Status: I'm thinking about deleting. If I do, I'm sorry, and I hope you've enjoyed reading.

A Kiss And I Will Surrender.

Strip Guitar Hero

Franks P.O.V
I was closest to the phone, so rolled over and yanked it roughly off the table. Gerard grinned at my flustered state. I had the worst sex hair in history. I wondered what my hair would look like when I actually had sex with Gerard. That made my stomach knot. The truth was, I was terrified. I knew Gerard would take if I asked him to, but I didn’t want to do that. I wanted to prove to Gerard that I loved him. But still, I was very uneasy.
Also, I was sick of cell phones interrupting Gerard and I constantly. I decided mine was going in the trash. Not my Blackberry though…I needed that.
“What?” I grumbled, pressing the green button. Gerard chuckled and pulled on a new pair of boxers. Mine, as it happened. They looked like short shorts on him. Now that was something to behold.
“Oh Frank! Are you okay!? I’m so, so sorry! You didn’t tell Gee did you?!” Mikey said in one breath.
“Shut up Mikes.” I muttered, rubbing sleep from my eyes.
“Sorry… Well?”
“I’m tired. Starbucks, five o’clock. Be there or… Well, Just be there.” I sighed.
“Can’t you tell me now!?”
“No…Now get lost, you’re killing my libido.” I snickered.
“Oh my GOD! You didn’t-”
Mikey was cut off as Gerard tackled me off the bed and onto the floor.
“Mikey, I love you and everything, but I’ve got bigger fish to fry!” he laughed into my phone, before, throwing it behind my head and kissing me hard.
I laughed into the kiss as I heard Mikey’s distant voice. “Oh my God! Stop that! I get the picture, just stop, you’re scarring me!”
Gerard let out a mock scream of ecstasy that made me convulse with laughter.
“Fuck! I’m hanging up! See you later!” Mikey yelled.
Gerard rolled off me and we lay on the floor giggling.
“You’re not wearing boxers.” Gerard smirked.
“Not my fault.” I teased. “Somebody is wearing mine.”
Gerard let me up so I could go and find a fresh air of boxers.
“What do you want to do today?” he asked, cross legged on the floor with his head cocked to one side.
“Apart from you?” I said, revelling in the expression on his adorable face. “I don’t know really. Watch a movie?”
“Your movies are boring.” he muttered, eyeing up his fingernails. I slapped his hand before he could bite them.
“You haven’t watched all of them!” I laughed, rolling my eyes.
“I have! I’ve seen all the top shelf, and the bottom one, and the ones in your office, and the ones in my bedroom!” he protested.
“In two weeks?” I asked.
He shrugged, then pulled me close to him. “I suppose we’ll have to make our own movies some time.” he cooed seductively, tapping my nose. It made me shudder.
“We could go see if Ray’s around. It’s his birthday in two days, so he should be?” I suggested.
“I just wanna spend today with you.” Gerard smiled shyly.
“In that case… How about we have breakfast?” I grinned.
Breakfast was pink and blue cupcakes and milk.
“I know what I want to do!” exclaimed Gerard through a mouthful of cupcake.
“What?” I smirked.
“Play Guitar Hero!”
I laughed. “We always do that!”
“Strip Guitar Hero.” he grinned cheekily.
I wasn’t sure how, but Gerard persuaded me and ten minutes later I was in the living room, fully clothed, setting up Guitar Hero.
“I’m not going easy on you just ‘cos I’m your boyfriend.” I giggled.
“I can take you.” swaggered Gerard.
He failed the first song.
“No fair!” he whined. “Replay!”
“Nuh-uh!” I smirked. “Hoodie off!”
He failed two more songs and ended up topless.
“You cant beat me Gee.” I teased as I hit a one hundred note streak on ‘Talk Dirty To Me’.
“Can so!” he protested, sneakily grabbing my crotch and knocking my concentration. He pulled ahead on the screen.
“Cheater!” I laughed as I tried to get back to level. Gerard was having none of it, he threw several whammy’s and amp overload’s at me in succession.
“Song Failed.”
“Pants off!” Gerard said with the air of a job well done.
I sighed and complied.
Gerard was a quick learner, and soon we were both back to our boxers, playing for the win.
“I’m gonna win” he sniggered.
I had a feeling that he would. He had to pick ‘Raining Blood’ by Slayer, just to annoy me.
I lost.
“Tell you what…” Gerard said from the armchair, examining his nails. He looked like the Godfather. I thought about shoving cotton pads in his cheeks to see what it’d be like. “I’ll let you away with stripping now, if you promise to do it next time I say so, no matter when.”
“Deal.” I grinned. “Now we gotta go meet Mikey.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I love my readers!!! XD
Btw, if you were wondering about the lack of updates, DISASTER! My laptop crashed and I lost all my files...including my 100 or sooo chapters. On top of that, I have big big exams happening =/ updates will be probably cut to a max of 3 per week. I am really sorry :'(