Sequel: Can't Go Back
Status: Updated August 24

Brave New World

You gay or Somthing?

"You make me breakfast in bed, when I’m mixed up in my head, you wake me with a kiss, and I could get used to this. You think I look the best, when my hair is a mess, I could get used to this. Because I know you’re too good to be true. I must have done something good to meet you. When I freak you understand, because you listen to me when I’m depressed, don’t seem to make you like me less. Everything good thing you do, feels like you mean it"

Kiro’s P.O.V

Strify spent the night with me like he said he would. Yu stayed in his room the whole night, so we had nothing to worry about.

I rolled over and saw that Strify was still asleep, and I had the perfect way to wake him up. I quietly got beside him then on him and I kissed him. He panicked for a fraction of a second then he kissed me back. I pulled away and he opened his eyes.

“Good morning” I said as he smiled.

“Waking up like this every morning would be nice” he said as he sat up.

“I’m on it, but it’ll only work if I wake up before you”

“I’ll find a way to wake you up” he said as I got up off of him. I could here Yu downstairs.

“Do you think he knows?” Strify asked as we walked downstairs.

“No” I said as we reached the kitchen.

“Morning” Yu said in a cherry voice.

“Morning” I said as I sat down.

“How did you sleep?” he asked as Strify gave me a ‘He totally knows’ look.

“It was alright” I said as Yu came and hugged me.

“I’m sorry”

“It’s ok, I’m coping” I said.

“Well, I have to go run errands, I’ll be back later” he said as he darted out the front door.

“It’s just you and me” Strify sang.

“Yeah, and he doesn’t know anything, I can tell”

“Fine, fine” he said as he pulled me into a kiss. “Let’s make out” he said as he pulled me to the couch.

“Can we not?” I asked him as looked up at me.

“Why?” he asked me as he pecked me.

“Not here, too many memories” he said as he picked me up.

“Ah, what are you doing?” I asked him laughing as he brought me upstairs.

“Accommodating to your needs” he said as he dropped me on the bed and began furiously making out with me. We only got as far as shirts on the floor when his phone went off.

“Damn it” he cursed as he answered.

“Hello?... Yes I’m back… Yes for good… right now… an hour… ok, ok I’ll be there. Bye” he said as he hung up the phone. “I have to go to the recording studio, Shin’s there as well”

“Do I have to come?” I asked.

“I don’t think so, didn’t ask for you”

“Well you better go” I said sad in my voice.

“I’ve got to be there in an hour, and you can’t wait” he said as he began where we left off.

“Strify” I panted as he stopped and looked at me. “I think we should continue later, you need to go” I said.

“Shit you’re right” he said as he looked at the clock. He was supposed to be there in 10 minutes. He got dressed frantically. “I’ll be back later, I love you” he said kissing me again.

“Bye. Love you more” I called as he ran out. I was left alone in the big empty house. I walked down to the living room and sat on the couch. The same spot from the night. I looked over and I imagined she was sitting there. I could see her smiling. But when I looked from the TV and back she was gone. I was crying. I was brought out of my tears when the door bell rang. Who the hell could that be? I thought as I dried my eyes and make it look like I hadn’t been crying. I went and finally answered the door.

“Mechanic girl?” I blurted out. “Oh sorry”

“It’s ok, is Yu around?”

“No, not now, he said he’d be back, you could wait if you want” I offered as she looked down the street.

“You don’t mind if I stay a little?”

“Nah” I said as I let her in.

“I’ll just stay in the living room, you don’t have to get me anything, and I’m fine” she said as I looked at her. I knew her from somewhere, just I didn’t know where.

“Have I seen you before?” I asked

“Yeah, last night” she laughed.

“No, I mean before that”

“Maybe, maybe you’ve seen in movies that I’ve been in”

“Yes you are, I just don’t remember your name”


“Megan Fox?” I asked.


“And you’re here to see Yu? Does he know who you are? He might just like you for your looks. Sorry” I apologized. I was way out of line.

“It’s ok; yes he knows who I am”

“Ok, I was just saying for you because you are very beautiful”

“I know, and every boy has a crush on me”

“Hey, not every boy” I said

“What, you know someone that doesn’t have a crush on me?”

“Yeah, I don’t”

“Well you’re a first, you gay or something?”

“Excuse me, no I am not, anyways it’s not any of your business”

“Sorry, touchy subject” she said as she looked away. “You’re lying, you do like me”

“What no!” I protested.

“The way you’re looking at me”

“Means nothing, I think you’re beautiful, maybe even smart and funny, I wouldn’t know, but I don’t have a ‘crush’ on you”


“My girlfriend just died” I yelled as Yu walked in.

“Kiro, why are you yelling? Oh hello” he said as he ignored me. “Kiro, meet Megan Fox”

“I’ve already met her” I said as I began to walk upstairs when Strify came home.

“Strify” Yu called as Strify walked into the living room. Great I wasn’t seeing Strify tonight, to into that whore. I thought as I went and locked myself in my room. I heard footsteps about half an hour later; they walked in the direction of Strify’s room. Then I heard two sets of footsteps and laughing. Yu and Megan were going to Yu’s room. I heard the door slam and then footsteps again, a knock on my door.

“Kiro, you ok?” I heard Strify. I got up to let him in. I shook my head to his question.

“Awe, what’s wrong?”

“Megan Fox” I said spitting her name.

“Why?” he asked as if he had no problem with her.

“She thinks I’m gay and that I have a ‘crush’ on her because every guy does” I whined.

“You don’t have to listen to her” he said as he sat beside me.

“Yeah” I sighed.

“I’d like to go back to where we left off” he said as he kissed me. I let him kiss me but once he got a hold of my shirt I cut him off.


“Not tonight, Yu’s next door”

“It could be practice for me since I need to learn to be quite”

“Just not tonight” I said louder.

“Ok, ok calm down” he said as I could feel tears in my eyes.

“I’m sorry, today’s been one of those days” I said as I leaned on Strify.

“Yeah I know” he said as he rested on me. “I was at the recording studio and they want us to record new stuff that we don’t have, well not yet anyways” he said as I held him.

“I thought this was our break, no concerts, no touring, no interviews, and no recording. We need it, we’ve worked our butts off” I said as he smiled. A smile it was good to see.

“I know, I guess they want us that bad”

“Well tell them no” I said as we both laughed. “You don’t mind if I sleep on you?” I asked.

“Nah, you’ve done it before”

“Oh right” I giggled as we heard banging coming from the other room. “Oh God” I said as I thought of what was going on next door.

“I don’t want to know” Strify said as it continued.

It continued for half an hour straight and it was still going. I couldn’t sleep through it. I knew Strify couldn’t either so I kissed him.

“I have an idea” I giggled.

“What might that be?”

“Bang me against the wall, oh God that sounded so wrong” I said laughing.


“No, I just want you to push against it, no actual ‘banging’” I said looking at him.

“Ok” he said as he pushed me against the wall.

“Ow, not so hard, holy crap” I said as I rubbed my back.

“Sorry” he said as he pushed me again but more gently. “How long do we have to do this?” he asked like an impatient five year old.

“As long as they did” I said as he pushed me again. “If you want I can push you” I said as he kissed me as I pushed him against the wall which made a big bang, but I barley noticed. I was too busy with Strify. He preoccupied everything for me.

“Str-” I couldn’t finish the rest of his name, he kissed me. “What-” he started moving to my jaw “part-” then my ear “of-” my neck “no-” my shoulder “banging-” my chest “don’t-” my stomach “you-” my thigh “understand” I almost screamed as he pulled the last of my clothes off.

“I don’t understand” he said as he laughed.

“Kiro?” Yu called

“Shit! Go into my closest” I told him as he obeyed. I hid under the covers.


“Wanted to know if you were ok, I heard banging and you screamed”

“Oh yeah, I’m fine” I said.

“You sure?” he asked stepping into the room.

“Yeah, you can go now” I said sounding pushy.

“Ok, ok just making sure” he said as he left.

“That was so close” I said as he came out.


“You need to work on quite”

“Me, try you, he heard you screaming, not me” he said.

“Oh shut up” I said hitting him with a pillow.
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The song I got the quote from the top is called "I Could Get Used To This" by The Veroincas listen here "I Could Get Used To This" By The Veronicas