Come Alive Tonight


The sun shown through the clouds on that fateful spring day, where the ocean met the sand with the sound of thunder, and the seagulls flocked around the coast hunting for abandonded crabs.

Already the temperature had broken the previous days record and continued to climb every hour, making it feel more like summer when it was only spring.

Rory sat in her backyard, with her closest friend Marlena, sunning themselves.

"Why are we even out here? I mean, I barely tan and it's way to hot out here for that! I'm going swimming."

Marlena stood up and walked over to the pool, and sat on the side. She slowly put one foot in, then the other, as she inched her way into the pool.

"Jesus, that's fucking cold."

Rory lifted her sunglasses and looked over at Marlena, "You can't expect the water to be as hot as the air around us."

Marlena shot Rory a dirty look and went back to wading in the pool.

"I can't believe you're going to college in three months. That really sucks, man. We're going to hang out a lot this summer and then you're going to leave me here by my lonesome."

Rory rolled her eyes, "Calm down. I'll be home once in a while.."

Marlena huffed as she finally got used to the temperature.

"Still. I don't know how I'm going to survive without you."

Rory gave her a small smile, "You'll manage. You always do."

Marlena shrugged, "I guess I do."