Status: I'm thinking about deleting. If I do, I'm sorry, and I hope you've enjoyed reading.

A Kiss And I Will Surrender.

Just Checking.

Gerard’s P.O.V
A week after Frank and I had had our little fight, everything was back to normal.
He’d seemed to have forgotten to be sad about the guy he’d fallen for, and instead focussed on spending time with me. We went to the movies, we went shopping, we checked out local bands, we read fan mail, we even went fishing. That was more Frank’s area of expertise, I just watched. It was a nice view.
I was loving the attention Frank was giving me. I’d never spent so much quality time with him. It was a great mood lifter. It was like we were kids having a sleepover every night, loading up on Twizzlers and Coke, going to bed late and sleeping in. I was having the time of my life.
“Toro’s birthday next week.” announced Frank, nudging me with his foot.
I grinned. “I do believe some shopping is due!”
Frank put on the worst English accent I had ever heard. “Oh yes old bean!”
I laughed until it felt like my ribs were about to crack.
“I’M DRIVING!” yelled Frankie, jumping the back of the couch and grabbing the keys to his car.
“Dammit.” I grumbled, as I trudged along after his skippy steps.
“Shut up grandma!” he snickered, sliding across the hood of the car. That was pretty fucking hot.
“Can I drive on the way home?” I asked.
“Sure… and I’ll give you a blow job in the back seat.” he said with a completely straight face. My face burned.
“Joking!” he laughed, mistaking my expression for horror.
Frank, I had discovered, was a very, very fast driver. And not overly cautious either. I made it my business to yell at him to slow down every five minutes. He usually tormented me by pressing harder on the gas.
We reached the mall in record time, even for Frank.
Pleased with himself, he bounced to the candy counter straight away, complaining that I was like an old lady. He rewarded himself with ten dollars worth of Twizzlers. (Most of which were stuffed in my pockets by him.) He then spent the next few minutes chewing and singing “Candy Shop” by 50 Cent, complete with hand actions, and improvisational beat boxing. That was one of the funniest things I’d ever seen.
Frank decided he was in charge, and dragged me to a men’s miscellaneous store.
It was definitely very Ray, down to the poster of Metallica hanging on the wall of a changing room.
“I don’t remember this store…” I mused, flicking through a selection on vinyl’s.
“Oh it’s new, came here shortly after you moved in September. So did the sex shop.” said Frank, now quizzically eyeing up air guitar games. “What’s the point of these things?” he asked, picking one up and shaking the shit out of it.
“A sex shop!? “ I asked, amused. I hadn’t been in one of those in a while.
“Mhmm.” came the grunted reply, as Frank struggled to grasp the concept of his game. He gave up and tucked it under his arm.
“Ray won’t need that!” I laughed. Ray had some serious guitar skills.
“Its not for Ray.” smiled Frankie innocently. I laughed. He was going to figure out that game if it killed him.
We couldn’t decide on one thing to buy Ray, so we got him as much stuff as we could by pooling our cash. We even got him another Atari because he broke the one Worm had bought him a couple of Christmases ago. Okay, scratch that, Mikey sat on it.
Then we had lunch at Subway. Frank was creative and got pretty much everything that didn’t have meat in it put into his Sub. I just settled for chicken tikka, mainly out of laziness.
I noticed that he had salad cream on his lower lip, so reached across the table and trailed my index finger over it. Frank noticeably but briefly bit his lip.
Lately I’d been doing flirtatious things like that to get a reaction. He usually did something sexy like that. It made me even more attracted to him.
Frank bought himself a new pair of DC’s, complaining that his were old. I knew he just didn’t like to have the old model when it came to shoes.
We were going to catch a movie, but I declared all the movies in the theatre “Pussy flicks”, and we decided to watch a DVD at home instead.
After just a week and a half of living with Frank, I’d started to call his house “home”.
We made popcorn and set the remainder of the Twizzlers out on the coffee table, poured huge classes of coke, and sat on the two-seater couch in front of the Plasma in Frank’s bedroom. (It’s not a sleepover unless you watch movies in your bedroom, as Frank pointed out.)
Frank had chosen Lord Of The Rings. Why, was completely beyond me.
“I quite like that guy.” he said after a while, pointing to the guy who had just been introduced as a ‘ranger‘.
I had to admit, he was hot in a rugged sort of way. But he had nothing on Frank.
“Mmm… he is kinda sexy.” I agreed.
“You are the worst straight guy ever!” laughed Frank.
“I never actually said I was straight.” I sniggered.
Franks jaw dropped. “But-”
“I’m not gay.” I laughed, reading his mind.
“I cant be sure, I’ve only ever crushed on one guy…” I confessed.
“OhmyGOD! Who!?” said Frank eagerly, losing interest in the movie immediately.
I flushed pink. “Just some guy.” I muttered. “How did you know you were bi, smartass?”
“Made out with a guy, it turned me on, I was pretty sure something was up.” he laughed, showing perfect teeth. “So come on, how do you know you’re bi?”
“Uh, I’m just assuming so.” I smirked.
“Wanna check?” asked Frank brightly.
My heart raced. “Check?”
“Yeah, I’ll try and seduce you, and if it works, it’ll be proof that you’re bi!” he beamed.
“Uh…okay.” I said, smiling nervously.
And with that, Frank slowly moved to straddle me. I had to stop myself from freaking out. As far as he knew, this was just my experimentation, nothing more.
His breath was hot and ragged on my neck. I felt his lips press there once as he rested his hand on my thigh. I was very nervous now.
One hand moved up under my shirt. I was practically fit to jump out of my seat, but he was holding me down.
His usual ever so innocent attitude had now been swapped for something raw and sexy. I’d never come across it before, but boy, it was hot!
The hand on my thigh inched slowly further up, he dragged his fingers. The sensation was agonising.
He kissed his way up my neck gently, and across my jaw. That always drove me crazy, and I couldn’t help but moan softly. He smirked as he did it again, the hand under my shirt massaging my chest.
This was way more physical contact than I’d ever had with Frank, and I was trying very hard to not get a boner. It was getting impossible.
Without warning, he growled, grabbed the back of my neck and kissed me hard, just as the hand on my thigh slid up to meet its destination.
As his tongue entered my mouth, I let out a loud moan from the sudden contact below my waist.
He picked up on that and slowly trailed his fingers over my fast growing semi.
I kissed him back, very passionately, before I broke away. I knew it was only a matter of seconds until I’d be hard, and that was not happening.
“Clarify anything?” asked Frank, panting a little.
“Everything.” I said, giving him a look that he could only assume was extreme arousal. “I have to go to the bathroom.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Love you guys, Four Stars!!! <3333333333