Status: I'm thinking about deleting. If I do, I'm sorry, and I hope you've enjoyed reading.

A Kiss And I Will Surrender.

Truth Or Dare?

Frank’s P.O.V
Gerard sat on the floor, munching his pizza. He looked so cute.
The electricity was down. The seemingly harmless Summer shower I’d gotten soaked in a few hours earlier had now turned into a full blown thunderstorm.
I was snuggled on the couch, under a heavy blanket with a bowl of soup as well as my pizza, by order of Gerard. He was so sweet, didn’t want me getting sick because he knew I had a bad immune system.
The light in the room was poor, lit only with candles and the fireplace. I would jump every time I heard the thunder rip. I’d always hated storms, I could never get to sleep and I was scared of things catching fire.
“You okay Frankie?” asked Gerard through a mouthful of triple cheese pizza.
“Yeah, just the thunder.” I said with a weak smile.
“You’re scared?” he enquired, looking up at me with concerned hazel eyes.
“Just a little.”
He moved up to sit next to me on the couch. It was a tight fit, but I swung my legs over his to stop him falling. He put his arms around my shoulders.
“Thanks.” I smiled.
The thunder cracked outside again and I jumped. Gerard chuckled.
“How did people manage without electricity!?” I mumbled exasperatedly.
“They did, cos they didn’t know it existed.” Gerard’s velvety voice, clearly amused.
“But it’s been twenty minutes and I’m already bored out of my tree!” I complained.
Another chuckle. “We could play a game?”
I looked at him reproachfully. “I’m not playing chess with you again, last time you kicked my ass!”
He smirked. “Fine, you pick.”
I thought. “I’m not playing a board game with you, cos you always win. And I’m not playing eye-spy, cos you always pick stupid stuff like earlobes.” he giggled. “So I want to play… truth or dare.” I finished.
He looked taken aback. “But there’s only two of us.”
I smiled. “More dares then! I’m starting! Truth or dare?”
He raised an eyebrow. “Dare.”
I thought hard. “I dare you to call Mikey and tell him you’re gay and you‘re in love with him.”
Gerard smirked and took out his cell phone, as the main lines were down.
“The signal sucks.” he said with a grimace. “Ah fuck it.”
He punched in Mikey’s number.
“Hey Mikes.” he bit his lip to try hold in his laughter.
“Yeah I know, I just needed to tell you something…I’m gay and I‘m in love with you.” Gerard took the phone away from his ear and bit his fist as his body shook with giggles.
“WHAT THE FUCK!?” I heard Mikey yell from the other end of the phone as both Gerard and I burst into hysterics.
“Oh, prank call, reeeeal mature!” I heard Mikey huff before hanging up.
I felt a little guilty for pissing Mikey off as he’d been so helpful to me that day. He’d comforted me over my feelings for Gerard and tried to convince me to tell him. I would have told Gerard if I wasn’t such a chicken.
But I knew Mikey wouldn’t be mad, he knew that Gerard and I were just a pair of big kids, he was used to it.
Gerard stopped laughing and wiped at his eyes. He actually laughed so hard that he had started to cry. My stomach hurt.
“Your turn.” he smirked as he got his breath back. “Truth or dare?”
I didn’t trust him with truth just get. “Dare.”
He grinned like a Cheshire cat, took my hand and led me to the kitchen, where he started rummaging around in the fridge, taking things out and squirting them into a glass. It was dark, so I couldn’t see what he was doing properly.
He turned the light on his phone camera on. I realised he was videoing whatever was going on.
“What the-”
He handed me the glass.
“I dare you to drink that.”
I looked at it. It resembled… I didn’t know what, but something not very nice.
“What’s in it?” I asked suspiciously.
“Milkshake, soda, yogurt, ketchup, curry powder, mayonnaise, salad dressing, and mustard.” he said innocently.
“I’m not drinking that!” I exclaimed.
“Yes you are.” he smirked, holding up his cell so he could video it.
I sighed and tipped the glass. It tasted foul, salty and sugary mixed together. The curry powder set my tongue on fire and I gagged. The soda was a nice touch though, it made it easier to swallow.
I set the glass down on the table with a bang and raised an eyebrow, grinning at Gerard.
He looked like a huffy three year old. “I didn’t think you’d do it.”
I smirked. “Truth or dare?”
“Your best kiss?” I asked, hopping up on the table.
He looked thoughtful, then “You.” he said, as he went red.
I was flattered. Never had I been told that I was somebody’s best.
“Truth or dare?” he smiled.
“Truth. I don’t trust your dares anymore.” I giggled.
“Okay… What’s your favourite sex position?” he asked.
That was a tough one. I didn’t really have a favourite. And I hadn’t gotten laid in over two months, so this was hard to answer.
“Uh… I actually don’t have one.” I said.
“Another question then!” he smirked cheekily. “Sex or blow jobs?”
“Easy.” I flirted. “Sex if I’m on the bottom, if not, blow jobs.”
He smiled. “So your favourite position is on the bottom?”
Oh damn. Why was he so sexy?
“I guess.” I went red. I thought of being on the bottom with him. My pants tightened.
Stop it Frank.
“That’s pretty kinky, I have to say.” he smirked. I wanted to fuck that smirk right of his face. Oh great, more thoughts of sex with Gerard.
“What’s yours then?” I asked, trying to divert attention from how flustered I was.
He leaned forward. “I like to be on top, and I like it rough.”
I nearly got weak in the joints of my knees. How could he drive me crazy like that?
“Uh… I have to pee.” I said quickly, heading for the bathroom.
I could feel Gerard smirking at me as I walked. I really did want to fuck that smirk right off his face.
I splashed cold water on myself. It calmed me down, took the flush away.
I was going to have to tell Gerard how I felt soon, just so he would stop driving me demented like this every day.
But what if I liked being driven demented?
♠ ♠ ♠
Btw, thankies to those who commented my one shot, expect the full story to some separately before the end of the week (: