Status: I'm thinking about deleting. If I do, I'm sorry, and I hope you've enjoyed reading.

A Kiss And I Will Surrender.


Gerard’s P.O.V
“GEE! WAKE UP, WAKE UP WAKE UP!” Frank yelled, jumping onto the bed with so much force that it smacked into the wall.
I sat up abruptly, wondering what the Hell was going on. Frank was bouncing irritably on the bottom of the bed.
I rubbed my eyes. “What the fuck?”
“It’s Ray’s birthday! And I wanna go see him now. But I can’t, cos your lazy ass is in bed!” he moaned like a little kid.
“Aw come on! I’m like… sex deprived.” I muttered groggily.
“That should give you more energy!” he beamed, yanking me back up into a sitting position as I flopped back on the bed. “Besides, it’s 4, I’m gonna leave without you soon anyway, so this is your last warning.”
I groaned and rolled of the bed. Frank’s eyes darted down and he giggled.
“Save that for Saturday baby.” he blushed, before whistling out of the room.
I looked down. I had some serious morning wood. That was what I got when Frank woke me up just when my dream was getting to the good bit. And yes, it did involve him. I won’t go into detail.
I decided to let my problem fix itself as I pulled on a new pair of boxers and jeans. I chose a shirt that I knew Frank loved on me. Even though I was going to keep my hands off him for over a week, I was still going to make an effort for him.
He was reading a newspaper when I came downstairs. He was ready to go; Black jeans, black button shirt, white studded belt, a leather jacket draped over the back of his chair. He looked over his paper with raised eyebrows.
“Do you have to just… flaunt your sex appeal? It’s kinda annoying.” he grinned.
I hopped up on the table and yanked down the front of his newspaper, revealing the comic hidden behind it.
“I know you too well.” I teased, holding it above his head. He reached up but I pulled it just out of his reach.
“Aw come on! That’s not funny!” he grimaced.
I handed him back his comic and kissed him lightly on the lips. I couldn’t help myself, I had to slide down onto his lap and deepen the kiss. I had this constant insatiable craving for Frank that never went away, and when I whetted this craving even slightly, it was so hard to stop. Frank was like my drug.
I hadn’t noticed quite how heavy the kiss had become until Frank groaned and pulled away.
“Gee, stop that.” he whined.
“Stop what?” I asked.
“Stop making me want you!” he grumbled.
“Do you wanna go to Ray’s now, then? Seeing as we can’t seem to keep our hands off each other?”
Ray’s house, it turned out, was already thronged with people when we got there.
There were beer coolers all over his back yard, Ray’s new wife was running about frantically trying to keep everything in order. Bob was on a deck chair smoking a cigarette and drinking Red Bull. I knew he was holding off the booze so he could binge later. Mikey was sitting on the grass with Alicia next to him. They were laughing at something. I saw Brian and some of the other management, crew, and staff by one of the coolers. There were some friends of ours lounging about the lawn, and inside the house. Ray was on the phone at the edge of the back deck, away from the noise. He held up his hand to us as we rounded the corner.
“Yes, momma… I’ll behave… Yes, we’re fine… Gerard and Frank are here, I’ll have to go. Okay momma, love you.” He hung up.
“RAY!” squealed Frank, jumping at him and nearly knocking him over with a hug.
“Hey squirt.” laughed Ray. I noticed how much of a tan he had. Damn, I should have gone on holiday too.
“I missed you man.” I smiled, as Ray and I shared a hug.
“Missed you too.” he grinned. “Really sorry to hear about… you know. You bearing up okay?”
I beamed. “Actually I’m great! I’m staying with Frank!”
“Ah… Sorry to hear about you too, Frankie. Doing okay?”
Frank looked up from the beer can he had just retrieved. “Me? Pff, I’m fine.” he waved his hand impatiently as he tried to open the can.
“And how’s married life treating you?” I smirked, nudging Ray with my elbow. Ray blushed. Rarely did I see Ray Toro blush. Ray Toro didn’t even blush when Frank Iero pantsed him in front of a sell-out crowd in Denver. The man has legs, that much I will say.
“Enough said!” I laughed, clapping him on the back.
It turned out there was a cooler only for non-alcoholic drinks, so I hit that, and helped myself to some Cherry Coke.
The party was quiet until about 9 that night, when the alcohol started to kick in and everyone got a little crazy. Any shyness people had before was now well and truly in the past.
Frank was only a little bit giggly, as he had kept the alcohol intake low on my account. He didn’t have to, but I knew he wouldn’t have it any other way.
Mikey hiccupped and giggled at something Bob was saying. It sounded like he was weighing up the odds of who would win in a wrestling match between Ellen Degeneres and Barney. I didn’t inject my input, but my money was on Barney, just for sheer body mass.
Rays wife was chatting with Frank. She was a little tipsy, but seemed able to hold a conversation.
“So, Frank. Any cute girls here?” she asked, holding onto a table for support.
Frank shot me a suggestive glance, but then pretended to scan the room. “Nah, not really. I’m not really on the market anyway.” he chuckled.
She raised her eyebrows. “You’ve got a new girlfriend?”
“Uh…No.” laughed Frank.
“Ah, I see. No worries Frank, plenty more fish in the sea.” she gurgled as she staggered towards Ray.
One disadvantage of Frank and I not being public about our relationship was that we couldn’t show any affection to each other. As he sat next to me, however, I snaked my arm around his shoulders. There was nothing suspicious about that, I was like that with most of my male friends. But still, I was pissed off that I couldn’t just randomly make out with him whenever I wanted, as I was having to endure Mikey and Alicia currently doing.
Evidently Frank was having the same trouble. We’d only been together two days, and we wanted to spend every second together, just because we now could. But unlike most couples, we had limitations.
“Can we go upstairs for a bit?” I asked him over the music.
He seemed to have been thinking the same thing, as he was on his feet almost immediately.
We locked ourselves in an upstairs bathroom. Frank was on me before I had turned from the lock. I giggled.
“Frank, nothing sexual.”
He groaned. “I know, I know! I just wanna fucking kiss you!”
His lips collided with mine as we both slumped against the tiled was. His hands curled in my hair, mine ended up on his ass, pulling him as close to me as we could manage.
Frank moaned and I knew to stop. He wasn’t ready for anything, especially not in one of our best friends’ bathrooms’ while he was tipsy.
“Will we be going soon?” he asked, clutching his head as he fell against me.
“Yeah, soon enough. Stay till about 12?”
Frank nodded and we left the bathroom, running straight into Bob.
He gave us the most suggestive look ever, and it was evident from Frank’s and my own flushed faces and messed up shirts, that one more person was about to be let in on our little secret.
♠ ♠ ♠
Also, Cheers For Support On The New Frerard, Means A Lot :D