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A Kiss And I Will Surrender.

The Break-Up

Frank P.O.V
My jaw practically whammed off the pool floor. Where the fuck did she come from? Of all the people to turn up at that moment, my wife!
I heard Gerard quietly groan from behind me. The feeling was more than mutual. I wasn’t that keen on her right now myself either.
She stool there with a face like thunder. It wasn’t scary, I’d seen it many times before, and then her voice would shoot through my head like a drill, before I just switched off and nodded my head periodically. No, her expression wasn’t scary… But it made her very unattractive… Not that she had anything on Gerard in the looks department… In any department.
“You’re early.” I said, without showing any emotion in my voice.
“Clearly you weren’t expecting me.” she replied icily, glaring at me, then Gerard.
“Would you mind not looking at Gerard like that?” I asked a little heatedly. Oh Hell no, I was not taking any shit from her.
She sniffed. I stared her down, before she spoke again.
“What’s he doing here anyway?”
“Gerard is here because I want him to be. It’s my house, in case you hadn’t noticed.” I replied, holding back the venom that wanted to spit from me.
“Frank, I haven’t got long… I need to speak to you… Alone.” she said, looking at the floor.
“Whatever you want to say, you say it in front of Gerard. Out with it.” I shot a sideways glance at Gerard. He looked very uncomfortable with the situation. He was experiencing the milder side of this marriage, it got a lot worse.
She sighed. “Look Frank… Going away has made me realise-”
I cut her off. “-How many?”
She looked confused. “What?”
I couldn’t believe she was playing dumb. “Oh I’m sorry darling, I suppose you want me to dumb it down for you. How many men did you sleep with when you went on your little ‘holiday’?”
She looked down straight away. A non verbal admission of guilt.
“Frank…” she said hoarsely.
I was out of the pool, and Gerard was behind me like a shot. I felt his grip on my arm, he knew I was going to fly off the handle.
“How many!?” I hissed at her.
She winced. “Three… But they didn’t mean anything Frank! I swear!”
I was seething. Not that I was going to miss her when I threw her out, but I was just pissed off that she’d cheated on me.
“What do you mean ‘They didn’t mean anything.’!? If they didn’t mean anything, you wouldn’t have fucking slept with them , would you!?” I yelled. Gerard’s grip on me tightened.
There were tears forming in her eyes. Good, she deserved it.
“Frank… Please.”
I deflated a little. “Okay, I’m not gonna get my blood pressure up over this. Get your stuff. I’ll call you a taxi, go finish your trip. I don’t want to see you again until I need you to sign the divorce papers… Got it?”
“But Frank… I love you, I’m so sorry!” she pleaded.
I was already heading inside, with Gerard at my heels. “I wish I could say the same.” I said back to her.
Gerard stopped me in the hall.
“Frank, are you sure?…”
“Positive.” I muttered darkly.
I didn’t bother to say goodbye to her. When the taxi came, I yelled up the stairs to inform her, then headed into the living room and sat cross legged on the couch until she was gone.
Gerard stayed quiet through everything. It was unusual for him, but I guessed he didn’t know what to say. Maybe he was dwelling on his own break up. Either way, I decided to leave him for a while.
I changed into a pair of jeans and a hoodie, and left the house, nodding to Gerard on the way out. He’d understand that I needed some time alone.
I pounded a few blocks, not wondering or caring where I was going. I was in a blind rage.
I walked for two hours, and made it seem like twenty minutes. It was dark, and I’d made it the whole way into Jersey City.
I was in the rougher part of town, so I knew it’d be too late to start home. I headed to the nearest payphone and dialled Gerard’s cell number.
It only rang twice before he picked up.
“Hello?” he sounded panicked.
“Gee, hey.” I said quietly, knowing not to draw attention to myself around the area I was in.
“Frank! What the fuck? I’ve been so worried! Where the Hell are you!?”
“It’s okay Gee… I just went for a walk… I need you to pick me up.” I replied.
“Yeah, sure thing, where are you?” he said, I heard my key drawer rattle. Gerard was so reliable.
I sighed. “Bus shelter at Fairlawn”
“Be there soon.” he assured me, before he hung up.
Gerard was there in fifteen minutes. (I said he was reliable.)
I popped open the car door and snuggled into the warm interior.
“Are you okay?” Gerard asked, giving me the once over.
“I’m fine.” I said, smiling weakly.
“You should go to bed, you look totally drained.” he said, touching my cheek, instantly setting me on fire.
For some reason, and it baffled my why, at that moment I looked at Gerard and small tears started to seep from my eyes. Before I knew what was going on, I was in Gerard’s arms and crying into his chest.
He stroked my hair gently. “Shh, she’s gone Frankie, it’s over, it won’t hurt any more.”
Was I crying with relief? It seemed likely.
“Gee…” I whispered into his chest. “Will you stay in my room tonight? I don’t wanna be alone.” When I said that, I meant it. I was down, and Gerard was the only person who could make me smile again.
“Of course I will.” was his reply, before I felt his lips press on my hair.
My heart went wild. Gerard had that effect on me all the time, but now it was stronger than usual. I knew it was definitely love.
We drove back to my place, Gerard keeping his arm around me as I shivered in the freezing air.
I didn’t bother getting changed, just rolled under the covers fully clothed as Gerard shuffled in beside me.
He rolled me to face him and wrapped his arms around me. My second time that night to snuggle into his aromatic chest.
“Will it get better?” I asked quietly.
“It’s just shock.” he said, his voice like velvet. “You’ll be fine, I’m always here.”
His lips pressed to my hair again.
I wanted to kiss him so badly, I just wanted him. But I was too tired. His breath was entrancing like a lullaby, and it didn’t take me long to fall asleep in his warm arms.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank You So Much To The Readers And Subscribers Who Have Already Made This A Three Star (: You Guys Rock! xxx