Status: I'm thinking about deleting. If I do, I'm sorry, and I hope you've enjoyed reading.

A Kiss And I Will Surrender.

Gerard Hearts Sesame Street.

Frank’s P.O.V
We were in my car on the way to the mall. It was sunny, and I was in a good mood.
I was worried that Gerard had heard me that morning. I’d had a wet dream, which was embarrassing enough, but it was about him, which made it worse. I wondered if I’d moaned out his name or anything, because I always did that when I had a sex dream. But he didn’t seem awkward, so I assumed he’d just heard some light moaning. He could deal with that if he chose to live in the same house as me.
Luckily, the mall wasn’t swarming with people. People meant fans, fans meant photos. Not that I didn’t love meeting fans, I just didn’t want to take photos that day cos I looked like crap.
Gerard was driving around the pretty empty parking lot, humming and drumming his finders on the steering wheel. I loved seeing him in a good mood.
“Gee, what are you doing?” I laughed as he circled the lot again.
“You don’t get to drive around in L.A, you’re always in traffic, so if you must know… I’m joyriding.” he smiled.
“You gotta be driving fast to be joyriding!” I pointed out.
I shouldn’t have said that. A mischievous smirk played on his lips, before he rammed his foot on the gas and sent us hurtling through the centre of the lot.
It only took his ten seconds to cross the whole thing before he jammed on the brakes and I shot forward and back, my face a mixture of amusement and shock.
Gerard was laughing like a psychopath. It was creepy.
“You dipshit!” I laughed.
He shrugged, parked the car neatly across two spaces. I glared.
“What!? It’s quiet today, no one else is gonna use ’em!” he smiled cheekily.
Damn him for being irresistible.
First, we headed to the music store. I browsed CD’s, Gerard sifted through T-shirts.
He’d giggle every time he saw some of our merch. He always did that.
I found a few CD’s of interest. The girl at the counter knew who I was, so I accepted signing the copy of Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge she presented me with. I got Gerard to sign it for her too, seeing as I noticed she hadn’t charged me nearly enough.
He was in the changing room, trying on t-shirts after that. I was idle, so started flicking through X-Box games.
“Can I help you?” asked a voice.
I wheeled around. A pretty blond girl was standing behind me. She was wearing the black music store uniform. It looked hot on her. She was hot for that matter. She was smiling. I got the impression she didn’t know who I was. That was good.
“Hey…” I thought of an excuse to talk to her fast. “Uh yeah, I was wondering of you had the new Halo?”
She smiled. “I’ll check.”
She very purposely bent right down to the bottom shelf. She had a great ass, I couldn’t help but look.
“Oh, I think we’ve sold out.” she said a little quietly. Of course they were sold out, I’d bought the last one!
“Oh…Final Fantasy?” I asked.
“We have that!” she beamed, leaning across to another shelf. Full view of her cleavage this time. Man, this chick should’ve been in the playboy mansion!
She handed me the game. “I’ll take it.” I smiled. I had actually meant to buy that game, I’d just never bothered.
I followed her to the checkout.
“I like your tattoos.” she smiled.
She was flirting with me, that much was very clear.
“Thanks, you got any?” I grinned.
She gave me a sultry look. “Just the one.”
“Oh…I cant see it.” I flirted.
“My pants get in the way.” she whispered across the counter.
Gerard came out wearing a Sesame Street T-shirt. He was laughing. He looked like a pervert. Both the sales girl and I laughed at him.
“This is my friend Gerard.” I said to her.
“Hey Gerard, I’m Aimee!”
Aha! I had her name.
Gerard said hello before disappearing again.
In fifteen minutes, I learned that Aimee was twenty four, chasing a modelling career but losing as she was only five foot two, she was a natural blond, she loved Britney Spears, and her favourite food was Mexican.
Gerard was paying for his many t-shirts, when I plucked up the courage to ask her out.
“Hey Aimee…”
“Yes Frank?”
“What time do you quit?”
“Six.” she smiled.
“How ‘bout you go home, get yourself a bath and some fresh clothes, and I pick you up here at eight, dinner and a movie?”
She beamed from ear to ear. “Ooh yay! That sounds way cool!”
She scribbled her cell number on the back of Gerard’s receipt, and we left the store.
“Well that was productive for someone!” Gerard teased.
“I just need to take my mind off the whole break-up thing” I explained. “It’s just a bit of fun, I don’t want another relationship yet.”
“I hear ya there!” he laughed.
I elbowed Gerard playfully. “You’re helping me choose what to wear.”
He groaned. This was going to be a fun day.
♠ ♠ ♠
Note: This is my second update today, remember to read the chapter before this one! And please get those songs on the comment board! Loveage, Fergal!!!! xxx
Note #2: I've had a comment or two about his chapter, so just so everyones clear: Frank asked someone out because he doesn't think he has a chance with Gerard, as you'd have seen in 'Pancakes', just to clear up that confusion (: I'd also like to stress that he said he only wanted a bit of fun with this girl, nothing serious. Remember, Frank and Gerard don't know how the other feels yet. I've put Aimee into the story to push things along a little (; xo