Status: I'm thinking about deleting. If I do, I'm sorry, and I hope you've enjoyed reading.

A Kiss And I Will Surrender.

He Called Me 'Baby'.

Gerard’s P.O.V
Frank was at my door. “Hey Gee, Mikey asked me to come with him, he needs help lifting some stuff, can you manage here for a bit?” he asked.
I looked up, he was acting a bit nervous, he had been all day ever since Mikey had come over. When I walked into the room it got all awkward, and then they were very obviously texting each other all day. Every time Mikey read a message, he would go ghostly pale, and then twenty seconds later, Franks phone would bleep, Frank would go pale, and it would start again.
I was more than a little pissed off. My two best friends were leaving me out of the loop about something that was clearly important.
“Gee?” Frankie repeated.
“Fine.” I muttered.
“Gee, what’s wrong?” he made to step towards me.
I faced the wall. “Piss off.”
“Piss off…”
I heard my door shut, and Frank’s back press against it. Then a sniffle.
He couldn’t be crying could he?
I shook myself. I wasn’t supposed to feel sorry for him.
Mikey’s car started in the driveway. Ten minutes later, the engine fired up and I saw his tail lights head up the street.
Alone at last.
I peeled myself off the bed and went to the kitchen. I decided I wanted to watch a movie as I took out a soda.
Frank’s movies were boring. Okay, they were good, but we’d already seen them all.
I pulled out ‘Dodgeball’ and read the blurb. It seemed a little dull. I went to replace it, but noticed that there was a box behind the DVD’s.
I’m a naturally inquisitive person, so I couldn’t help but take it out to examine it.
It was labelled. ‘Home Movies-Trash Disposal’ in Frank’s scrawling script.
Why would Frank want to throw out home movies? I wondered that as I slipped one of the DVD’s into the tray of the player.
My question was answered as soon as the screen lit up.
Frank was sitting on his bed, and he was shirtless. He looked tense.
“I’m not sure..” he said, looking at the person behind the camera.
“It’ll be fun!” Frank’s ex wife. “Besides, I need something to watch while you’re away.”
He smiled. That was a fake smile. Frank didn’t smile like that, it looked painful.
He sighed and lay back on the bed.
I shouldn’t have been watching that movie, but I couldn’t tear my eyes from the screen. I wanted to see what happened.
I sat cross legged on the floor in front of the TV, completely awestruck.
Frank had sex tapes? That didn’t seem like Frank.
Franks ex had come out from behind the camera. She was now straddling him.
I concentrated. Cut her out of the movie mentally and focussed only on Frank.
He looked uncomfortable, but that changed when he managed to flip her over.
I found my jeans start to get tight around the crotch. The fact that I was furious with Frank now seemed to matter little.
I watched the movie, completely lost for words.
Frank was so different with her than he had been with me. He was so sexy that I was rock hard, but there was no connection between them, no spark. I always felt a spark with Frank.
I heard him moan loudly. It set the little hairs on the back on my neck on end.
I pressed ‘eject’ on the DVD player and threw it back in the box, put the box away, and ran upstairs to my room.
What the hell was up with me? I was rock hard over my best friend fucking his ex wife. Okay, maybe just him, and I had imagined it was me he was fucking.
I refused to jerk off over him. It just didn’t seem right. This was not the way to act. I had to start accepting that Frank and I would never happen.
I stripped off and headed down the hallway to the bathroom.
A long, relaxing shower calmed me down. The towel in the bathroom was too small to cover my whole body, so I just used it around my waist.
I crashed into Frank on the landing. He jumped back. His face was tear stained, he was also drenched.
“I wouldn’t let Mikes drive me home…” he explained, turning towards his bedroom.
I couldn’t let it be like this. I had been an asshole to him, and he was miserable.
“It’s fine, Gee.” he sniffed as his hand closed on the door handle.
I almost forgot to hold onto my towel. I leaned forward and touched the soaking arm of his jacket.
“I’m sorry Frankie.”
He turned around. I noticed him look me up and down. It made me a little bit conscious of the towel.
“Gee, why were you mad?” he asked. Little tears glistened in his eyes. Judging from the amount of times he’d cried already, I could tell he was having a shit day.
“I was… It was you and Mikes… All that texting each other and the whispering…” I trailed off quietly. “It kinda hurt that whatever was wrong you wouldn’t confide in me first.”
He evidently heard me, as his expression softened. He wrapped his arms around me and pressed his nose into my chest.
“Gerard, you are my best friend in the whole world, and normally you would be the first person I’d come to, you always are. Just not this time. I have some decisions to make… Big ones.”
He was confusing the hell out of me. I stroked his hair.
“Frankie, I understand that whatever is happening to you is huge… Okay, I don’t even know what’s up, but I know you wouldn’t keep it from me if it wasn’t for my own good.” I smiled, nuzzling his wet hair.
He sniffed. “I love you Gee.”
“I love you too Frankie.” I smiled, knowing that I meant it so much differently than he did. “By the way,” I continued. “You’re freezing and I am not letting you die of pneumonia so I suggest you go have a shower and I’ll order us a pizza. Boys night in?”
He smiled adorably and hugged me around the waist.
“That sounds great babe.” he said, before walking towards the shower.
It took a second to register, but I realised Frank had just called me ‘babe’. I had never even heard him say that to one of his girlfriends.
All these little flirty moments were confusing the shit out of me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thankies to readers/subs/commenters! Amazing as usual (:
Now, seeing as you guys read my stuff, I'd love it if you'd take a look at my Frerard One Shot 'Tell Me You Feel The Same.' I just wrote it and I'd love to know if you guys think I should make it into a proper Frerard (:
That's about it! Oh, and dearest commenters: Not much longer :D