Status: I'm thinking about deleting. If I do, I'm sorry, and I hope you've enjoyed reading.

A Kiss And I Will Surrender.

Pool Party (In My Pants).

Gerard P.O.V
My second day in Frank’s house had been eventful to say the least.
First, I heard him going at himself upstairs. Then, he gives himself a third degree burn!
I had to drive home, his hand was blistered. He’d held onto his coffee cup much too hard. I think there might have been coffee on the outside of the cup, because the burn looked nasty.
We’d been talking about his marriage, or lack of, more appropriately. I’d managed to extract some pretty big information from him. He was in love with another guy. Another guy. I was surprised I hadn’t thought of that first. All those things we’d gotten up to on stage… Was I completely blind?
He was in a lot of pain by the time we managed to get back to the house. The palm of his hand was raw looking. I’d always been squeamish, but I could see he was uncomfortable, so I braved examining his hand.
He refused hospital treatment, just being Frank, so I put an ice pack on it before sitting him down on the couch and flopping down beside him.
It was quiet for a moment before he said something that shocked me a little.
“Gee, I wanna talk about this guy…”
“Oh? Go ahead.” I was genuinely interested.
“Okay… I’m going to leave her, just cos I can’t be with this guy doesn’t mean I gotta settle for second best… Right?”
I was astounded. Frank was casually talking about leaving the woman he’d been with for… Well, almost as long as I’d known him.
“But Frank… She’ll be lost without you… And no, you shouldn’t settle, but why change everything all of a sudden?” I was lost here.
“See Gerard, the way I feel for him is way stronger than for her. I can’t take it any more!” he looked as if he might break into tears, either from frustration or his hand.
“But you said you’d never get a chance with him. So why?”
“I need to do it Gee…” his eyes were watering. “I want you here when she gets back. Please. I can’t do this alone.”
All I could feel for Frank was sympathy. He’d fallen out of love with his wife, for someone he’d never have. I could emphasise with him, I knew how that felt. I knew from the day I met Frank that I’d never love anyone more than him. It was frustrating, enraging, making me miserable. I’d learned to live with it. It looked as though Frank and I were in the same boat.
“Of course I will Frank.” I said gently, putting my arm around his shoulders. “If it’s what you want I’ll stick by you.”
A small tear trickled down his cheek. Without thinking, I wiped it away with my thumb, pulling his face closer to mine. I had just made this situation very awkward for myself.
He gave me a weak smile before throwing his arm around me, making it a mercifully friendly hug. Situation defused.
“Gee…” he sniffed. “I’m gonna go in the pool for a while, take my mind off stuff… You comin’?”
I wasn’t sure if I wanted to push myself that far, but I figured I could handle seeing Frank in a pair of surfer shorts.
“Sure… No wait, shit, I didn’t bring my shorts.”
He smiled weakly. “You can borrow a pair of mine.”
Ten minutes later, I was wearing a pair of Frank’s largest shorts. The waist was too wide, but the length was right. Frank’s legs were quite a bit shorter than mine. They were black, fitted me okay. They’d have to do.
Frank was sitting at the edge of the pool letting his feet dangle in the water. He’d already jumped in the water, I noticed, as his hair was dripping water down his nose, onto his perfect body, disappearing at the waist of his shorts. Red shorts, shorter than they should’ve been. Tighter too. He did look completely sexy. Thank God if I got a little happy I could just jump in the water.
He looked up and wolf whistled at me. He always had been a cheeky little fucker. Still, it was nice to see he’d perked up. I noticed he had a white bandage around his hand.
I flipped him the bird with a raised eyebrow and a smirk before I dive bombed into the pool, spraying him all over.
When I resurfaced, he was still sitting there, dripping wet, looking absolutely flabbergasted.
All I could do was laugh at his expression. It was priceless. He looked adorable.
“If you were a girl I could make jokes about how I just made you soaking wet.” I smirked.
He raised an eyebrow, before getting up and walking away from the pool with a wry smile.
I wondered where he was going, but didn’t have to guess for long, as I heard a yell, before Frank cannon balled right on top of me.
He was laughing maniacally while I coughed and spluttered from the sudden gush of water that had shot down my throat.
“You f-f-fucker!” I half laughed, half choked.
He shrugged before lying back and casually floating next to me.
“I want a piggy back!” he declared.
I raised a sceptical eyebrow. He was like a toddler that constantly had to be kept amused. Not that I was complaining, I always gave him piggy backs on the tour bus. But now he was topless, and that could present a problem for me.
I sighed and turn around so he could jump up on my back. It was always amusing for me to make him jump up when he wanted a piggy back. I wasn’t exactly a six-footer, but I easily dwarfed Frankie. He was such a short ass that he always had to get a running jump in first. Sometimes just to be cruel, I’d stand up really straight so he couldn’t get a grip and he’d fall on his ass. (His very cute ass, may I add)
Frank was on my back before I could collect myself. He was lighter in the water, so had managed to elevate himself more than halfway up my back.
I was right to think that this would be a problem for me. His not particularly small package was pressed against my back, along with his soft torso, and I could feel his hot breath on my neck. I suddenly contracted goose bumps on my arms.
“Geeeeee.” he moaned, now really reminding me of a small un-entertained child. “Mooove!”
I laughed before I plunged down into the water, still with Frank on my back, resurfacing abruptly. His face wore the same expression it had when I dive bombed him. Priceless.
“You’re gonna get it for that, you bitch!” he yelled as I shoved him off and swam to the other side of the pool like a maniac.
Just for the record, swimming is hard when you’re laughing hysterically at the same time. Frank caught me easily and pushed me under the surface. I could hear him chortling from above the water. At least he’d chirped up and wasn’t sad about his wife now, I just hoped he wasn’t so happy that he was gonna drown me in the process!
I smiled and shoved him so he fell back, before tackling him. This was turning into a fun wrestling match, and I was liking it. I was liking it even more below the waist, I noticed, but with any luck the huge swimming trunks would cover any problems that had…arisen.
Frank tried to tackle me back, but I was too sturdy for him to knock over. The way he tackled me meant he was now face to face with me, his hands on my chest, his legs wrapped around my hips.
We were both panting, which made the moment even more awkward. Add the problem in my pants to the equation and that made four really red cheeks in the pool.
It was some comfort that he was blushing too. He retracted his grip and chuckled a little bashfully. He was so cute when he was embarrassed.
We both jumped when we heard someone clear their throat loudly.
We wheeled around, and I came face to face with one of the people I despised most in the entire world.
“Sorry to interrupt.” scowled Franks wife.