Status: I'm thinking about deleting. If I do, I'm sorry, and I hope you've enjoyed reading.

A Kiss And I Will Surrender.

Mom, I'm Bi.

Frank’s P.O.V
Apart from the fact that my ass was in serious turmoil, I had other things on my mind… Like the fact that neither Gerard’s parents, nor mine had any clue about our relationship.

I decided to broach the subject with Gerard, knowing that the later we left it, the worse it would be. Of course, my parents knew that I was bi, but I’d never had a boyfriend as such, so this would be a first. Gerard on the other hand, was going to have to drop the sexuality bomb as well as tell his parents about us.

He was outside lounging on a deckchair, one of my dogs leaning against his legs.
He looked at me cheekily as I walked into the sunshine.

“He-eeey sexy.” he chirped.

I laughed and he pulled me onto his lap, nipping gently at my neck.
Focus, Frank.

“Um…Gee…” I began, playing with the collar of his jacket.

“Mhmm?” he mumbled, taking a sip of his coffee.

“I…think we should tell our parents about…us.”

He raised an eyebrow and pushed his fringe off his face, pouting thoughtfully.
“Now?” he asked, eyes closed.

“Sooner the better.” I pointed out.

He gave me a defeated look. “Fine, fine, I’ll call mom and tell her we’re visiting.”

I beamed and pecked his lips before skipping off to feed my dogs.
Of course, by the time we were halfway to Gerard’s Mom’s house I was rattling in my seat. He shook his head and held my hand on the gear stick. I wondered if he was reassuring himself or me.

His mom was waiting for us. Donna was like Gerard, she was just one of those people who knew the difference between a friendly visit and a “I have some news…” visit.
Still, she welcomed us warmly, hugging me as always, noting that I’d changed my hairstyle again.
She stopped us in the hall.

“Gerard, I’d like to know what’s going on please.”
Gerard opened his mouth and shut it again.
“Gerard Arthur Way. I did not raise you to keep secrets from me, I’d like to know what’s going on.”

He stood up straight, businesslike. If this weren’t such a touchy situation, I would’ve laughed. Business Gerard is so funny.
“Mom…I’m seeing someone.” he said bravely.

“I don’t doubt that. But why the secrecy?”

He squared himself. “Because that someone is Frank.” he grabbed my hand shakily and laced our fingers together. I was half hidden behind him, waiting.
“Oh.” she said, eyes wide.

“And I love him.” I spoke quietly.

Donnas expression went from confused to delighted before I could register it.
“Oh, boys!” she beamed. “I always knew… Of course you’ve told Michael I assume, and oh Lord I don’t know how your father is going to take this, but that doesn’t matter, this is wonderful.”

I was as shocked as Gerard.
“But mom…I’m bi… doesn’t that…bother you?”

She looked shocked. “Bothered?” Why would that bother me?! I’m just delighted you two have finally gotten together!” she was dialling digits on her phone.

“Mom, what are you doing?”

“Your father has to know, Gerard. I don’t want him finding out by being invited to your wedding… if you ever decided on one. I’ll handle him, go make Frank a sandwich, he looks like he’s going to pass out.

Gerard’s dad was harder convinced, but he came around, eventually saying that I was probably better for him than his usual choices.

One down, but tomorrow we would have to tackle my parents. Although I knew they’d be supportive, I couldn’t be sure what their reaction would be.

We spent most of the day with Donna. She made us dinner, and Gerard got roped into mowing the lawn. That suited me fine, as I got to watch his sweet ass. I had to control myself when he took his shirt off from the heat. I wouldn’t feel comfortable getting off over that in front of his mom.

We left that evening, and Gerard cleared his throat.
“Frank… Last night was amazing.”

I grinned. He smiled nervously.

“I…I want to take next time. Not tonight, because we’re both tired, but…next time.”

I squeezed his hand. “Baby, you don’t have to."

He shook his head. “I want to.”

I grinned and pecked his lips. “Next time.”
♠ ♠ ♠
D: Gaahhhh I'm SO Sorry I Havent Updated In Ages. Bear With Me Guys, Two More Weeks And The Exams Are Totally Over And I'll Be On Updates Every Couple Of Days!

My Newest Frerard Can Be Found HERE!. It's Co Written, Pleeeease Give It A Shot ^___^

Anyway, I Hope Ya'll Like Where This Is Going. I've Scrapped My Old Storyline, So I'm Looking Into A Knew One.
If There's Anything You Guys Wanna See, Tell Me And It Shall Be Done ^_^
Love Ya'll!!!
