Status: I'm thinking about deleting. If I do, I'm sorry, and I hope you've enjoyed reading.

A Kiss And I Will Surrender.

Show Me How.

Gerard’s P.O.V
I was mad at Mikey. Not for insulting me, but because he could be right. What if I only wanted Frank because I couldn’t have him.
That couldn’t be the case. I’d been falling for him for far too long for it to just be a fleeting crush.
“Gee?” A small voice outside my door. Frank, naturally. I really wanted to kiss him right now, to tell him how I really felt. But that was far too risky.
“Come in.” I sighed, reclining back onto my bed.
Frank was still wearing my Offspring hoodie. It looked cute on him. He looked so skater with his baggy jeans and spiky hair. But I knew that Frank couldn’t skate for shit. He had virtually no balance.
“Gee, are you okay?” he said in the darkness.
“Yeah, fine.” I lied.
“I heard you and Mikey fighting…”
I froze. I swear my heart stopped beating for a split second.
“Oh?” I said calmly, ignoring the searing panic.
“Yeah. And I just wanted to know if it had anything to do with the thing you said after we had our fight last week…” he replied, crossing the bedroom to sit on my bed, scooting up next to me.
“I-I-I forget what I said…” lies again.
“You said you were hiding something from me, and that you couldn’t tell me just yet. Then we just left it. So I’m gonna just come out and say it… Did you tell your wife that you were in love with another guy? Is that why you broke up? Cos Gee, I won’t judge. I can’t judge. You know why!” he said, scooting very close to me so that he was hugging me from behind. I had turned to face the wall while he was talking.
A small tear trickled down from my eyelid. I hadn’t planned on letting Frank find out. If he knew the truth it would only be a matter of time until he put two and two together and realised that he was the one I was in love with. But I couldn’t lie to him.
I flipped over and buried my head in Franks chest, letting every built up tear inside me out onto his hoodie.
“Frank, I was in love with this guy before I even met my wife. I was in love with him before I met Eliza. I was in love with him before I met any of those girls. I don’t know what’s fucking wrong with me. I can’t take it. Mikey’s right. I don’t know what I want. It’s just cos I cant have him!” I sobbed.
Suddenly I was in Frankie’s arms, and he was muttering ‘Shh’ into my hair as I continued to cry to him.
“Gee… I don’t know the ins and outs of this… but I do believe that you love this guy. I know how it feels, I can see it tear you apart. I think you need to tell him. It’s been so long… And Mikey isn’t right. If you say you love him, then I know you do.” he said gently, stroking my hair.
“B-b-ut I can’t tell him.” I sighed. “He’s such a good friend. I cant lose him!”
Frankie looked like he was thinking. He had let his hand absentmindedly drop as far as my belt. I wished he would go further. His touch was setting my hips on fire.
“Gee…” he struggled for the words. “There are times when you need to just… Throw caution to the winds.”
“Well why won’t you go after the guy you like?” I asked, trying to ignore his hand.
“It’s complicated. I’m pretty sure he doesn’t feel the same. He has other… agendas.” he sighed.
“Like what?” I said quickly, trying to deflect my attention from the tingles in my stomach.
“He’s got his eye on other people. It actually hurts.” he sighed again. He started to move the fingers that were on my stomach. Forward and back, over and over. It was enraging. He was making me just want to jump his bones.
“Well… I have my suspicions about the guy I like.” I muttered. My attention went back to his hand. Did friends really get this close? Were all those kisses more than just two friends fooling around. Could Frank feel even something romantic towards me? I wanted to check.
“Oh?” he asked, looking interested.
“Yeah.” I said innocently. “This one time I kissed him like this…” I kissed Frank on his jaw, dragging my lips momentarily. He shut his eyes and pulled his lip with his teeth. “…and it kinda turned him on. Would you think that could mean he might feel something for me?”
Frank seemed to have zoned out. His eyes were still shut, as if he were thinking very hard.
“Uhhhh, yeah I think it would.” he said quietly, not opening his eyes.
Did he think I wasn’t noticing what he was doing? I thought for a moment. Had Frank just answered my question indirectly? He looked like he enjoyed that kiss thoroughly.
I wanted to push it.
“Mhmm?” his eyes were still shut.
“How would I go about coming onto this guy. You know, seduce him?” I asked casually.
Frankie’s eyes shot open. He looked at me directly. His hand on my stomach stopped moving.
“Why are you asking me?” he asked suspiciously.
“Show me.” I whispered right next to his ear, putting on my best ‘fuck me’ voice.
His Adams apple visibly jumped.
“It’s the same as seducing a girl.” he said a little panicked.
“No it’s not.” I replied, sitting up, nudging closer.
He gulped again. “What to you want me to show you?”
“What you did to me last night. I want to be able to do it.” I said, still using the seductive voice.
“Okay…” he sounded nervy. Very nervy. But I had to know. I had to know if Frank felt even the smallest romantic feeling towards me. Even though he was crazy about another guy, I needed to know. “You’ll have to….Uh… Sit on me…” he continued, his voice heightening in pitch at the last part of his sentence.
