Sequel: Can't Go Back
Status: Updated August 24

Brave New World

I Forgive You

**Song used in authors note**
Strify’s P.O.V

Its been a long year
Since we last spoke
Hows your halo?
Just between you and I

I got home realizing I wasn’t wearing a shirt.

“Strify? Where did you go? And why aren’t you wearing a shirt?” Shin asked turning Julia’s head.

“Long story short, I went to visit Kiro”

“And?” he asked following me. “Good, bad?”

“Both I think. It was bad at first, he was really mad, and he didn’t want to see me”


“But I think I got through to him”

“Oh God not by doing what I hope you didn’t do”

“Relax, no we did not do what your thinking”

“Oh good” he said as the doorbell rang. “I’ll get it” he said as I heard him open the front door.

You and me and the satellites
I never believed you
I only wanted to
Before all of this
What did I miss?

“Hey Kiro” I could hear him say. I quickly pulled the shirt on and moved so I could see what he wanted.

Do you ever get homesick?
I cant get used to it
I cant get used to it
Ill never get used to it
Ill never get used to it

“Hey shin, hey baby” he said to Julia. “Can you give this to Strify, he left it at my house”

“And you guys didn’t have S-E-X?” he asked spelling it out for Julia’s sake.

“No, I just teased him a little, that was about it”


“Is he there?” he asked.

“Yeah let me get him. Strify” he called as I appeared from behind the couch.


“Door” he called as I went to see what Kiro wanted.

I’m under that night

“Hi” I said as I stepped outside closing the door behind me.

I’m under those same stars

“Hi, I was wondering, are you doing anything tonight?”

“No, just watching our baby” I said as I looked at him. He looked nervous.

“Oh right, never mind then” he said as he began to walk away.

Were in a red car.

“Kiro” I said pulling his arm.

“Want to go to the movies tonight?” he blurted out.

You asleep at my side

“Yes I do, I’ll get Shin to babysit” I said as he smiled. “I’ll see you tonight” I said as he left.

Going in and out of the headlights

“What’s going on?” Shin asked as I took Julia from him. Must he be so nosy?

“I’m going to the movies with Kiro, and you are going to babysit” I told him as he nodded.

“I’ll do it, but only because I’m helping you guys get back together”

“Sure Shin, if we asked you to, you’d still do it no matter what”

“Shut up” he said as I laughed.

“Isn’t uncle Shin funny” I said to Julia as she pulled at my hair. “No, not dada’s hair” I said as she pulled harder. “No” I said trying to pull her hands out of my hair. “I could use some help” I said as Shin laughed.

“I’m sorry, this is just too funny”

“Ha-ha not funny” I said as I got one hand. Finally I got both hands out of my hair. “Bad girl” I said as she smiled. “You’re not supposed to smile” I said as she reached for my hair again. “No” I said as I tied it back. “Nap time” I said as I put her in the playpen. Every time I left the room she cried. “What?” I asked her as she stopped crying. I left and she started again. So I grabbed her and slept with her. This worked much better.

Kiro’s P.O.V

I asked Strify to go to the movies with me so I could have alone time with Strify. This would be like a first date, or so I hoped this would go.

“Hey Kiro, how are you feeling?” Robert came and asked me.

Could I have saved you?

“Better. I’m just really nervous”

Would thatve betrayed you?


“I asked Strify to a movie”

So, why are you nervous? You guys are best friends, everything should feel normal”

“You’re right, it should feel normal. It’s just that he makes me feel nervous”

I wanna burn this film

“And why is that?”

“I feel like I need to please him”

“Oh Kiro, that’s the last thing you want to do. Strify loves you for you, not the person you try to be”

“I know”

You alone with those pills

“So, what time is the movie?” he asked. I guess he wanted to lighten the mood.

“Nine, but I plan to pick him up at seven so we can go eat”

“Sounds good, you better get moving its six now”

“No, it’s not. Oh crap!” I said scrambling trying to get my stuff together.

What you couldn’t do I will

About an hour later I walked down and stood in front of the T.V.

“Hey, I’m watching that”

“Tell me how I look”

‘Good-now move”

“For real, how do I look?” I asked as he looked at me.

“I don’t like the hat” he said as I took it off. “And don’t you think the shirt is a bit much for a first date, as you like to call it, plus it’s getting cold outside” he said as I went to look at myself in the mirror. I had my grey shirt that fell over the shoulder on. Maybe it was a bit too much; I might turn Strify on way too easily with it.

“I’ll use this shirt for date number four or something”

“Good idea” he said as I went to change. I came down wearing a black shirt. It was a little tight, but I liked it that way.

“Is this better?” I asked as he looked up at me.

“Why is your shirt so tight?”

“I like it that way, gosh, you’re acting like my father” I said as I got my shoes on.

“You asked my opinion, but anyways have a fun night” he called as I left.

I forgive you
Ill forgive you
Ill forgive you
I forgive you

I walked across the street, I was happy to be going on a date with Strify after all of the silence. I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going, just looking straight across at Shin’s front door. I didn’t look crossing the street, so a street racing came zooming towards me at high speed, knocking me over. I didn’t know what to do. I couldn’t move. The pain in my left arm was unbearable. The car had managed to drive off, but I was stuck in the middle of the road, not able to move. I could hear voices as they got closer, but I passed out before I could see who it was.

For blue, blue skies
For blue, blue skies
For blue, blue skies
For blue, blue skies
Ill forgive you
♠ ♠ ♠
Song used during the chapter.. I might make a website for the story, I'm undecided, but it might happen.