Though He May Have Gorgeous Eyes, Don't Fall for Him Until You Know What Lies Behind

"You're really cool, Frank."

I looked down at our assignment paper as Gerard and I stood infront of the class, he was leaned against Mrs. Melburn's desk. "And that pretty much sums up the Civil War," I sighed, bummed because after today, I'd be a loner again.
"Great job," Mrs. Melburn paused and looked at Gerard and I, "Great job, Frank."
Gerard snarled and we walked back to our seats, which were now beside each other, Gerard had decided to start sitting beside me halfway through the two weeks. And in those two weeks, I had done things I would probably never do with anyother friends, I had drank, smoked and done a little pot. And to tell you the truth, I liked all three of those things, especially smoking, so I was now smoking on a regular basis, just not at home.
"She's a quack." Gerard laughed and we sat down.
I looked up and saw Mrs. Melburn pull her bra up through her shirt, and laughed.
She shot us both looks, "Kristin, Jeremy. Project, now."
I watched Kristin, the most nerdiest girl I had ever seen and Jeremy, a jock walk up to the front. I listened to their project, which was the Civil War, like ours until Gerard poked me.
"Say, we're going out tonight, pretty much just riding around, might catch a flick. There's going to be more room in that car because Bob is out of town. Wanna go?" I shifted my gaze from the front of the room to Gerard, and nodded.
The project's over, why am I going out with him tonight? Gerard then leaned back in his seat and propped his feet up on the desk infront of him, Gerard was in my P.E. class now, because like always, he goofed off in Keyboarding. The first day he was in the class, we had to dressout.. meaning short shorts and a white t-shirt. I died laughing when he came out of the boys' lockerroom, his shorts were incredibly short, and the coach had looked over.
"Oh, Gerard. I must have given you the wrong size."
I had to admit, they looked good on him. And I had also decided that I was infact, gay, it wasn't as bad as I thought it was. The bell interuptted my thoughts and I began to giggle as Gerard and I got our things and walked out of the classroom, He looked up and smiled, "What are you laughing about?" I grinned, "We have to dressout today." Gerard sighed, and swore the whole way to the gym.

"Get changed, get out here and line up for the stretches!" The gym coach boomed.
We both sat our books down and went to the boys' bathroom. Gerard and I alway changed in a stall, while everyone else changed out in the open. Crazy fuckers. I found my shorts and shirt in my locker and went into the stall, changing into the hideous blue and white short shorts, and into a white t-shirt. The best part of gym was that I got to stand behind Gerard when we did out stretches.
Gerard and I finished dressing and went out to the gym, "LINE UP!" the coach called.
We got in two lines and started the stretches. After a few jumping jacks, it was time for the toe touches. Like always, Gerard bent over and touched his toes for 20 seconds, I watched his shorts ride up, I turned, looking.. and fell over.
Gerard looked back and laughed, "Iero! Having a problem?" The coach asked.
I got off the floor, "Nope, just fine, just.. f-fell over my shoe." I came up with an excuse, then mentally kicked the living shit out of myself.
And like every Friday, we ran 5 laps, which was damn hard for both Gerard and I. I could feel the smoke killing my lungs, though everytime I saw a pack, I craved the nicotine.

"Give me a fuckin' smokeee." I yelled as I walked up to the table that I now sat and ate lunch at. Mikey laughed, and handed me a cigarette, I lit it and took a long draw, inhaling.
Gerard sat down beside me, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it. I looked around, seeing everyone staring at us, so much had changed, I was amazed. People now looked up to me in a way, they actually started talking to me and a few girls had asked me out. They walked in the opposite direction of me, It was like they were scared.. and it felt awesome!
"So, Frankie, Buddy, Newcomer.." Ray started, I looked to Ray who looked at Gerard.
"Oh, right. Frank, you're now apart of 'the group.'"
My mouth hung open as I went to take a draw, "What?" I asked.
"You're in 'the group,' kid!" Mikey said hitting my arm.
Act cool! I nodded, taking a draw off of my cigarette.