I did as I was told, letting my crotch brush against his momentarily. He bit his lip, hard.
“Now what?” I asked, resting my hands on his thighs as if to balance myself. I was balanced fine, I just wanted to touch him.
“Um… you’ll need to find his sorta sweet spot to kiss him on. Everyone’s got one, on their neck or their jaw, sometimes their chest…” he said quickly.
I lowered my head and kissed him gently on his neck. I didn’t get the reaction I wanted. His Adams apple, much the same. A kiss on his jaw got me sharp intake of breath. At this stage, I was gently grinding on him, but not so much that he would freak out. I got braver, kissed him on the edge of his lip, dragging my own lips a little as I had before. He moaned gently. I kissed him there again. He moaned louder.
“Looks like that’s your spot.” I grinned.
His eyes were shut. His breathing was shallow.
“Now?” I asked, leaning in and nipping at his earlobe.
He groaned. “You start working on…below the waist.” he almost whispered.
“How?” asked as I kissed him on the edge of his lips again.
He moaned, and I felt his hips move a little.
“Grinding?” I smirked.
All he did was nod. His eyes didn’t open.
I set to work. Pressed my hips against his and noticed his breath speed up.
“Frank, if the guy was liking it so far, when could I kiss him?” I asked.
“Whenever you wanted. But it’d have to be way sexy.” he half moaned as my hips started to move on his.
“Like this?” I acted, playing innocent as I pressed my lips to his. They were already open, as he had a slight pant from my grinding.
I started to move my lips against his, still moving my hips up and down on his. I was fighting with myself to not get hard. As far as Frank knew, this was just me being taught the basics, and he was my guinea pig.
His hands suddenly started to move. One found its way into my hair, the other made its way up the back of my t-shirt.
I slid my tongue along his bottom lip. He moaned and slid his own tongue into my mouth. I was moving my hips rougher, and he was working with me, his back arching as he followed the rhythm I had started. Oh my God, I was dry fucking Frank!
We started to make out. It was so much hotter than any of our onstage kisses. He was softly moaning, twirling his tongue around my own, while I ground our semi’s together. I had a semi, and I didn’t care. I was way too into this.
There was one more thing I wanted to try, and I knew I had to do it before Frankie got hard. I continued to make out with him, before sliding my hand in between our two slightly inflamed crotches. I started to rub him through the material of his jeans. He gasped. I felt his head fall back. I could also feel his package swell underneath my hand.
His breathing got fast and shallow, as his hips started to move against my hand. This had gone far beyond experimentation. He moaned loudly as he broke from the kiss.
“Gee, we have to stop!” he groaned, his eyes bulging a little.
I didn’t stop rubbing him. “Why?” I whispered in his ear.
“Cos I’m fucking hard!” he moaned.
“And what if the guy I like gets hard?” I asked seductively.
“Oh fuck… You know what to do when that happens! Now stop, seriously.” he moaned.
“I’ve never given a blow job before though…” I sighed. I had no intention of doing that…at least not right then.
“Uhhhhhhh!” he groaned.
“Should I stop?” I asked.
“Yes!” he moaned.
I sat back on him. He lay back panting. Hs chest was really heaving. His boner was huge.
“I’m sorry Frank.” I said. I didn’t mean it.
“It’s fine. It means you got it right.” he panted, managing a smile.
“Do you have to fix that?” I asked, pointing too his boner.
“Yeah, it’s kinda painful.” he admitted.
I smirked, before rolling off him. He shakily got off the bed and headed for the bathroom.
I sat cross legged on the bed.
It seemed that Frank felt something for me. I didn’t know how major or small it was, but no one reacted like that with someone they didn’t like. If he didn’t feel something for me, he wouldn’t let it get as far as getting him hard.
I wondered if I was the guy Frank was crushing on, but then though I was being silly. I did however know that Frank was physically attracted to me now, so I could plat that to my advantage.
I heard footsteps. Frank appeared in my doorway looking a little flushed. Oh God, the knowledge of what he had gotten up to in the bathroom was enough to make my dick throb.
“Uh, I think I’m gonna go to bed.” he said. He looked a little woozy.
“Are you okay?” I asked, getting up to support him. It was then that I realised he’d stripped to his boxers. I couldn’t help staring.
“Yeah, just kinda got a head rush.” he half giggled.
“Frankie, sleep here so I can keep an eye on you.” I said. I was actually worried.
His beautiful brown eyes widened.
“I-I’m okay.” he stammered.
I let him lean on me as I steered him to the bed. I lay down, laying him next to me.
We fell asleep like that. I was in heaven.
♠ ♠ ♠
Note-This is todays second update, please read both (:
Five Stars!! :D Have I ever told you guys that I love you? Well....I LOVE YOU!!! :D Thank You Guys So Much For reading!!!
*Gerard mentions 'Eliza' here. For anyone thhat doesn't know: Eliza Cuts used to date Gerard, but they broke up. It was really public :/