Status: I'm thinking about deleting. If I do, I'm sorry, and I hope you've enjoyed reading.

A Kiss And I Will Surrender.


Frank P.O.V
My head was killing me. I made a mental note that beer would not be my poison from now on as I heaved myself out of bed.
Gerard was definitely awake. I could hear him making his usual racket downstairs. I sometimes wondered if he even knew how to be quiet.
I vaguely remembered our late night conversation. I didn’t know exactly how much I had revealed, but I knew I hadn’t told him the truth.
There was a text on my phone when I checked it.
“We need to talk when I get home.”
From my wife. Nice. I didn’t like the sound of that. My guess was that she was running away with some Latino guy she’d met. Or at least that was what I wanted to happen. It would tie things up nicely for me.
With that thought in mind, I threw on yesterdays clothes and headed downstairs with a notable spring in my step. It was nice out, adding to my good mood. I could spend some time in the pool today.
Gerard was sitting at the kitchen table, holding a book in one hand and a cigarette and a coffee cup in the other. His bed hair was rather sexy, I caught myself staring.
“Mornin’ Iero!” he smiled into his cup as he took a swig.
“Yo.” I said groggily, opening the refrigerator and grabbing a soda. “How’re you holdin’ up?”
“I’m good today actually!” he chirped. “And I want breakfast.”
I turned around. “You know I can’t cook… Right?”
“No, I want pancakes, can we go for pancakes?” he stood up.
I nearly fainted. He was just wearing boxers under his t-shirt. His boxers were tight, I could see his bulge. He was huge. I had to bite my lip and swallow a lump in my throat.
“Uh… Yeah… Sure. Gimme a sec to throw on some fresh clothes.” my eyes wandered to Gerard’s crotch. He looked to sexy. I was getting uncomfortable in my pants at this point, so set my can down on the workbench and jogged up the stairs.
Unfortunately, by the time I got to the top step, there was a sizeable problem in the crotch of my jeans. I knew I was going to have to sort that out before I went out. So help me, I was not going to have to explain my way out of a boner.
I locked my door behind me, before slipping off my belt and throwing it down on the bed. I fumbled with my pants button, my hands were shaking. My pants were kicked onto the floor as I lay back on the bed. I felt so wrong for doing this because of Gerard.
Slowly, I slid my hand down past the elastic of my boxers. It was going to take a while to sort this. Nobody generally got me this hard.
I wrapped my hand around my erection, wincing a little as it bit my lip to keep myself quiet.
I started moving my fist up and down, trying to keep my breathing even. That was tricky, as after a few seconds loud moans were attempting to escape from my lips.
I sped up the pace of my had to get it over with as fast as possible. My eyes fluttered shut as my hips started to buck involuntarily.
I was suddenly thinking of Gerard, just as a warm feeling started to rise in my stomach. Just thinking about seeing the bulge in his boxers downstairs was enough to push me over the edge.
I shot cum all over my hand, accidentally emitting a loud moan from the back of my throat. I lay still for a second, waiting for my breath to return to normal, praying that Gerard hadn’t heard me.
Now I really felt like a weirdo.
Throwing on fresh boxers, jeans, and a t-shirt, I headed downstairs, grabbing my jacket on the way.
Gerard was leaning against the wall in the hallway, wearing a wry smile. I knew that wasn’t good, so pretended to busy myself with searching for my car keys.
“Looking for something?” cooed Gerard.
“Keys.” I muttered.
“These ones?” he asked, dangling them in front of me.
I grinned and snatched at them. “Give them to me Gee!”
He smirked. “Like you were giving it to yourself up there?” he raised an eyebrow. I could tell he wanted to laugh.
I went bright red. “Ah… Um… That wasn’t… See…-”
“-It’s all good Frank, we all do it.” he laughed. “Just warn me next time so I can turn up my music or something.”
He handed me my keys. I let my hand linger on his just for a second.
There was a place near my house that did really good pancakes. I knew it would cheer Gerard up big style to get out, maybe see a few girls. He didn’t like to mope around too long.
Gerard ordered his pancakes with raspberry syrup, as usual. I had mine plain, still feeling a little fragile. It was quiet in the diner, so we were able to get a booth at the back, away from the door. I tended to get recognised in that diner as a regular thing.
I played absent mindedly with the spoon in my coffee for a while before Gerard spoke.
“So… Who’s this girl you told me about last night?”
I tensed up. He was going to know if I lied to him. He knew me too well.
“Look… Gee. It’s complicated. Like, really fucked up complicated. I’m just not ready to come clean yet. It’s not as simple as you might think.” I said, trying to explain my side as best as possible.
“Okay. But like, why is it a really big deal? I mean, it’s not like you’re gay or anything.” he pressed, laughing a little at his last sentence.
Maybe it took me a little too long to answer , because his eyes widened a little before he continued. “You’re not gay… Are you Frank?”
I made to cover for myself, fast. “Me? Gay? Hell no. I mean, I’m not homophobic or nothin’ but I’m not gay.”
He seemed a little disbelieving. “Then why all the secrecy?”
“I told you, Gee. It’s complicated. Really complicated.”
“But Frank, you said I know her-”
“Stop saying ‘her’, Gerard, please say ‘them’.” I was trying to make this as close to not lying as possible.
Gerard leaned in, clearly interested. “Really, Frankie? Why ‘them’?”
I knew I’d shot myself in the foot. “Just cos it’s… Cos it’s…”
“Cos it’s a guy.” smiled Gerard, finishing my sentence, perhaps not the way I’d intended.
“Gee, you don’t get it. Its not clear cut and black and white.”
“I thought you said you weren’t gay.” he grinned.
“I did. Cos I’m not. I’m bi.”
He looked both shocked and relieved at once. His eyes were wide, his mouth slightly open in awe.
“You’re bi!?”
“Gee! Keep your fucking voice down!”
“Sorry. You’re bi?” he said quietly, leaning across the table, closer to me. His breath smelled of coffee and raspberries. It made for a nice combination.
“Uh-huh” I answered into my coffee cup, keeping my head down., flattening my fringe over my eyes.
“For how long?” he asked gently.
“Dunno, few years I guess…” I was not liking this conversation at all.
“I can tell you don’t wanna talk about this… One last question?” he asked.
“Shoot.” I smiled weakly.
“Do you think you have a chance of being with this other guy you love?”
It was the hardest question he could have asked me. I suddenly felt my eyes water for some reason. “No.” I answered darkly, gripping my cup with so much force that I burned the palms of my hands.
Gerard’s hand was suddenly on my wrist, releasing me. He looked at my hand.
“You’re gonna need ice on that, dude.”