"Frankie, I don't like you going out every night." Mother complained as I crammed the rest of my peanut butter sandwhich into my mouth.
"Ma," I started, still chewing, "I pretty much only go out on the weekends, it's so not every night."
Chasta walked into the kitchen, seeing me in my jacket again, "Where're you going?" She snarled.
"To hell if I don't change my ways." I joked.
"Frankie! I don't want to hear you say that again." My mother gasped.
I laughed, "Alrigh-" I heard a carhorn outside, "I gotta go. Be back later."
And with that I was out the front door, and I slid into the backseat of the car beside Mikey. It was another cold night, in that car with no heat. We were all sat like usual except for Ray, who was driving. Mikey was looking at a comicbook as Gerard messed with the radio.
"We're going out for a movie, and then going back to my house. The parent and boyfriend are out of town, can you stay tonight, Frankie?" I looked at Gerard as he turned to me, Do I call my mom right here infront of him.. Or just not go home?
"Y-Yeah, I can stay." I answered, deciding that when we got to the theatre I'd call mother from the bathroom.

We finally got to the theatre, "Yeh, guys.. I just want a Pepsi." I said then disappeared into the men's bathroom and into a stall.
I dialed my home number, and my mother picked up, "Uh yeh, Mom. I'm gonna stay over at Gerard's house tonight, I'll be back sometime in the morning."
And from there she proceded to tell me that she didn't like my new friends much.
"Frankie! Come on!" I heard Gerard yell from outside the bathroom.
"Yeah, Yeah. Okay mom, I have to go.. the movie's starting." I hung up, and sighed coming out of the stall seeing Mikey standing there, smirking.
I looked at him, "..What?" "Your mom doesn't like us does she?" He asked.
I burried my cell phone into my pocket and hesitated, "Sure she does, why?"
He then laughed, "Come on Frank, We all know she doesn't."
I shrugged it off and went out of the bathroom, Mikey following me. I walked up to the guys,
"What are we seeing?" Gerard laughed, "Cars."
I frowned, "You're kidding me. What about The Omen?" I asked taking my ticket and inspecting the "Cars" font.
"The fuckers are sold out." I sighed and went into the theatre with the guys finding a seat in the back.
The room filled up as the previews were coming on, and the lights soon flickered and went down. I was sat on the end beside Gerard, Mikey was beside him, and Ray was beside Mikey. Gerard held a large bowl of popcorn and started pigging out.
"Come on, man. Share!" Mikey whispered.
I grabbed a handfull of popcorn and started throwing one piece at a time at random people, who would turn around and swear. We all got a couple of laughs and I soon laid my head back and fell asleep.

"Frankie.. Frankie." Someone whispered, and I refused to open my eyes.
"WAKE UP, IT'S COMING TO GET YOU!" Someone yelled then pounced on me, which that someone I soon learned was Gerard.
"God damn, if you can sleep in a movie theatre, you can sleep any place." Mikey laughed.
We left the theatre and went to Gerard and Mikey's house, which wasn't actually that bad. I'd figure with the whole breakup scene with his mom and her boyfriend, it'd be trashed.

"So, where's the booze?" Ray asked. "In the alcohol cabniet." He smirked.

"Frankie, you're staying in my room tonight." Gerard slurred.
He was drunk, and I was pretending to be drunk, I was afraid to drink again staying at his house. I nodded and followed Gerard to his room where he undressed, "Uhm, I'll just sleep in the floor."
I said looking at him, he pulled the hair from his eyes and smiled, "Nonsense. You can sleep in the bed with me!"
My heart stopped. I nodded, slowly pulling my shirt off, and crawling into bed beside Gerard. He turned his bedside lamp off while I laid still in his bed, Gerard then laid flat on his back and started rambling.
"You're really cool, Frank."
I smiled, "You are too, Gerard."
"Nahh Uh," He slurred again, "You're cooler then cool, you're awesome.. and amazing, and sexy."
He stopped. Gerard shifted to where he was leaning on his elbow, "Wel-" His lips crashed into mine, cutting me off.
I felt Gerard's tongue run across my bottom lip, I opened my mouth letting his tongue pass the barriers and massage my tongue. Gerard's hands were all over me, carressing. He broke the kiss from my lips, and kissed my jawline and down my neck, a moan escaping my lips. He kissed down my stomach and back up to my lips, then stopped. Out of nowhere! Much to my dissapointment he laid down and snaked his arm around me, "Goodnight Frankie.." I laid there for a while, thinking and listening to the slow breathing coming from Gerard. I slid out from under Gerard's arm grabbing my shirt and pulling it on, I went quietly out of his room, through his living room and out the front door, where I could finally breath. I was soon on my street swearing at myself, or anyone who was around. He's like my bestfriend! Why did he do that? Will he even remember?