Status: I'm thinking about deleting. If I do, I'm sorry, and I hope you've enjoyed reading.

A Kiss And I Will Surrender.

The Whole Truth.

Gerard’s P.O.V
Frank came back from the bathroom. He looked a bit pasty. I wondered if it was the thunderstorm, the power and electricity still hadn’t returned.
“You okay Frankie?” I asked with concern.
“Yep, fine.” he said, hopping up onto the kitchen counter. “We still playing truth or dare?”
I smirked. “I guess, unless you’re scared I’m gonna uncover some serious dirt that you have hidden.”
He raised an eyebrow. “It’s your turn. Truth or dare?”
I was worried he might make me call my mom and tell her I was gay. “Truth.” At least Mikey knew I was just kidding.
“Alright…You gotta tell the whole truth Gerard!” he smirked. I could tell I was in for it now.
“Uh-huh.” I said, trying to gage him, see what he was up to.
A mischievous smile played on his lips. “Out of every person in the whole entire world… who do you most want to screw?”
I froze. Shit, shit, shit! Think, Gerard. I was searching for something to say, fast.
“Uh… um… Lemme see… Carmen Electra.” I stammered. Oh, he was not going to believe that.
“She’s hot, but that’s a lie.” he teased.
“I know who you most want to bang.” he continued casually.
My heart froze. Had he figured me out?
“W-who?” I asked.
“That guy you like so much! Duh!” he laughed.
My heart regained it’s normal rhythm. I was clear for now.
“Speaking of which, who is he?” he said in an indifferent voice.
“Y-” I clamped my hand over my mouth before I was able to say ‘you’. I could have kicked myself.
He looked up. “I almost had you! Spill!”
“Uh… I’m in love with Mikey, remember?” I joked.
He smiled. “Yeah, I know Gee. But I just asked you a question, and this is Truth or Dare, so you can’t lie.”
I swallowed hard. Should I just come out and tell him?
“Look, I’ll tell you who I like if you tell me. I have a feeling I know who you like anyway…”

Mikey’s P.O.V
I was such an idiot. I’d let slip to Frank that Gee was in love with him.
What was I supposed to do? Frank was in my front room crying over how much it hurt that he was crazy about Gerard and nothing would ever happen between them.
“Mikes, it really hurts. It actually cuts me up.” he was crying into his hands. “How could I fall for someone so off limits. And this other guy that he likes so much… I want to know who he is.”
“Frank… I couldn’t betray his trust and tell you, you know that.” I said, sweating a little as I sat down on my couch beside him.
He sniffed. “I don’t know why he won’t tell me.”
“Would you want to tell your best friend that you love him?” I asked. It was already out of my mouth before I realised what I’d said.
Frank looked up. His eyes were wide. “But apart from you, I’m Gerard’s best friend…”
I bit my lip and looked down. Shit!
“Mikey, does that mean… are you saying-”
I sighed, cutting him off. “He’s been struggling with it since he met you.”
His jaw dropped. He jumped off the couch an started pacing.
“You’re lying.” he said at last.
I shook my head.
He bent down so that he was level with my face. “Are you saying that Gerard has been in love with me all this time?” his voice was barely a whisper.
I nodded. Gerard was going to kill me, he was literally going to kill me.
“I have to speak to him…” Frank was grabbing his jacket from the hallway.
“Wait, I’ll drive you.” I offered.
“No Mikes, I need to think. This is so much to take in. I’ll call you later.”
And with that, Frank stepped out into the pouring rain, without even bothering to pull up his hood.
“Good luck Frankie…”

Gerard’s P.O.V
“Well?” pressed Frankie.
“Uh, could you go first?” I asked meekly. It would give me time.
“I suppose I could… Gee, can you come with me please?” he said shakily.
I nodded, confused. He led me out of the kitchen and upstairs. I was totally nonplussed.
He opened a supply closet and took out a flashlight, then took me by the hand and dragged me down the landing without bothering to click it on.
He stopped, reached up, and then something fell in front of us with a soft thump.
“That’s the attic stairs.” he muttered.
The flashlight clicked on, and he gestured for me to go up the steps.
“You keep the guy you like in the attic?” I asked incredulously.
He laughed. It was a nervous laugh, not the one I’d expect from Frank.
“No, I keep my music stuff up here… and some other stuff I didn’t wanna just leave lying around.”
I was now totally lost, but I ascended the steps and found myself falling over a guitar stand the second in put my foot on the attic floor.
“Oh, yeah. Should’ve given you the flashlight.” Frankie giggled.
He helped me up, shone the light around looking for something in particular. The he started towards the corner where there was just one guitar case lying on its side.
“Frankie, I appreciate you showing me this but I don’t see what it has to do with-”
He held up a hand, telling me to be quiet as he opened the guitar case. I did so.
Footsteps, then Frank was beside me and I felt a book being thrust into my hand.
“My tour diary for 2004.” he informed me, pulling my sleeve to get me to sit on the ground with him.
“I’m supposed to read it?” I asked.
“Well, not read it. But skim and stop wherever you see your name.”
Confused as hell, I flipped open the cover. The diary smelled like our old touring van, maybe because it was kept in a guitar case.
“June 23rd.
Show was great tonight! I’m so tired though. Me and Gee started getting up to the usual shit on stage. I got a boner, that was awkward.”
I flipped randomly to the middle of the book, aware of Frank’s eyes on me.
“August 9th.
I’m having such a bad day. Gee spent the whole day wrapped around this chick that he met last night. I almost cried. It wasn’t even jealousy, it just hurt.”
What was Frank telling me?
I skimmed the diary. Entries mostly based on me. One said I had the most beautiful eyes, one said I looked gorgeous in a suit. They went on and on.
“Frank, I still don’t get it…” Although I did have an inkling, I was not about to jump to conclusions.
He laughed. “You are so slow.”
“Wha-” I was interrupted by Frank’s lips colliding with mine. We fell back onto the floor, Frank on top of me. I twisted my fingers in his hair, crushed myself against him.
This wasn’t actually happening was it?
Frankie broke from the kiss. “Gerard. I love you.”
My jaw dropped.
“I’m the guy?”
He laughed. “Gee, I just kissed you! What were you thinking I was doing, checking your tonsils?”
I blushed. “I love you too, Frankie. But how did you-”
He kissed me again. “Never ever trust your little brother with a secret again.” he whispered against my lips.
“Frankie… Do you really mean it? You really love me as more than a friend?”
He giggled. It was music to my ears. “Why are you so determined to not believe me?”
“Cos it’s too good to be true.” I smiled.
He took my hand and rested it on his chest. “That’s my heart Gee. And it’s yours.”
Tears sprang to my eyes. “Frankie…”
He shut me up with a kiss. His cheeks were wet. I wiped his tears with the back of my hand.
He sat up, pulling me with him.
“What are you-”
“Making it official.” he smiled. He took my hands in his, tracing over my knuckles with his fingers.
“Gee… I’m totally in love with you. So will you be my-my-”
Tears streaked my cheeks. “Of course I will. I’ll be your boyfriend.”
His eyes lit up and he knocked me over with a kiss.
My heart raced. I wanted to scream to the world that I was in love. Better still, that Frank was finally mine.
“Yes, sweetheart?”
“Will you stay in my bed tonight?”
My heart melted. “Of course I will.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay guys it finally happened! *happy dance*
I know it kinda sucked but I'm not feeling too well and I didn't know how to do it :/
Thankies to readers, commenters and subs for being awesome :D
Hope ya'll like it, much more Frerardy goodness to come (: