Though He May Have Gorgeous Eyes, Don't Fall for Him Until You Know What Lies Behind

"I know your secret,"

On the way to the hospital, I was in and out of consciousness, everytime I came back, I saw Gerard with that same frightened look on his face that seemed to be haunting me. I felt helpless, because I was already too sore to move, it was all I could do to stay conscious for a few seconds. I came to as the ambulance nurse put an IV into my arm, Gerard's head whipped around, causing a blur.

"What are you doing to him?" He asked, his voice shakey.

"Calm down Mr.," "Way." He answered, "Mr. Way. We're just giving him fluids."

Gerard held onto my hand, like a little kid holding onto a balloon, making sure it wasn't going anywhere. He softly stroked my face as the ambulance came to a stop, I assumed we were at the hospital. The doors in the back swung open as they pulled the stretcher out, I saw my mother and my sister as they lowered the stretcher legs to the ground, Gerard jumped out of the ambulance and followed us. I shut my eyes quicky, my head was pounding, this was way to much. I hoped I would loose consciousness again, so I wouldn't have to listen to everyone around me.

Gerard's POV

I sat in the chair closest to the bed, Frank's mother and sister were sitting at the front of the room. His mother was sobbing as his sister comforted her. They had changed Frank into a hospital gown, and he was now lying in the bed, sleeping. The doctors had cleaned his face up, his left eye was beat up pretty bad, and there was a dark red gash on the right of his bottom lip.
His mother sniffled, "Gerard." She said calmly, I turned to her, fighting back my own tears, "What happened to my little boy?" She asked.

I took a deep breath, "Why'd they do it?" She asked, this time her voice louder.

I hestitated, I couldn't tell her I was gay!

"Mrs. Iero," I started, "Oh, dear. Call me Linda," I nodded, "Linda, Frank and I were out walking. There were these guys from our school that pulled up, and they have a reputation for beating guys up. Frank said some things.. and one of the guys went off." I sighed.

By this time Linda was a blubbering mess, I sniffled, and turned back to Frank.

"Hello, Hello!" Boomed a stalky man who came into the room dressed in a doctor's suit.

"Oh, Doctor Smith" Linda cooed and got up from her seat, "Hello, Mrs. Iero," He said scanning the clipboard, "It seems your son has some minor injuries from the beating, he has four broken ribs, and two broken fingers as well as the injuries on his face, such as his left eye and his lip. We're going to keep him overnight and keep fluids in him, as well as pain medication."

Doctor Smith looked up at us, "So, no major injuries?" I asked.

He shook his head, "No, but he's very lucky. I say those guys were bigger than him," I nodded, "they were." I whispered.

Doctor Smith nodded sympathetically, "And he's going to have to stay home from classes for about three to four weeks, the medicine makes his very drowsy. So there's not point in going to classes if he's going to sleep through them." Linda nodded, "Okay, Doctor." "Okay, well. I'll leave you all alone."

And with that he left the room. I cleared my throat and stood up from the chair, "I'm uh- gonna go call my mom."

Linda looked at me with sad eyes, "You know Gerard, you can go home. Chasta and I are staying tonight with him."

I shook my head, "No, I'm staying here, I mean, if that's okay with you?" I quiestioned, "It's quite alright, but just make sure your mother knows you're here." I nodded, making my way out of the room and to the nearest pay phone, which was in the lobby.

I dug two coins out of my pocket and fed them to the pay phone, I dialed Mikey's number and after the fourth rang he picked up the phone, "Hello?" He asked sleepily.

"Mikey. It's me, Gerard, I'm at the hospital." I whispered, "What? Why?!" I hesitated, "Frank and I were out walking.. and some jocks from the school beat him up. He's got four broken ribs and two broken fingers, He's beaten up really bad."

"Shit, I'm coming down." He said, as I heard him looking for clothes.

"No Mikey. Don't, he's fine. Just wake mom up and tell her I'm in the hospital with a friend, and I'll be staying all night." I said.

"You sure?" He asked.

"Yes. Just make sure to tell her, you can tell Ray in the morning."

"Okay, I'll tell her." I nodded, "Kay, Bye."

I hung up and turned around, seeing Chasta. I jumped, She smirked, "You scared the living shit out of me," I said holding my chest.

"I know your secret, the secret you're hiding from your friends, your parents.. everyone."

My breath caught in my throat and I swallowed hard, "What secret?" I asked.

"Gerard, I know, and I'm not going to tell a soul, not even Tibby, my cat. You're gay."

I let out a silent gasp, "Ho-how did you know?" I asked.

"I know these things, and I also know Frank's gay. Kinda ruins my chances at getting with you, y'know?" She rambled, "But I'd really like to get Mikey's number, If he looks anything like
you, I'd be interested." She said tugging at her blue fuzzy robe she had on.

I muffled a laugh, "Please don't tell anyone Chasta, Neither me nor Frank are ready for that."

She nodded, and smiled warmly, "Don't worry, I wouldn't do such a thing to my brothers,"
She paused, "boyfriend."

I smiled at her, "Y'know, you aren't such a bad kid after all." I said putting my arm around her shoulder, She laughed, "I know."

I buried my head in my hands, I had tried to go to sleep for a few hours now. Linda and Chasta had gone to the car to take a short nap, before they had left, she told me that if Frank woke up, she wanted me to come and get her. It was already 3:30 in the morning, and my mind would not shut off. Thoughts were speeding through my head, like little bullets. I sighed heavily and muttered a low growl into my hands, I just couldn't sleep with Frank being here. I hated hospitals, mostly because of the needles. Just looking at the IVs in Frank's arms made me sick to my stomach, I felt bad because I didn't help Frank, but what could I do? I wasn't strong enough to get away from Jeremy and Terry. I heard stirring and my head shot up, Frank's eyes fluttered open, he blinked a couple of times, then turned to me. His heavy eyes lit up, and a smile curled his lips.

I smiled wide, scooting closer to the bed and laying a hand on his, "Hey baby." I whispered.

He cleared his throat, "Hey.."

He laced my fingers with his, "How are ya?" I asked.

He shifted, "Sore. Has the doctor came in yet?"

I nodded, "He said that you have four broken ribs and two broken fingers."

Frank cringed, "I can't remember anything before what happened in the ambulance."

I nodded, "You don't need to." I answered.

He nodded, and smiled.

I leaned close to him and kissed his forehead, "I'm gonna go tell your Mom and Sister that you're awake."

He nodded, "Okay."