Status: I'm thinking about deleting. If I do, I'm sorry, and I hope you've enjoyed reading.

A Kiss And I Will Surrender.

Changing The Date

Gerard’s P.O.V
It was Thursday. Life was great, unbelievable.
Frank and I had been together for over a week, and I was having the time of my life. We’d do fun stuff all day, and then cuddle up at night. Sometimes, he’d let me help him with his Skeleton Crew work, or I’d come with him to a Leathermouth practice. Vice versa, he’d come to the occasional comic-con that would crop up, or hang out with me while I drew.
Today, was one such day. I sat in the bedroom, drowning in rolled up sheets of paper as I tried to find something to draw. Inspiration was just not coming. I growled, frustrated.
Frank, who had been lounging lazily on the bed, sat up abruptly.
“What’s wrong!?”
“Ah…I wanna draw something, and I’m really in the mood to draw something, but I can’t think of anything to draw!” I huffed.
“Draw me!” he piped up.
I thought for a moment. I’d always had a flare for drawing people, more so than objects. You could emphasise the things that made people beautiful.
“Really?” I smiled.
“Yeah, I’ve nothing to do today anyway, so you might as well.” he grinned.
I sat cross legged on the other end of the bed, put my pencil to the paper, then retracted it.
“Take off your shirt, please.”
He raised an eyebrow. “If you take off yours.”
To please him, I did take that off. He had a horny grin plastered all over his face. I ignored it, if I didn’t I most certainly would just jump on him.
I started with his eyes. They were easy to draw, big and pretty. Then his eyebrows, nose, lips, hair. Damn, he was perfect in every way, I noticed as I sketched, not taking my eyes from him once as my pencil darted across the canvas.
“You’re gorgeous.” I found myself saying.
He laughed and went red. I quickly erased the mouth I had previously drawn and replaced it with his smile.
“Not so bad yourself.” he grinned.
I ignored the fact that he was just a little happy. It was only emphasised by his tight jeans. Every so often he would touch his chest or scratch it casually, and it would drive me crazy, especially as I was trying to draw his tattoos, and they weren’t easy.
It took me a good hour to finish his drawing. He was a good model though, he sat still except for the occasional movement.
“Can I see?” he asked.
I blushed. “I don’t think it’s that good…”
“Lemme see.” he scooted down and wrapped his arms around me from behind, looking over my shoulder. I could feel his hot sweet breath on my neck, and it was maddening, as was his bare skin pressed against mine.
“Wow! It’s amazing!” he squealed.
I blushed again, but he kissed my jaw gently. It sent shockwaves all over my body and I jumped. He giggled, and it made me jump again, as his laugh vibrated on my neck.
“Someone’s antsy.” Frank chuckled, pressing his lips to my neck. I gasped involuntarily, his lips against my neck and the subtle hinting of his teeth beneath them were so sexy.
“F-Frank stop!” I panted.
“I can’t!” He groaned, flipping me around and pressing his lips to mine in an urgent kiss.
“We have to.” I said, pulling away. “We have to wait, we said we would.”
Frank moaned and fell back on the bed. I could see that he was tortured, just as I was. Could we both last until Saturday?
I lay beside him. “Look… I don’t know if I’ll be able to hold out until Saturday… And it doesn’t look like you will either. It’s like you’re a magnet and I just can’t stop. I want you so bad, Frank. So… do you wanna maybe make tonight Saturday?”
He rolled over to where I was lying. “We have to do it just as we planned.”
I smiled and touched his cheek. “We can go for dinner, maybe skip the movie and go for a walk or something, and then come back.”
Frank’s eyes lit up. “I love you, Gerard.”
“I love you too.” I chuckled, loving his expression. “But are you sure you’re ready?”
“I don’t think I could be any more ready.” he smiled, pressing his nose to mine.
“I’m gonna go call somewhere nice and make a reservation, okay?” I said quietly.
“Yeah, sure. One more thing, Gerard...” He grinned.
I didn’t get a chance to ask what, because he pulled me on top of him and kissed me in the most loving way I had ever been kissed. I felt like a fifteen year old girl. Butterflies totally overcame my stomach as I was lost in the softness and gentleness of his lips. His hand rested gently on my back, caressing the little bumps on my spine. His fingertips were as gentle as his lips as they gently trailed on the skin of my hips.
He pulled away, cheeks flushed, eyes shining, and I had to steady myself before I could leave the room.
Tonight was going to be the best night of my life.
♠ ♠ ♠
I Love My Readers :D
Btw: I Love You, Is That Okay? <<<<New Frikey. Hopefully Have It Up And Running Within The Next Week Or So. Hope You Guys Like It (: