Status: I'm thinking about deleting. If I do, I'm sorry, and I hope you've enjoyed reading.

A Kiss And I Will Surrender.

Cupcakes And Confessions.

Frank’s P.O.V
I was lying in Gerard’s bed, staring at the ceiling. Memories of the night before flew around my already over stressed mind.
I wondered why the hell Gerard had just sprung all of that on me. Nothing was making sense. If he was crazy for another guy, why did he use me as his guinea pig? It hurt. I felt my stomach knot.
But still, I had little moments where I would wonder if Gerard wasn’t telling me the whole truth. He’d never said who this guy he was crazy for was. He’d never sat with me and really talked. It was leading me to wonder things that shouldn’t even have crossed my mind. Could I be the one he wanted so badly?… There was evidence. There definitely was.
Stop it Frank!
I hit myself on the forehead. That wasn’t a reasonable explanation, it was ninety nine percent impossible.
But what about the other percent?
I slapped my forehead again. I was being ridiculous. Gerard would never fall for someone like me. I was pretty much a midget, for starters. Okay, maybe not a midget, but short. I had a haircut that most dykey girls favoured, my fashion sense was totally unconventional, and I didn’t feel like much in the looks department either. Sure, everyone told me I was gorgeous, blah, blah, blah, but I didn’t feel it. And certainly not around Gerard.
Feeling rather unattractive, I fingered the chickenpox scar between my eyebrows. I was great at finding my own faults.
My movement stirred Gerard. He rolled over and one arm was suddenly around me, pulling me closer. I made the best of the situation, cuddling into his warm chest.
I thought too much. I still do in fact.
My cell phone erupted with the squawking intro of ‘Nervous Breakdown’ by Black Flag. I jumped in the bed. Gerard groaned.
I clawed around his bedside table until I finally closed my hand around the vibrating pest.
“’Lo?” I asked as I hit the green button groggily.
“Sorry to wake you beautiful. I wanted to talk to Gerard but he’s not answering his cell!”
I groaned. “Bob! It’s six in the fucking morning!”
“I’m on Chicago time bitch.” I could here him grinning.
“Fuck off, that means it’s even earlier you dipshit!” I laughed.
“Not by much! And anyway, it’s not my bedtime yet. Now can I please speak to Gee?” he sniggered.
I thrust the phone at Gerard.
“Hey sexy.” laughed Gerard. “…Yeah I am… No we haven’t shacked up…” he went bright red. “Mhmm… Wait… No… I’m not lying… I’m gonna kill Mikey… He didn’t tell you? Then who did?… Bullshit… No I’m not… Yeah… How did you know?…Was I that obvious? you can’t tell anyone!… To rub it in?” There was a wry smile playing on his lips. “You fucker… Alright, See you then… After a while, crocodile.”
He handed me the phone.
“What was all that about?” I asked.
He looked guilty. “Oh… Just a new set of drums that Bob got, he wanted to uhh… Rub it in.”
I didn’t believe him, but didn’t press any further.
“I won’t get back to sleep.” I muttered.
“We could do something fun?” he chirped.
“Like what?” I said a little sarcastically. I was still pissed at him for using me as his guinea pig.
“Like make cupcakes!” he grinned.
I looked out at him from under my eyelids.
“Any shred of masculinity you possessed has just pirouetted out the window in a pink glittery tutu.” I said.
He looked hurt. Now he knew how it felt… but not as severely.
“Fine, let’s make cupcakes.” I exaggerated happiness.
He grinned and hopped out of bed. In his boxers, no less. The anger was ebbing away faster than I could try to put it back. He was just too damn fuckable!
I shook myself. I had already whacked off over him once in the six hours, I was so not doing it again.
Gerard busied himself in the kitchen. I planted myself on the table, watching curiously. He seemed to know what he was doing, without me butting in. I found myself grinning, having forgiven him. I was just being silly.
“What are you smiling at?” he laughed.
“Nice ass.” I snickered. Wait, had I said that? I was only supposed to think it! SHIT!
He raised an eyebrow, shrugged, before shaking his oh-so-perfect ass in my direction.
I gripped the table until my knuckles were white. He was so effortlessly driving me insane without even knowing!
“You gonna help or what?” he laughed.
I slid off the table and went to his side.
“What am I doing?” I asked, peering over his shoulder.
“Mix the butter and sugar with an electric mixer… and don’t eat the mixture either, cos I know you will!” he giggled.
He had the most adorable giggle.
I set to work. I was useless, but periodically, Gerard would come up behind me and help me handle the mixer. His breath was sweet and hot on my neck. He was so sexy it was infuriating.
“Frank…” he sniggered.
“What?” I asked.
“You have mixture on your face.” he smirked.
“Where?” I asked, wiping my nose.
“C’mere!” laughed Gerard.
He lowered his face to mine and pressed his lips to my ‘spot’ as he had called it the night before. My knees got weak.
“Got it!” he grinned as I steadied myself.
Our cupcakes turned out to be really nice. We worked on them until eight. Mainly because we kept flinging mix at each other. Gerard let me ice them under his supervision. We made them blue and pink. They looked really cool. I even made a red one especially for Gerard.
“I think your masculinity has a rainbow tutu.” he quipped as I finally put down my last cupcake.
“What?” I laughed.
“Oh, don’t think I didn’t notice how much you enjoyed that!” he grinned. “We should’ve had you naked and in an apron!” he added, falling back in his chair as he laughed.
I scowled, but it turned to a mischievous grin momentarily. I lifted my icing piper. “I think you need a change of hair colour Gee.”
His mouth formed an ‘O’ before he pushed back his chair and ran for the living room.
“Don’t you dare!” he squealed as I chased him.
I was faster than Gerard! Ha! I always had been. It fucked with his head.
I tackled him and we both landed in a heap on the floor, our chests covered in icing.
Gerard laughed. “If anyone saw us now they’d think we were having some…kinky edible sex.”
I swallowed hard. I’d love to have kinky edible sex with him.
As if on cue, the doorbell shrilled. I threw on a hoodie that was lying around and went to answer it.
Mikey, fresh as a daisy. He was such a morning person…the bastard.
“Oh… hey Frank! There’s blue icing in your hair.. Where’s Gee?”
I heard Gerard run upstairs. Presumably to put some clothes on other than his boxers.
“Oh, he’s just changing. You wanna come in?”
Mikey made himself at home in the living room. I sat near him, suddenly conscious that I wasn’t wearing pants.
“Underwear party?” giggled Mikey.
I blushed. “No, we just didn’t bother changing when we got out of bed.” I knew I shouldn’t have said it the moment I did.
Mikey looked astonished. “We!? You sleep together!?”
“No! Just last night after…” I shut up. I was about to tell him what Gerard and I had gotten up to. “I was feeling faint so I slept in Gee’s bed.”
Mikey looked at me, horrified. “Frank…”
“What?” I asked incredulously.
Silence. “How do you feel about Gerard?”
“He’s my best friend.” I stuttered.
“Normally I wouldn’t just… Go around doing this, but he’s my brother, and I’d like to know. I’ve seen the way you look at him. Does it go any deeper than friendship?”
My jaw dropped. How did he know? What brought it on?
He looked at me pleadingly, waiting for an answer. Gerard walked in. Silence again.
“Were you talking about me?” laughed Gerard.
“Nope.” said Mikey, feigning a smile. “Something smells great.”
“We made cupcakes!” beamed Gerard, leading Mikey to the kitchen.
Shakily, I took my cell phone from the coffee table and wrote out a text message.
“Yes, I’m totally in love with him. I’m so sorry, no one was supposed to find out. We should talk about this. Please don’t tell him Mikes, I’m begging you. Hear me out.”
Then I found Mikey’s number in my phone contacts, pressed send.
I prayed he would understand,
♠ ♠ ♠
Long chapter, sowie XD
Comments pweeeeease???