Though He May Have Gorgeous Eyes, Don't Fall for Him Until You Know What Lies Behind


Gerard's POV

Not having Frank at school tore me up. Physical Education wasn't the same, He wasn't there to look up my shorts when I did toe touches, or talk to me as we ran the 5 laps on Tuesday, due to the P.E teacher going to be absent Friday. History wasn't the same, I sat in my regular seat beside of Frank's empty seat. The kids at school shot me evil glares, the jocks must have spread the information they had gained the night of the fight. Everyone including Mikey, Ray and Bob had asked me if I was gay, and my answer was the same everytime, "No."

I visited Frank almost everyday after school, his mother wouldn't allow him out of the house until Friday after school and I was now on Thursday after school. I jogged my usual route to Frank's house, If I could make it through tomorrow, I'd be fine, but it got harder each day. I was head over heels for this guy!

I rang the doorbell then heard shuffling, the door swung open revealing Chasta, my new kid best friend.

She smiled, "He's upstairs, like the last four days."

I smiled, making my way into the kitchen and up the stairs.

I gently knocked on Frank's gray door, "Enter!" He said and I walked into his room.

He was sitting upright in his bed with his guitar in his lap.

He smiled laying it aside, "Well, Well. What a surprise, I didn't know you'd be here, Mr. Way."

I laughed, "Touching up on your sarcasticness?" I asked.

He grinned, "Nah, I mean, I don't have the time."

I sat on the end of his bed, "So, how's school, babe?" He asked.

I shrugged, "Ah, not much different, but I get more and more evil looks as the days go by."

He frowned, "I'm sorry."

I smiled, "No, it's fine. By the way, you're healing great." I said as I ran my finger under his
eye gently, looking at the light purples and blacks.

He nodded, "It could be worse."

I looked at his fully clothed middle, "Ribs?" I asked.

"Not as sore as they were yesterday," He answered as I nodded, "Fingers?"

"Ah, just thank god it wasn't my toes." He smiled sofly, I grinned and kissed his cheek warmly.

[A/N: sorry for the short chapter but I've been busy but I'll make it up to you!
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thanks, Gee