!
if i get at least 95 comments ill make a sequal!
Thanks for reading!!!!!!