Sequel: Can't Go Back
Status: Updated August 24

Brave New World

Cuddly... Like A Teddy Bear

I was back at Kiro’s house, and I was tired. All this drama in one day was making me sleepy. I started to fall asleep on the couch when I felt a light nudge.

“Hm” I said as I looked up at him.

“I got you something- two things” he said as he sat beside me. I tried to get up.

“No don’t, you’ll hurt your foot” he said so I stopped moving. “Ok so first I got you plane tickets for New York, tomorrow 17:00 (5:00pm)”

“Ok” I said.

“And second” he said pulling out a velvet box.

“What’s in the box?”

“Open it and find out” he said as I took the box from him. I opened it and inside was a necklace. On the chain was a locket. I opened it to a picture of me and Kiro. On the top it had C+K and the year engraved into it.

“Awe Kiro I love it” I said as I gave him a sideways hug.

“Your welcome, it took me a long time to pick the picture. We took a lot that day” he said as I remembered the day. It was at one of those photo booths. The picture he had chosen was me sticking my tongue out at him while laughing, Kiro was just laughing.

“I’m glad you like it, it’s a way to remember me”

“I would never forget you” I told him.

“Good, you will not be forgotten either” he added as I laughed at him.

“I’m tired” I said as I tried to lye down but Kiro was in the way.

“Here I’ll turn the TV on and let you lye down”

“And where are you going?”

“I have things to do” he said as I made a pouty face.


“Watch TV with me” I told him. He looked at me then the wall, then back at me. “Fine” he said as I smiled. I sat up so he could sit beside me. “Shouldn’t your foot be elevated?”

“Not anymore, but it still hurts” I said

“Well” he said as he began to lie down.

“What are you doing?”

“Relaxing. You should try it”

“Maybe I will” I said as I lay beside him, but the couch isn’t that big so I began to slip. “I’m sliding” I said laughing.

“I’ll save you” he said laughing as well. He put his arms around me pulling me up. But when he went to put his arms around me, he hit me in the head with his watch.

“Was that your watch?” I asked as I rubbed my head.

“Yes I’m so sorry” he said as he kissed my head.

“Must you wear that all the time?”

“No I guess not” he said as he took it off. “Better?”

“Yes” I said as I lay in his arms. I wanted this to last forever. He was just like a teddy bear- all cuddly. I didn’t know what was on TV, I didn’t really care it was kind of boring. So instead I took Kiro’s hand and started to play with his rings.

“May I ask what your doing?”

“I got bored, I’m playing with your rings” I said

“So you wanted me to watch TV with you because…?”

“I don’t know. I just like your company” he just laughed. I was a little shorter than Kiro so his head was above mine. My head was rested in the crook of his neck. I stopped playing with Kiro’s hand and I tried to pay attention to the TV. It didn’t help that Kiro started playing with my hands.

“What are you doing?”

“Playing with your hands now” he said as I looked up at him and he looked down at me. “You know you weren’t watching it” he said as he turned the TV off.

“Well, your right” I said as we lay there in silence. I looked back up at him to see him looking down on me. I couldn’t help it I moved and locked my lips to his. I was hoping for him to deep the kiss, but he seemed to be playing it cool. That’s when I deepened it, he pulled away and I looked at him.

“What?” I asked him as I got up.


“Then what was that?” I asked in an annoyed tone.

“I don’t know”

“You don’t kn-ow” I was cut off, Kiro jumped forward and kissed me, deepening the kiss. This was the life, it belonged here in Russia, or that’s what it seemed.

“Kiro” I panted. He stopped kissing me and looked at me.


“I don’t think I want to go back to New York” he smiled

“What about your family, friends, school?”

“Who cares” I said.

“I’d think you” he said. “Just got back, see New York again” he said moving some of my hair.

“What about you?”

“Don’t worry about me. I know how to find you, I’ll visit”

“Really you would?”

“Yes of coarse” he said kissing me. “And just worry about sleeping, it’s getting late” he was right it was dark outside. He lay back down and I lay in his arms all cuddly. “And by the way, you’re really sexy when your annoyed” he said as I rolle my eyes. Who knew one person could have such an affect on me I thought as fell asleep.
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Ok so I was wondering, how would you guys feel if I put Robert Pattinson in this? I'm not sure if I want to do it for not, I need your help! Also if you have any other celebs that you think you'd like to see in this story comment telling me which one.