Status: I'm thinking about deleting. If I do, I'm sorry, and I hope you've enjoyed reading.

A Kiss And I Will Surrender.

Out In The Open.

Frank’s P.O.V
That was all I could think as Bob stood in front of us. For a brief moment, I thought he was going to crack a joke and let it go. Then I saw the expression on his face. His eyes flitted from Gerard to me as if he were watching a tennis match.
“Am I missing something?” he asked.
We looked at the floor.
“Gerard, when I called, I thought you said-”
“Yeah, I know what I said, but I didn’t know it would turn out like this. We were going to tell you…” Gerard said, abashed.
My mind backtracked. Bob had called one morning when Gerard and I stayed in the same room. I remembered something about shacking up, Gerard being obvious about something, denying something else. Bob had known how Gerard felt before even I did.
“Since when?” asked Bob. I knew he wasn’t homophobic, but this was bound to be a shock for him.
“Two days ago.” I piped up.
“And who knows?”
“It was just us and Mikey, probably Alicia, but now you know too.” Gerard explained. I was a little shocked that we were talking so matter of factly about our relationship.
Bob looked thoughtful. “I won’t tell anyone. But I think you should let Toro in on this. Probably Schechter too.”
Gerard looked at me, then Bob. “We should tell them now. Get them up here.”
I squeezed Gerard’s hand and gave him a pleading look. He cupped my face in his hands as Bob went to find Brian and Ray.
“Frankie, don’t worry. They won’t care. We haven’t changed. It’s important that they know, and the sooner it’s all out in the open, the better.”
I nodded. Gerard was always so rational. He kissed my forehead.
It didn’t take long until we heard footsteps and Ray, Bob, and Brian appeared on the landing.
“What’s up?” asked Ray. “Bob told us you have something important to tell us.”
Gerard stood straight and squared his shoulders.
“Frank and I are with each other.” he said with the slightest quiver in his voice.
Ray hiccupped and swayed a little. “I can see that.” he giggled.
“No, we’re together, Ray.” Gerard said gently.
“Yes, generally when two people are in a room at once, they are said to be together. I know how to speak English!” Ray chuckled.
A little vein was throbbing in Gerard’s temple.
“No. Ray, Brian; Frank and I are in a relationship as more than friends, and we love each other.”
Brian’s bottle hit the floor with a clang, Ray had a delayed reaction due to his being totally wasted, and gasped about twenty seconds late.
It took over half an hour to explain everything. Brian wanted to talk about the effect this would have on the band, but we politely opted out. I wanted to go home and cuddle with Gerard, not talk business at 12:30 in the morning. We wished Ray a happy birthday, and exited hastily.
We were still awake at 2am. Gerard was the best teddy bear I had ever had. He was a better kisser than teddy bears too. And he hugged back.
I was tracing little circles on his chest, absently. Something had been bothering me. Gerard had told Ray that we were in love. I knew that he’d said that on the night we got together, but that was necessary, right? I loved Gerard completely, but I didn’t want him feeling like he had to say it.
“Are you okay baby?” he asked, as if reading my mind.
“Yeah… I guess. It’s just… nothing.” I started to play with his hands.
“Nothing, huh?” he said sceptically, even a little icily.
“Okay, it’s just… You told Ray that we were in love.” I muttered shyly.
He raked his fingers through my hair. “And?”
“Are we?…”
He sat up. “Are you having second thoughts about us?”
“NO! Hell no!” I panicked.
“Then why are you freaking out over the fact that I said that to Ray?”
“Are you in love with me, Gerard?” I asked.
“I’ve said it before…” he said, looking me dead in the eyes.
“But that was the night we got together. I thought maybe you’d just said it ‘cos you though you had to…” I explained. This whole thing now sounded very stupid. Gerard was going to think I was clingy.
“Frank.” he smiled, tilting my face up to his with his finger. “I love you more than life itself, honest. And I’d do anything to prove that.”
“I love you too, Gerard.” I replied, kissing him gently.
“Six days…” he whispered to himself.
“Six days?”
He blushed. Evidently I wasn’t supposed to hear that.
“Nothing.” he said, turning the most adorable shade of red.
“Saturday is six days away.” I smirked.
He went redder.
“Don’t be shy!… Actually do, it’s so cute!” I giggled.
He stayed the same shade of puce.
“Are you nervous about it?” he finally asked.
“Saturday? No, not really… I’m really looking forward to it. I’m gonna blow your mind with some kinky shit.” I grinned.
“Nothing too kinky.” he warned.
“Depends on how you label ‘kinky’.” I smirked.
He laughed and snuggled down next to me, kissing my shoulder.
I don’t know what he was laughing at, I wasn’t joking.
♠ ♠ ♠
I Loves My Readers (L)!!!!!

Btw, Ish Got A New Frikey Ready To Start ASAP So Look Out For That, All You Frikey Fanatics!!! ^_^

Ps. EIGHT STARS!!!!!! (: